An in-law and very good friend and neighbour, an active smallholder here and generally respectable bloke, has a part-time job as a fairly senior municipal executive official in a small borough or large village on the coast.
For some weeks now he has been struggling to evict a group of travellers occupying some municipal land where they are not welcome. He toyed with the idea of flooding their field, apparently quite easy to arrange as it is very low-lying, but reluctantly dropped the idea to let the law take its interminable course.
The other day when he visited the site for some more disagreeable conversation with the squatters, the private security men hired by another council department to keep further squatters out found his wooden-handled French peasant's clasp knife, seized it and called the police! Old Bill were pretty embarrassed and didn't charge him with anything, but felt obliged to 'impound' the chiv, which he most often used to open bottles of beer.
Now he will have to get another when he next goes to France.
It's health and safety gone completely doolally! If I were he I would have it in for that security firm in a very big way.
Rules are for the guidance of wise men...
Surely an item like that is only a weapon when there is intent as I've stated before.
Welcome to the brave new world of private police forces....
>>found his wooden-handled French peasant's clasp knife
Not far enough up his harris?
>> Not far enough up his harris?
Tee hee... I didn't ask how it came to light. Perhaps the security people were instructed to pat down all visitors. I'll find out.
>> I'll find out.
Oh dear, I'd got it a bit wrong. It was quite late last night when I heard the story.
The security men were monitoring people entering the County Court where my in-law had gone for a hearing. The metal detector beeped, he took stuff out of his pockets and the security men said 'Don't like the look of that sir,' before summoning Old Bill.
The travellers left today to his great relief, so the legal course wasn't as interminable as all that. He said they were an unpleasant lot and very well off judging by their cars and caravans.
>> very well off judging by their cars and caravans
Assuming they paid full retail for them. (NSFW)
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Fri 29 Jun 12 at 23:56