Non-motoring > Camera sensitive dog ! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 50

 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.

Let the pupster out for a few minutes - checked through the window and despite having a good 1/2 acre to play in he stands in a flower bed ! Good photo I thought. He spotted me taking the first shot and decided to investigate and then pose....
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Dog
Nice looking dog Pugley, handsome even says the missus, your grass looks nice and green, with all the rain and that.

 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
You may spot a greener bit - a gardening experiment that's gone wrong....
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Dog
I did notice that as it happens, but just assumed it was some Solstice ritual thingy.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Kevin
>despite having a good 1/2 acre to play in he stands in a flower bed !

Flower bed?

For Glub's sake Rob, give him a credit card and directions to a garden centre - he's trying to tell you something.

Handsome pooch though.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Londoner
Nice! Intelligent looking dog, that.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Zero
Theres a bone buried in that bed. Its either one of his, or the leg of some ancient welsh troglodyte.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
He's a clever dog - make no mistake as is the other one, both know what they like and want - been fighting over the older dog's bed all evening....all growls and bared teeth....
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Fullchat
That's 'ride on' size that garden.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Pat
The dog is beautiful....pity I can't say the same for the garden!

You need the services of a good garden designer:)

Long straight green rectangular strips are boring.....
Add some height, make some rooms, buy some reclaimed ornaments, dig some proper beds ( that's a boring border!).

It's all straight and uniform, it needs to be curvy, needs paths to wander through arches covered in Albertine roses.

I could do so much with that.......:)


 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
There's a covenant on the place - must be retained as a "meadow".
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Iffy
...There's a covenant on the place - must be retained as a "meadow"...

You are probably wise to abide by it.

Several people have got themselves into long running and expensive legal battles by turning a field into a garden.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
Next door neighbour had trouble with an Apparatchik from the Planning Politburo of the Anglesey Supreme Soviet when she put a shed up. Don't need that sort of crap.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Duncan
>> Next door neighbour had trouble with an Apparatchik from the Planning Politburo of the Anglesey Supreme Soviet when she put a shed up. Don't need that sort of crap.

Ah! That's the Welsh for you, boy!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - CGNorwich
Planning requirements for sheds can be a problem everywhere. Depends very much on the size, where you want to put it and want you want to use if for.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Runfer D'Hills
>>must be retained as a "meadow"...

Probably supposed to keep sheep on it being in Wales.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - DeeW
Pat, you are welcome to come and play with my garden! Apart from four very mature apple trees and one pear tree, it is wild at the moment ..
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
And here - as you can see plenty of space for a caravan and you can have a real working holiday :-)
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Pat
Could be a new venture for next year.
The car4play 2013 garden design and renovation tour.

I'll order some advertising boards for the sides of the caravan!

 Camera sensitive dog ! - devonite
Nah! - it`s only a 5 manholer!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
That's 'ride on' size that garden.

That's why we built the shed - tractor hanger !
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Zero
been fighting over the older dog's bed all evening....all
>> growls and bared teeth....

Nothing to do with the bed. Its a power struggle.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
I know Zeddo. The Cocker gives into him but now and again gives him a thrashing just to remind him who's boss.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Kevin
Just looked at his photos from Oct/Nov last year.

He's grown a bit.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
He has, he's bigger than the Cocker and is filling out nicely - much greedier than his kennel-mate
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
Which leads me to a question Zero !

The dogs have got on generally from day one, when the little one's nuts dropped there was some change from the older dog, humping him and that, that lasted about a week or so, now they seem to get on, both independent of each other in many ways but happy to curl up together of an evening.

The big dog will pee on the younger one now and again, to often for it to be accidental, I've seen him do this with the in-law's Lab as well - significant or random ?

This tail lock business carries on but less often than when the pup first came here.

They eat separately to avoid the pup stealing the big dog's food, the big dog will rarely pinch the young dog's food or any scraps once the older one has had his....any views ?

The big dog seems to willingly let the smaller dog take toys from him, but occasionally when the Springer crosses the line, the big one will turn on him and the Springer goes straight into a submissive pose....
Last edited by: R.P. on Tue 3 Jul 12 at 23:03
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Dog
>>The big dog will pee on the younger one now and again, to often for it to be accidental, I've seen him do this with the in-law's Lab as well - significant or random ?<<

He is showing that he's the boss.

>>The big dog seems to willingly let the smaller dog take toys from him, but occasionally when the Springer crosses the line, the big one will turn on him and the Springer goes straight into a submissive pose<<

See above, he is alpha male (Alfie?) they learn it in the litter.

 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
Thanks Dog - confirms my thoughts. Alf is a strange hound, near perfect house dog, good with other dogs publicly but is fearful of large groups of people but does growl and has been known to snap in certain circumstances (when people lean over him) and especially fearful in his bed - I reckon he was beaten before I got him. One of the funnies episodes here recently was when Mrs RP trod on the pup's paw - leading him to yelp. The older dog growled at her from a distance then a few minutes later gave a sideways glance he gave a quiet growl again.....
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Dog
Its similar to us Rob, as in "give me the child for 7 years, and I'll give you the man", they learn their 'pecking order' while in the litter, and to take on a rescue hound, y'all don't know how they've been treated beforehand.

My 12 year old R/Ridgeback is totally submissive with most other dogs, it used to annoy me at one time, being a sowf east lundener, but I'm quite pleased now because I HATE it when dogs attack and are aggressive to other mutts.

He barks when postie delivers the junk mail though :)
Last edited by: Dog on Wed 4 Jul 12 at 08:23
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Zero
Yes they learn it in the litter. Pups have very sharp teeth, so they know what its like to be bitten by their siblings, and so that mum will give them a snap if they bite her too hard. Hierarchy is always set int he litter, a top dog in the litter will nearly always invariably be top dog elsewhere.

A pup will always be subservient to its mother many many years later as well (and will know her even if they haven't met for 10 years or more)

Pups come out of litters too soon (6 weeks) it important to keep socialising them with people and other dogs at least until they are 1 year old.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Zero

>> The big dog will pee on the younger one now and again, to often for
>> it to be accidental, I've seen him do this with the in-law's Lab as well
>> - significant or random ?

Its just a sex thing. Nothing to do with pack leadership. It would stop if he was "snipped"

>> They eat separately to avoid the pup stealing the big dog's food, the big dog
>> will rarely pinch the young dog's food or any scraps once the older one has
>> had his....any views ?

I assume you feed the older incumbent pack leader dog first? Springers are not food obsessed dogs anyway.

>> The big dog seems to willingly let the smaller dog take toys from him, but
>> occasionally when the Springer crosses the line, the big one will turn on him and
>> the Springer goes straight into a submissive pose....

Dogs don't need to be constantly setting the pack leadership thing all day, now and again is enough.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - VxFan
R.P. Did you get my email that I forwarded from Martin Devon?
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
No Dave - not in my spam box either
 Camera sensitive dog ! - VxFan
I'll leave it on the table in the tea room.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - MD
I'll 'ave it back then!!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - VxFan
Too late, his dog ate it.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
Got it and re-assembled the bits the dog spat out. Thanks Martin...!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Dog
Some nice dogs at my RSPCA centre (I'd ave em all) they've even got a Femail R/Ridgeback!!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - MD
It is quite heartbreaking just how some animals get treated eh! Perro. Makes me very angry.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Roger.
I deplore animal mistreatment, but I just do not like any breed of dog.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Zero
I will have to introduce you to one of the Malinois. She would love you.

She might even save a bit of you for breakfast.
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Runfer D'Hills
My dog can unerringly tell which people don't like dogs. Trouble is, he tries so hard to persuade them otherwise by leaping up and trying to lick their faces. Usually when he's desperately muddy or been in the canal. If he misses his target the first time he generally just runs up the front of them. No shame frankly that dog. It'll get him ( or me ) into trouble one day.

With people who like dogs he just sort of sidles charmingly up to them on the offchance they have something available to eat...

Sometimes I pretend he's not mine and that he has just started following me. I told one woman in a once violet and possibly expensive woollen overcoat that I'd capture him and hand him in to the lost dogs home. It calmed her down a bit.

Thinking of changing his name to Mutley...
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
That was the name of my sadly ex-Spaniel !
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Runfer D'Hills
...trying so hard not to make an owner's name joke now. I'll have another cup of tea instead...


 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
arf arf - you've seen me in my leathers !
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Runfer D'Hills
That's not a thought I wanted in my head before I go to bed...

 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
Hand made British boots though...!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Runfer D'Hills
Sell one of the beemers and you'll have room for one of these...
 Camera sensitive dog ! - MD
The New Mondeo!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - R.P.
I thought it was Humph's new company car for a minute !!
 Camera sensitive dog ! - Dog
Look at this stupid mutt, I wouldn't mind - its 23c in here, but he's not allowed on the furniture since he licked the red dye orf a £1000 sofa so I suppose laying on a stone floor in the buff isn't a bundle of joy!

I purposely didn't use flash, not that y'all notice :)
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