Non-motoring > North Korea, Gwynedd Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Manatee Replies: 4

 North Korea, Gwynedd - Manatee
Under 16s 9pm curfew in Bangor -

Also likened to North Korea, by "Big Brother Watch". Anybody who thinks anywhere in the UK is like North Korea should be shipped off there for a couple of weeks ;-)
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 16 Jun 12 at 13:11
 North Korea, Gwynedd - R.P.
I know - Bangor is a dump full of drunken little kids. But even I think this is a step too far ! Talk of draconian measures. What it needs is a few weeks of firm Policing to resolve it (linked to a wet summer). Mind you there are no cops left there and it'll never get properly and consistently enforced, all it does is turn the normal (majority) natural Police supporting citizens against the Police. They won't see that the County Council's seat warmer "Senior Community Safety Officer" is involved in it. All she's interested in is having meetings, having meetings about meetings and writing mouldy "papers" about stuff that people never read. Trust me I know.
 North Korea, Gwynedd - devonite
Good idea! - let the parents be responsible/put up with them! - it`ll probably be the only time they see them! lets see how they like their "kids" hanging around their houses being abusive / fighting / getting drunk! - roll it out nationwide for under 16`s to 18`s then if unemployed 3yrs National Service to learn respect, discipline and a Trade, then maybe they stand a chance of being normal person! - all their turning at the moment is Feral!
 North Korea, Gwynedd - R.P.
There's a more balanced report in today's local rag. Seems the Police are unhappy in the way it's been reported.
 North Korea, Gwynedd - Dutchie
All this started wayback.The familie unit was broken up political correctness took over.Cheap booze for sale in supermarkets.Both parents or in lots of cases one parent working no time for children.Look how children are brainwashed by the pop cuture and the examples by the so called stars how to live their lives.
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