Non-motoring > Saw these and... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: devonite Replies: 9

 Saw these and... - devonite
Thought of Pat!
 Saw these and... - MD
How flippant............(0:-:0)
 Saw these and... - Zero
Lets not all get in a flap.
 Saw these and... - Clk Sec
She'll soon have them wade up.
 Saw these and... - madf
Nice shoes on the web.
 Saw these and... - Clk Sec

She's ducking out of this one.
 Saw these and... - henry k
 Saw these and... - Pat
Well, I'm flattered Devonite:)

I do so hope we never meet, you may be sadly disillusioned, heels that high are for really posh do's only. I'm far more at home in a pair of steel toe capped boots!

I could have done with them today though. We collected the caravan after it's first service and the heavens opened!.....but at least the wipers switched off when they were told to:)

 Saw these and... - zookeeper
i can never watch stingray again now

stay with it
 Saw these and... - Zero
very good
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