Non-motoring > Chloe Smith v Paxman Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 41

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - CGNorwich
Any one see my MP Chloe Smith defending the last minute cancellation of the fuel tax increase on Paxman last night - painful it was to watch - Almost felt sorry for her. Like watching a kitten being torn apart by a Rottweiler

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Manatee
I like Paxo but he was just being mischievous, and the best thing she could have done was to have told him, politely of course.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Dave_
Aren't the government ministers looking young these days?
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - John H
I thought she handled it quite well and correctly.

I do not think Ministers have ever been required to give exact details of the timing of such discussions and decisions, until the eventual publication (20 or 30 years later depending on security sensitivity) of sealed documents.

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Zero
he laid a trap and she walked into it. Paxman is a bit of one trick pony at times.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Mr. Ecs
I think she deserved it.

She is an MP elected by US to do our governing on OUR behalf. So Paxo was right to demand answers and her reluctance to answer him showed her up for what she is. She is a government representative and should behave like one.

If she can't stand the Paxo heat, then leave the kitchen. Too young in my opinion and was on the verge of walking off in a tantrum, bursting into tears or punching Paxo on his bovine bonce. Loved it ;-)))
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Zero
He only wanted to know when she found out the price was coming down. Not sure that really qualifies as public interest. The price came down thats all thats needed surely? Who cares when one junior minister knew or not.

And there is Paxmans weakness, he doesn't use his Rottweilers skills for the real questions, he just wants to look clever.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Bromptonaut
>> He only wanted to know when she found out the price was coming down. Not
>> sure that really qualifies as public interest. The price came down thats all thats needed
>> surely? Who cares when one junior minister knew or not.

Practically, for you or me buying fuel at Tesco thats right, but Paxo's exploring the politics.

There's a strong suspicion that Dave'n'Gideon cooked this one on the day to avoid defeat or embarassment on a Commons motion condemning the rise. Other ministers including Ms Smith and Justine Greening who'd been denying any prospect of delay were left drying in the sun.

I'd only sup with Nadine Dorries with a very long spoon but she's spot on condemning the 'posh boys' for this one.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 29 Jun 12 at 14:25
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Zero
"Exploring the politics" is the problem. Its what helps to foster the stupid arguing over petty points in parliament.

If Paxman spent more time using his undoubted talents to explore the fairness of government, or the now rampant basic dishonesty in financial circles he would be doing us a service.

As it is, Paxman and his ilk are as much a part of the problem as the solution. He just contributes to and helps to perpetuate the whole charade.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 29 Jun 12 at 14:34
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - DP
Paxman is good. John Humphrys is better. He manages to be as tough as Paxman, and just as no-nonsense, but without Paxman's sneering and rudeness.

The way in which he instantly picks up when a politician in particular is avoiding the question, and puts the onus back on them to do better, all the time remaining calm and polite, is a joy to listen to.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Alastairw
I am firmly of the opinion that there should be a minimum age for mps of about 45, and a requirement that they have a proper (non political/pr) job before standing for election. This country is too good to be run by 'professional' politicians.

TBH, anyone who actually aspires to high office is not usually fit to hold it.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - R.P.
or punching Paxo on his bovine bonce. Loved it ;-)))


Paxman is full of crap these days - the man has an ego. John Humphreys hasn't !
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Bromptonaut
>> I am firmly of the opinion that there should be a minimum age for mps
>> of about 45, and a requirement that they have a proper (non political/pr) job before
>> standing for election. This country is too good to be run by 'professional' politicians.
>> TBH, anyone who actually aspires to high office is not usually fit to hold it.

Not sure about the min age but the 'proper job' thing is spot on. Could be any job so long as there's a mix on Gov and opposition benches.

But the corollary is a need to return to a recognition that being an MP does not have to be a full time job. Geoffrey Rippon for example combined being MP for Hexham together with a lead role in negotiation of UK accession to the Common Market while continuing to practice at the Bar.

Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 29 Jun 12 at 20:42
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Manatee
I think you'll find most of them practice at the bar.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - smokie
...and here's a few practicing...
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Avant
I read Chris Mullin's diaries when I was on holiday. By his own admission he wasn't a very distinguished junior minister, but that's hardly surprising given that such people get no training for the job. Most of us with professional qualifications took several years to get them and we're also qualified by experience for what we do. Politicians get none of this, unless they shadow the job in Opposition, and that applies only to the senior posts.

Frightening, isn't it.

That said, Chloe Smith didn't do badly against Paxo: she didn't do what he wanted her to - i.e. to reveal something confidential. He and others like him ask questions with the intention to trip politicians up, instead of thinking what the public woulds actually like to know.

Most of us couldn't give a stuff as to when Chloe Smith was told about this announcement; we do want to know what the Government is doing to address the problems that affect us all.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - NortonES2
Not sure Paxman was the least bit interested in the answer to his question. He wanted to illustrate that the Government had sent a junior who wasn't able to field the question. Not in the loop, therefore unable to answer. A sacrificial "lamb". I think he made the point.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Iffy
...the Government had sent a junior...Not in the loop, therefore unable to answer...

True, although I don't think our Chloe is the sharpest tool in the box.

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - CGNorwich
She talks in platitudes and management speak. She was a "management consultant" after she left university although difficult to see who would consult someone with no experience of business.

She won a by election when Ian Gibson, her Labour predecessor resigned a result of a dodgy expenses claim. We lost an intelligent well informed scientist and got Chloe. Funny thing politics
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Bromptonaut
Her wiki entry is here

Gap year working for an MP and perhaps four years for Deloitte before being adopted for a winnable seat. Also says she's worked for Bernard Jenkin who, notwithstanding him being a Tory, is a parliamentarian for whom I have a great deal of respect. He also rides a Brompton.

Actually Chloe is a cyclist too so she might have a few good points!!
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Iffy
...She was a "management consultant" after she left university...

That explains a lot - she's another clever idiot.

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Bromptonaut
>> That explains a lot - she's another clever idiot.

My colleague at the next desk and I both worked at different times (in my case before Chloe was born!) with one of the then department's 'characters'. We both recall his use of the phrase 'intellectual idiots'.

He's dead now but featured in an episode of heir hunters.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Avant
"He wanted to illustrate that the Government had sent a junior who wasn't able to field the question."

I'm sure you're right. But why did he want that? This isn't supposed to be entertainment in the form of a modern version of bear-baiting: Newsnight is supposed to provide information and analysis of current news.

Surely the job of any interviewer (even someone like me in a completely different field who recruits graduates) is to get the best out of the interviewee. If you listen to the Smith v Paxo interview (and the 'v' is right, and it shouldn't have been) Chloe Smith wasn't allowed to say anything useful or informative. What was the actual value of that interview?

"She talks in platitudes and management speak". She did, but what choice did she have?
Last edited by: Avant on Sat 30 Jun 12 at 10:12
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Roger.
Paxperson's gigantic ego.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Bromptonaut
She was in a no win situation. The decision to postpone the increase was, whatever we think as motorists, a triumph of short term politics over economics. A government committed to reducing the deficit when borrowing is actually rising and tax take falling has surrendered half a billion.

They've yet to work out how to replace it.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 30 Jun 12 at 10:19
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Manatee
>>"She talks in platitudes and management speak". She did, but what choice did she have?

Don't you think she would have anyway? But it's an interesting question as to why few politicians seem to feel free to do anything else.

What use are any of them if they can only say what they are expected to say? Milliband has just accused the banks of "abusive, predatory ...behaviour" and called for an enquiry. I.e., he has said nothing - in your terms as a recruiter, about as much use as somebody starting their CV summary with "A highly motivated and passionate self-starter...". Pass the sick bucket.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - NortonES2
At that level of exposure, if you aren't up to it, there will be repercussions. No doubt he'd already seen Smith in the earlier interview(s) and scented blood. Not confident enough to tell him to get lost. As to the value, it's a game, but not a pleasant game! She shouldn't have been put in that position. In the days when MP's included a fair sprinkling of people who had carried responsible jobs, Mr P would have had a bloody nose. Or more likely, they would have said to Osborne to DIY. Can't see the late Alan Clark putting up with the position that Osborne had left Smith in! Mind you, Clark never held down a job, but then he didn't need one. Maybe I see a theme emerging:)
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 11 Jul 12 at 01:18
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Stuu
I think I most enjoyed Andrew Neil vs Diane Abbott during the leadership election on This Week.
She got fighty and he carried on regardless.

Paxman is pretty good though and the mistake was ssending Chloe Smith in the first place - she hasnt the experience nor the quick thinking to handle Paxman and it was only ever going to end one way.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Focusless
>> What was the actual value of that interview?

Newsnight = TV = entertainment?
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - John H
>> been) Chloe Smith wasn't allowed to say anything useful or informative.
yep, Paxman didi not allow her to finish her answers.

>> What was the actual value of that interview?
Just like Top Gear viewers, there are Newsnight viewers who get pleasure from such one sided bullying tactics.

>> She talks in platitudes and management speak

Ever since Ali Campbell's spin and Yes Minister, almost all MPs now talk in that manner.

It has permeated to F1 too, where about the only drivers who now speak their own thoughts are Alonso (on his Twitter page) and Schumacher.

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Zero

>> It has permeated to F1 too, where about the only drivers who now speak their
>> own thoughts are Alonso (on his Twitter page) and Schumacher.

They are mere government spokesmen compared to Kimi Räikkönen
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Manatee
I do like Räikkönen.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - John H
>> They are mere government spokesmen compared to Kimi Räikkönen

Sorry, I forgot about him. He is in a completely different league to all the others.

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Armel Coussine
Jeremy Paxman is a bit thuggish and bullying sometimes. But I imagine he often gives them a drink and says sorry afterwards.

The Telegraph's egregious columnist Damian Thompson, seldom right about anything, claims today to have seen Paxman naked. Apparently his male attributes are either gigantic or minute, Thompson being too coy to say which.

His lead item though is an attack on the high-minded and personable Archbishop of Canterbury for dithering over homosexual marriage in church.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - John H
>> Paxman naked. Apparently his male attributes are either gigantic or minute, Thompson being too coy
>> to say which.

Just look at his hands

 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Roger.

>> His lead item though is an attack on the high-minded and personable Archbishop of Canterbury for dithering over homosexual marriage in church.

"high-minded and personable Archbishop of Canterbury "

Surely you jest?
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Cliff Pope

>> "high-minded and personable Archbishop of Canterbury "

I can't help imagining that he has various avian species nesting in his beard, like the man in the limerick.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Zero
Like to see Paxman deal with this.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Duncan
>> Like to see Paxman deal with this.

Where is Security when you want them?
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Dutchie
Paxman salary a million a year.How does he get away with it.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - CGNorwich
>> Paxman salary a million a year.How does he get away with it."

By being supremely good at his job.
 Chloe Smith v Paxman - Avant
I like the reported comment of the Queen when visiting the BBC: "I never give interviews, but if I did it wouldn't be with you, Mr Humphrys".
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