Non-motoring > Kids Breakfast Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 96

 Kids Breakfast - Zero
You thought the kids menu would be too small?
 Kids Breakfast - Lygonos
At least the bacon and sausages are grilled and not fried.....
 Kids Breakfast - ....
One of those for breakfast and a Munchy Box for dinner, a super sized burger is all you'd want for lunch.
 Kids Breakfast - MD
Obscene waste.
 Kids Breakfast - CGNorwich
Explains the permanent miasma of burnt cooking oil that hangs over Yarmouth
 Kids Breakfast - teabelly
Turned my stomach just looking at it... I hate black pudding.

I suppose if you had the constitution of a lion you'd have one of those on a Monday and eat nothing else for days.
 Kids Breakfast - Lygonos
4kg of meat/fried carbs must be around 15000-20000 calories so I reckon teabelly's on the mark.

You'd also not **** for a month.
 Kids Breakfast - MD
 Kids Breakfast - Lygonos
 Kids Breakfast - Roger.
The food looked good to me - it was the table manners which turned my stomach!
*I love black pudding, the old fashioned rings, not the pre-cut slices commonly sold in supermarkets.
The Spanish are masters of morcilla though, with rice, pine nuts etc. etc. and a somewhat loose crumbly texture.*
 Kids Breakfast - Duncan
>> The food looked good to me - it was the table manners which turned my
>> stomach!

I agree.

I think one should make a rule, not to be filmed whilst eating!
 Kids Breakfast - Armel Coussine
>> it was the table manners which turned my stomach!

I didn't see anything wrong with anyone's table manners. You can't eat that sort of food with your little finger stuck out, wiping your lips with a scented handkerchief between mouthfuls. There wasn't a single gross, ugly eater in the film.

I don't think I could have eaten that whole vat of food in one go even when I was still greedy about food. It did look good though. I always had a soft spot for transport café fry-ups.
 Kids Breakfast - devonite
If your going to have a "Heart-Attack" it may as well come on a plate!
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
Eh, does they do vegetarian brekkies at this greasy spoon I wonder?

 Kids Breakfast - teabelly
They do a vegetarian one with veggie sausages instead of real ones. Called the tree hugger I think...
 Kids Breakfast - Ian (Cape Town)
I never understood this 'veggie sausage' and 'veggie burger' stuff - same as I don't understand macon... spiced beef made to look like bacon.
Either eat the stuff, or don't. Stop pretending.
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
I could never be Jewish or Islamic. A Bacon sarnie is the ultimate sin I could not resist. Its why the catholics invented confession.
 Kids Breakfast - Ian (Cape Town)
Gammon for lunch tomorrow - nom nom nom!
 Kids Breakfast - Bromptonaut
>> I could never be Jewish or Islamic. A Bacon sarnie is the ultimate sin I
>> could not resist. Its why the catholics invented confession.

+1 (and I'm rather fond of shellfish too).

The bacon sarnie is said to be the undoing of many veggies.

 Kids Breakfast - Cliff Pope
>> I could never be Jewish or Islamic. A Bacon sarnie is the ultimate sin I
>> could not resist.

My jewish father in law used to like quoting the joke, "If you're going to eat pork, eat it until the fat runs down your chin".

Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Sat 23 Jun 12 at 20:28
 Kids Breakfast - Iffy
...I could never be Jewish or Islamic. A Bacon sarnie is the ultimate sin...

It is possible to get kosher bacon, although a quick google suggests it might be lamb, or something else.

 Kids Breakfast - Zero
>> ...I could never be Jewish or Islamic. A Bacon sarnie is the ultimate sin...
>> It is possible to get kosher bacon, although a quick google suggests it might be
>> lamb, or something else.
Thats a kebab.
 Kids Breakfast - Kevin
>It is possible to get kosher bacon,

The Islamic countries I've visited usually have pseudo bacon and sausage made from reconstituted turkey meat.

I tried it once.
 Kids Breakfast - Manatee
I had a Jewish trainee for a while when I worked in Leeds as a finance company rep. He didn't eat ham sandwiches at home, but that didn't apply at work!
 Kids Breakfast - bathtub tom
>> I had a Jewish trainee for a while when I worked in Leeds as a
>> finance company rep. He didn't eat ham sandwiches at home, but that didn't apply at
>> work!

Ever seen East is East?
 Kids Breakfast - Lygonos
I think you'll find the real pretense is in eating a sausage or burger in the first place.

Not exactly found in nature.

*Edit* except for roadkill ;-)

Last edited by: Lygonos on Sat 23 Jun 12 at 19:02
 Kids Breakfast - Iffy
The caff looks nice and clean.

 Kids Breakfast - teabelly
I don't either. There is also now quorn mince, several times the price of minced beef, that daft veggies buy to make all the food they clearly miss.

Or those that say they are vegetarian but eat fish... that isn't vegetarian you muppet!
 Kids Breakfast - Iffy
...that isn't vegetarian you muppet!...

I don't fancy eating Kermit's legs, although a rasher or two made from Miss Piggy would go down well.

 Kids Breakfast - Dog
I could never understand all these ere blimmin veggie burgers & textured vegetable protein sausages,
Quorn mock-meat etc.

I used to say to my veggie friends up on Bodmin Moor, "like, how come if you're vegetarians you don't just eat vegetables then"?

Don't like vegetables, they said.

Linda McCartney used to do a lot of veggie bacon and burgers etc. ... full of hydrogen-ated fat!
 Kids Breakfast - Cliff Pope
>> I could never understand all these ere blimmin veggie burgers & textured vegetable protein sausages,
>> Quorn mock-meat etc.

Surely if something is a sin, then acting a mock-sin is just as sinful, in essence?
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
Its a craven idol!
 Kids Breakfast - CGNorwich
I've got a pair of mock-sins - very comfortable they are too ;-)
 Kids Breakfast - Armel Coussine
Sin is very rare, proper sin. Crime is far commoner and of course counts for more in this world - the only one we know for sure exists.

There's nothing like being raised as a Catholic to make you skeptical about the idea of sin. By the time you're 14 you know more or less that it's just there to mess you around and make you feel bad about almost everything. No red-blooded, sane person can accept it. Or so I concluded.

Crime on the other hand is serious stuff that can get you into real (as opposed to imaginary) trouble.

Later I came to understand that there's sometimes (not all that often though) an overlap between crime and sin, and that sin, or something like it, does exist in a way.

Very rare though.
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
>>Surely if something is a sin, then acting a mock-sin is just as sinful, in essence?<<

Crazy is as crazy does!
 Kids Breakfast - Clk Sec
>>Either eat the stuff, or don't. Stop pretending.

As a someone who doesn't eat meat, there's a vegetarian sausage produced by a company called Cauldron, that I quite like. I'll be having two of them, with mushrooms, tomatoes and scrambled egg, for my breakfast this morning.

Yum, yum...
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
Just out of interest why are you not caniverous?

IS it because you don't like the taste or texture? (silly question really you like faux sausages)
For medical and health reasons?
Or because you don't like the idea of killing animals? (do you eat fish for example)

 Kids Breakfast - Cliff Pope

>> Yum, yum...

The simulated ritual consumption of a piece of dead animal, in the form of a realistic mock-up?

Isn't it a bit like blacking-up, or showing computergraphic images of child abuse?

It's not real, but it's glorrifying an action that true vegetarians surely ought to find deeply offensive?
 Kids Breakfast - conquest
And why shouldn't a vegetarian enjoy their protein in any shape or form they wish just as a carnivore can?
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
>>And why shouldn't a vegetarian enjoy their protein in any shape or form they wish just as a carnivore can?<<

Well conqueror - what an excellent point!

I've 'toyed' with vegetarian-ism many times over many decades and have indeed eaten Quorn, and TVP bangers n' 'bacon' rashers, I even used to buy Linda McCartneys pies at one time, until I found they contained the dreaded hydrogenated fats. (hardly healthy!)

Nowadays I eat mainly vegetables, fruit, grains, eggs ... and fish! so that makes me a Pescatarian I believe.

I wouldn't turn my nose up if offered a 'proper' bacon sandwich though, I just won't be buying meat or poultry myself.

My vegetarian curries are to-die-for BTW :}
Last edited by: Dog on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 10:40
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
Diet, like everything in life, should be balanced. Not too much of anyone thing all the time.

So I counteracted Friday nights Ruby, with a Saturday Night Chinky.
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
>> And why shouldn't a vegetarian enjoy their protein in any shape or form they wish

Quite right. Its called disguise.
 Kids Breakfast - Clk Sec
>> Just out of interest why are you not canivorous?
>> IS it because you don't like the taste or texture? (silly question really you like
>> faux sausages)
>> For medical and health reasons?
>> Or because you don't like the idea of killing animals? (do you eat fish for
>> example)

Nothing sinister to report, I'm afraid. I gradually 'went off' meat over a period of a few years. First of all I stopped eating red meat, and a while later I also gave up white meat. That was about thirty years ago.

Little point in eating any food you don't enjoy.

Edit: Yes, Zero, I do eat fish - and lots of it!
Last edited by: Clk Sec on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 11:05
 Kids Breakfast - Clk Sec
>>And why shouldn't a vegetarian enjoy their protein in any shape or form they wish just as a carnivore can?

Quite right, Conquest.
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
i am vegetarian by proxy...i only eat things that eat grass
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
>>i am vegetarian by proxy...i only eat things that eat grass<<

So you don't eat poultry, eggs, and fish then beekeeper.
 Kids Breakfast - devonite
Er Wufflles me ole mate, Chucks luv grass, eggs dont eat anything and have you never heard of Grass-Carp! ;-)
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
>>Chucks luv grass<<

Ya learn something gnu every day on ere ike ;)
 Kids Breakfast - Manatee
Our chickens like their greens. They also like creepy crawlies and worrrms when then can catch them.

Eggs are a bit like milk. You can't really have them, at least not commercially produced, if you don't kill cattle and hens.

One reason we keep 3 or 4 hens is because we know there is no cruelty involved in our enjoyment of the eggs, at least not from the point at which we get the pullets.
 Kids Breakfast - Cliff Pope
>> And why shouldn't a vegetarian enjoy their protein in any shape or form they wish
>> just as a carnivore can?

No reason why not. Humans invent the moral rules, and vegetarians invent their rules.
But why celebrate your enjoyment of vegetarian sausage meat by shaping it into a symbol of animal cruelty?

It just seems a bit odd, to me. But then I live by another set of rules, which say that tucking into bits of dead animal is OK
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
our teeth are designed for tearing animal flesh
 Kids Breakfast - CGNorwich
Doesn't mean to say you have to use them that way. In fact our dentition is typical of an omnivore like a pig or bear rather than a carnivore like a lion.
 Kids Breakfast - corax
>> our teeth are designed for tearing animal flesh

We're omnivores. Our teeth are designed to eat everything. Otherwise we would have teeth like a lion.

EDIT - just what I was going to say CGNorwich :)
Last edited by: corax on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 13:21
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
>>our teeth are designed for tearing animal flesh<<

Our teeth were no more designed to eat meat than our hands were designed to choke our neighbors or hold the gun which murders our fellow humans.
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
>> >>our teeth are designed for tearing animal flesh<<
>> Our teeth were no more designed to eat meat

Afraid they are. Thats why we have some of the same teeth as dogs.

>> choke our neighbours

Afraid they are, we are hunter gatherers. We have opposable thumbs to strangle things.

 Kids Breakfast - Dog
>>Thats why we have some of the same teeth as dogs<<

Eh, are you insinuating that I'm a Dog, guvnor!

This ere argument about folk eating veggies that resemble sausages and bacon ...

I was talking to 'the wife' just now (I did the same about this time last year as it happens) anyway, she says that
(one of) the reasons that some people eat veggie burgers n' bangers is because they like the taste and flavour of them, but don't want to eat dead animals - nothing wrong in that then, is there?
 Kids Breakfast - devonite
But as others have said, why shape them like the things they are trying to avoid eating? - why not shape them like a Cauliflower or Courgette? then they would be not only tasty (for the veggie) but easy on the eye and conscience as well!
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
Why indeed guvnor, I suppose (as I said) the do like a dog roll or a bacon sarnie, but don't want to eat dead animals?
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
>> But as others have said, why shape them like the things they are trying to
>> avoid eating? - why not shape them like a Cauliflower or Courgette? then they would
>> be not only tasty (for the veggie) but easy on the eye and conscience as
>> well!

its a bit like drinking alchahol free beer ...remember calibre?
 Kids Breakfast - Zero

>> its a bit like drinking alchahol free beer ...remember calibre?

Alas I do, you could never forget that foul taste.

However, as it happens, Becks Blue is pretty good and drinkable in its own right.
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
hey zeddo , i must give it a diabetic grandad swore by marstons low cal
 Kids Breakfast - CGNorwich

>> Our teeth were no more designed to eat meat than our hands were designed to
>> choke our neighbors or hold the gun which murders our fellow humans.

Leaving out any argument over the word "designed" I think you are wrong. Parts of out dentition, particularly our canine teeth are clearly for the purpose of eating meat and have few other purposes. Our hands however are the ultimate multi purpose tool, just as handy for eating a banana as choking the life out of the irritating bloke next door.

Of course just because you have canine teeth does't mean you have to use them for the purpose for which they evolved just as we are quite free to use our brains for anything we like.
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
regarding teeth, use em or lose em, my pet rat enjoys a bit of my sunday roast anyway...horses for courses
 Kids Breakfast - Clk Sec
>> why shape them like the things they are trying to avoid eating?

It doesn't bother me what shape they are, but I think it might matter to a true vegetarian / vegan, who wouldn't put his feet into leather shoes or his money into a leather wallet.

I've not tried vegetarian bacon, but it looks awful. I have tried a vegetarian joint (meat look alike, that is) and it was awful.

Last edited by: Clk Sec on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 15:25
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
cheese and onion crisps.. contains rennet, eating meat free isnt easy
 Kids Breakfast - Clk Sec
Being a true veggie must be very difficult.
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
>> Being a true veggie must be very difficult.

yes i imagine so..lack of vitimin b12 and other complex nutreints ... have you tried walking in wheat based shoes, specially with the inclement weather
 Kids Breakfast - devonite
>>. have you tried walking in wheat based shoes,

No, but I imagine you might get Corns?
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
 Kids Breakfast - Runfer D'Hills
S'pose the ideal car for a veggie would be a Cee'd.
 Kids Breakfast - Armel Coussine
>> Being a true veggie must be very difficult.

That's why some vegetarians (not veggies ffs!) become vegans, like my youngest daughter. But she surprised me by being happy to eat venison or pheasant shot wild. What she's against seems to be commercial livestock farming.

'I don't eat dead animals.' What a damnably sanctimonious and repulsive way of putting it. I'm not a carrion crow, vulture, rat or jackal either. But I am quite happy to eat properly cooked meat not being stuck in some infantile faddist posture.

Yah! Boo! Sucks!
 Kids Breakfast - Clk Sec
>> (not veggies ffs!)

You do it your way - I'll do it mine...
 Kids Breakfast - Armel Coussine
>> You do it your way - I'll do it mine...

Of course you will Clk Sec, and more or less welcome... personally though I will continue with those irksome three extra syllables if only to avoid that cosy, cuddly, strangely crippled-sounding abbreviation.
 Kids Breakfast - Roger.
Here be Fruit Loops! (Wikipedia)
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
I believe in live and let live so I don't mind what anyone does really (as long as it doesn't frighten the horses)

But as to whether our teeth were designed for eating vegetables, animals, or both, I know not, all I know is that I personally don't want to eat any more dead animals (apart from fish) :)
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
Horse frightening....must wiki that
 Kids Breakfast - zookeeper
peanut butter is allowed a percentage of animal matter, read the label
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
Not the one I use = 'whole earth' organic.
 Kids Breakfast - Manatee
>> Not the one I use = 'whole earth' organic.

You think there isn't the odd creepy crawly in there? Probably a few more in the organic ones ;-)

We had vegetarian bacon once. Pretty poor imitation, once was enough. My son had a four year vegetarian period, we used to eat a lot of mock meat like burgers and sausages. I don't think the shape is relevant to whether they are meat products or not - after all, neither grows that shape. Burger shapes fit in buns, and sausage shapes make toad in the 'ole.
Last edited by: Manatee on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 16:16
 Kids Breakfast - Bromptonaut
Vegetarians and those obeying religious edicts on diet must need eyes like hawks.

Mint Imperials seem an innocent enough aid to driving concentration - read of the ingredients shows they contain pork fat!!
 Kids Breakfast - Runfer D'Hills
They're called "Pan Drops" in Scotland. Mint Imperials that is. Just in case anyone was wondering...
 Kids Breakfast - Manatee
>> Vegetarians and those obeying religious edicts on diet must need eyes like hawks.

When my then vegetarian son visited my coeliac cousin in Germany, the food shopping that week was really difficult! It's hard enough just being vegetarian in Germany, with all that wurst going on.
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
One could eat the burger, one could eat the bun, and you could have the chips
 Kids Breakfast - Dog
>>We had vegetarian bacon once. Pretty poor imitation, once was enough<<

We used to eat quite a bit of 'that stuff' years ago when I come to think about it.

Vegeburgers + Sosmix + TVP or Quorn 'rashers', Quorn 'ham' or 'chicken' slices :)

I can't say I didn't enjoy it, or we wouldn't have bought it, I might even look into the latest veggie offerings, just to see what's cooking.

We eat fish 4 times a week, will have a mushroom & spring onion omelette with chips once a week, so not eating meat or poultry is no big deal really.
 Kids Breakfast - Runfer D'Hills
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
 Kids Breakfast - Zero
The egg clearly, when was the last time you had chicken for breakfast?
 Kids Breakfast - Runfer D'Hills
About 35 years ago. Found a bit of the previous evening's take away Korma under the sofa, still in its tinfoil and everything. No rice left though so substituted that with some Rice Crispies.

Edit - Don't try this with Coco Pops by the way. Doesn't work. Bad Korma..

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 17:41
 Kids Breakfast - Armel Coussine
A lot more than 35 years ago, more like 55, I improvised some champagne for breakfast out of half a bottle of Spanish Sauternes (6/6d the bottle) and an Alka-Seltzer tablet.

It was even worse than it sounds.
 Kids Breakfast - Runfer D'Hills
Cold leftover pizza's ok in a morning. Sundays anyway.

Edit - Come to think of it, I used to share a house with a bloke who swore by a slice of cold ham, a cold tomato and a large G&T to kick start the day. Piece of toast too if it was winter.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 17:57
 Kids Breakfast - rtj70
Being true veggie might be hard - try being a vegan! My brother and sister in law are both vegans. They won't even let you put milk in their fridge! (Soya milk etc fine).
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sun 24 Jun 12 at 22:59
 Kids Breakfast - CGNorwich
Being a true Veggie would be hard but I think eating a high meat content/fried food diet would be harder for me. Living without burgers and steaks wouldn't trouble me at all. Living without fresh vegetables particularly salad and fresh fruit I would find impossible.

Tend to use meat more as an ingredient rather that the main part of a meal.
 Kids Breakfast - Roger.
I love good fresh vegetables, properly cooked - not boiled to a pulp. Funnily enough I loathe salad and would never buy or eat it for myself. Rabbit's food, Ugh!
I also love meat and meat products - beef, pork, lamb , sausages, burgers, mince, pasties, liver (lamb's only) - the only meat I would hesitate to try would be tripe!
Fish is OK - not mad about it, but cod & haddock lead the field, together with most blue fish.
 Kids Breakfast - CGNorwich
The English distaste for salad is because few restaurants ever serve a decent one and most people thing a salad consists of a a limp piece of lettuce, a slice of cucumber and half a tasteless tomato served without dressing.

Dressing is the key. Buy some decent olive oil, some wine vinegar and make your own French dressing. Use liberally and your salad will be transformed.
 Kids Breakfast - Bromptonaut
>> The English distaste for salad is because few restaurants ever serve a decent one and
>> most people thing a salad consists of a a limp piece of lettuce, a slice
>> of cucumber and half a tasteless tomato served without dressing.

Not just restaurants, there's a generation of baby boomers for whom salad followed the recipe above. Both my grandmothers served tinned salmon/ham/tongue in exactly that style. On high days half a hard boiled egg might be added.

Mrs B's salad is based on home grown leaves plus the tomato/cucumber thing but adds extras such as carrot, raw cauli, radish and avocado; dressing optional.
 Kids Breakfast - Zero

>> Dressing is the key. Buy some decent olive oil, some wine vinegar and make your
>> own French dressing. Use liberally and your salad will be transformed.

Agreed, there are plenty of easy to make dressings at home. The key of course is to dress the salad just at the point of serving. Its cack after 15 minutes max.
 Kids Breakfast - helicopter
Having just reurned from Crete my specialist subject is Greek and Cretan salads....

4 euros or so buys a bowl of salad big enough for lunch for two.

The quality and taste of the tomato, cucumber and onion in such salads together with the Feta or Mysithra cheese and herbs liberally soaked in olive oil and then tossed is always get half a loaf of fresh baked bread to soak up the olive oil / tomato/ cheesy liquid in the bowl bottom, great value .

We also had an octopus salad as starter course one evening which would have fed four ...... everybody got a leg .......
 Kids Breakfast - bathtub tom
Eldest daughter turned veggie in her teens (what dead animal are we eating today?). Fair game to her, she's stuck to it. She loves SWMBO's roast dinners and after years of buying veggie sausages and burgers, SWMBO's learnt to just give her the veg we're eating. Daughter did have to move her goalposts in South America, where, apparently, they just stick one fewer slices of ham in the sarnie for veggies! She learnt to remove it and eat the rest, something she'd never do in this country (it's been contaminated with meat!).

She brainwashed her younger sister into turning veggie. Younger stayed so until her first term at uni. She got so fed up with menu in halls the bacon sarnie turned her.
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