Ionisers - snake oil or valuable aid to lingering night time stuffy noses and coughs?
It'll cost me about £25 to find out for myself, so any thoughts from here first welcomed.
>> snake oil or valuable aid to lingering night time stuffy noses and coughs?<<
You could always sleep with the window open like I do, and get woken up at 4am by Baa, Baa!
I wouldn't be without mine. The two that I've owned over the last thirty years or so have been well worth the investment.
More information here, CC:
Bought a cheap ioniser from Amazon. Spent the first two days wondering if it was doing something, then daringly, held the needles directly under my nose, where it was evident that a faint draught was being produced.
Can't say I've noticed the room improving in air quality, but can say that my long term general nose stuffiness and so forth does seem improved, after a week.
I've also had the pleasure of being introduced to Mrs C's new "snake oil dance" which involves lots of arm waving, mocking laughter and concomitant gurning. I believe this to mean she's not convinced of the efficacy of the product, and the movie she has rented for tonight is, bizarrely, called "The Placebo Effect" which I take to be science fiction.
>>Can't say I've noticed the room improving in air quality,
Nor me. I bought my first ioniser many years ago to help out with hay fever, which it did very well. But neither that, nor the one I bought a while back, is of much use if located any further away than my bedside table.
Thanks for the update.
Every time you open a door or window you are neutralizing any effect it MAY have created, all you are really doing is as SWMBO is trying to get over to you, is enlarging your carbon footprint and running up your electric bill! - Me thinks "placebo effect" sums it up perfectly! ;-)
Can you You-Tube the erotic Placebo-dance? - pleeese!! ;-)
I run it overnight in a room with doors and windows shut, then the doors are opened at getting up time, but kept closed when possible, then it's run all day with everything closed again.
As to power, it draws, according to the plate on it 0.3 watts, so not huge.
Who said the dance was erotic? It's barely zoic.
>>Mrs C's new "snake oil dance" which involves lots of arm waving, mocking laughter and concomitant gurning.
Compared to what I get, thats Erotic!!
>>Compared to what I get, thats Erotic!!<<
Less 4play and more foreplay ike!