As many of you know my Saturday nights are spent clubbing at alternative clubs in Manchester. My most frequented place was Jilly's but that has now closed down and it feels I am now old.
I am only 27 and three quarters but to me it feels like I will still be hitting the dance floor dancing to Rancid or Joy Division if I hit 50. Jilly's always attracted the older crowd (21 to 60ish) so although there was plenty of younger people most people were my age or older.
My parents think I am too old for clubbing but they don't seem to understand it is about the music. Most people settle down and stop going to clubs but if I get married I don't see why I should stop.
Surely you're never too old to dance? I actually enjoy clubbing a lot more now (it dosn't actually cost a lot) but I do have the money if I fancy going ma bit mad where as before it was just a budgeting exercise.
My older friends enjoy clubbing a lot more than my younger ones too.
Gone are the days when I used to go out and get change from 15 quid!
When you start to see 30 looming on the horizon Rattle, you have to take 3 words out of your vocabulary.
Can't - Too - Old
The next 20 years or so, should then be very happy ones and not wasted trying to conform to other peoples ideals about how YOU should live YOUR life.
Do what makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone else.
After 50 ish you get that wake up call when you realise there is so much you wanted to do and haven't managed to do it, that age doesn't matter anyway.
Two bits of advice though....
Never judge others in the hope they won't judge you.
If you get married go clubbing together!
Dance away and anjoy....:)
Rattle when i got to 32 it was enough to go clubbing i still go out now at 38 but not into clubs and for the past two years not all that bothered about going out every weekend.
It's true you do change you just feel why bother? 8x cans of larger at supermarket £7.00 in pub 8x pints £25.00 that is a big factor but when out i'll drink more and then a curry or a doner kebab to soak it all up and a taxi home before you know it you have spent £50.00 so that cash can be better spent when your a little older on kids etc.
Having a few mates round to a bbq or pop to local now and again is fine clubbing as been and gone i loved it but not anymore.
You're never too old, Rats,
Of course I remember the days when you could buy a new suit and shoes, get a tram into town, pick up a girl at Ritz, dance all night, Take her for a slap up meal and get a taxi home !
....and still have change from ten shillings !
27 ?..... Pah ! Just do it to them before they do it to you !
>> Having a few mates round to a bbq or pop to local now and again
>> is fine clubbing as been and gone i loved it but not anymore.
My thoughts exactly.
I can't cope with hangovers anywhere near as effectively any more and I've found that beer and shorts give me the most horrendous hangovers these days whereas red wine leaves me relatively unscathed. And you can't really drink red wine in a club!
rats why go clubbing just bling up the panda and the girls will come over, or a leisurely drive down country lanes, i used to work in a dance club before and the puntors that come over the regulars come and listen to the music some of the female clubbers go there cos its more fun way of excercising toning the muscles, for others it another way to pick up a girlfreind, since your passion is in motoring better to spend the money on your pride and joy, you only live once
>>> rats why go clubbing just bling up the panda and the girls will come over.
Ahh but he won't get those orange coloured girls in neon pink socks/tutus if he deserts the clubs.
I have a passion for music too but don't get to go many gigs as most of them are during the week and I rarely rarely go out during the week as it just affects my work.
I suspose I may just get bored of it one day.
I can still go out and get a lot of change from £25 but othertimes I spend a lot more. Before the recession a night out could cost £50 but its a lot cheaper now.
how can you dance to joy division?
Rats you just get older and start to dance like a drunken dad at a wedding.
Yep many a happy times dancing to Love Will Tear Us Apart or Digital :)
Only mancs know how to dance to Joy Division or the Smiths :).
I believe you should go for as long as you want to. However i am sure that many of us remember seeing the "old" bloke in the club (there was always at least one !) and just how sad they looked and realising that there is a time when you should call it a day !
You don't get too old is the simple answer.
I still do at the age of 53, in fact, for various, boring domestic reasons, I didn't really start until into my 30's. Not quite so much as I used to now, probably down to every 4-6 weeks but still enjoy it as does SWMBO, who is a similar vintage and several friends around the same age. Still see several people about who were 'oldies' when I started so they must be well into their 60's now!
Like everything else in life, if you're doing no-one else any harm and you enjoy it then keep on. If other people have a problem with you 'being too old' then it is exactly that, THEIR problem!
As you say, it hasn't got any cheaper though.....
Fred Wedlock knew the answer:
When you score with a chick in a disco bar
And you take her home in your hairy little car
You find you went to school with her ma and pa
You're the oldest swinger in town.
"When are you too old for clubbing?"
When you see those adverts for beige elasticated-waist slacks in newsapaper supplements and think, "hmm, they look comfy" - you'll be at that point.
You're too old when your body can no longer stand it.
You couldn't pay me enough in untraceable readies to set foot inside such a vile place as a club!
im never too old for my club
i go clubbing there often
in fact if i reach a certain age i get life membership and dont even have to pay my yearly subs
This reminds me of Kenny Everett on Capital Radio's breakfast show in, I think, the early 1980s.
He had a character called Captain Kremen and they had the following exchange one Monday morning.
Kenny: "Where were you at the weekend, Captain?"
Captain: "At my club - I'm a country member."
Kenny: "Oh yes, I remember."
Don't worry, some po-faced Guardian-reading fan of manual windows will be along in a minute. :)
clubbing joke:
Baby seal goes into a bar, the Barman says "What'll it be?".
The seal replies "Anything but Canadian Club on the rocks!".
I have just got back now. It is getting worse and worse. Had a brilliant night though, met a proper punk from London but lives down my way. Meant to me back hours ago but him and his girlfriend insisted they had to get a taxi past my house so I may as well share. So I got back for nothing.
For once a met of a is genuine and not trying to rip me off re taxis.
Up in a few hours time to go for a meal with other mates. I love weekends so much the problem is it takes my toll on mondays. I do not want to drive on Monday now as I may still be over the limit although been drinking since 8:00pm so most of it has probably worn of already.
This guy wants to get me jamming as he loves that I am a proper punk (i.e I know the works of the Clash).
get to bed now
that hard drive needs defragmenting first thing tuesday morning.........
I hear L'escargot was out clubbing again last night...
he needs to come out of his shell occasionally doesn't he ;-)
You're too old when the mind is willing but the flesh is weak.
Dunno if you saw :-!_The_Singer/
Good interviews with members of Joy Division - not my cup of tea but the Mancunian scene is/was always a foil to the London stuff.
>> Good interviews with members of Joy Division - not my cup of tea but the
>> Mancunian scene is/was always a foil to the London stuff.
Aren't they all looking old now? Fresh-faced Barney from New Order now reminds me of Phil from EastEnders, and even Siouxsie Sioux is having trouble hiding the years. Makes you realise how long ago it was and therefore how hold I must be :(
Well old Souxie certainly looked a bit scary - Joy Division chaps looked more like prosperous Civil Servants than rockers. Even Alice Cooper seems like a nice chap !
I watched that with huge anticipation but what a let down. Sadly the usual boring *talking heads* and those weird cartoon links wasting time too. Also there was a bit too much of the 80s in it and too little of the superb archive material the BBC has tucked away.
Put me off watching the rest of the series.
I'll watch the rest of it but do tend to agree with you - one of the better programmes of yore was Top of The Pops 2 - some excellent clips in that.
>> too much of the 80s in it and too little of the superb archive material
>> the BBC has tucked away.
The BBC should be forced to rerun all the old grey whistle tests, from the start to its demise.
That is my election manifesto pledge. Vote for ME the leader of the OGWT party
>> Well old Souxie certainly looked a bit scary - Joy Division chaps looked more like
>> prosperous Civil Servants than rockers. Even Alice Cooper seems like a nice chap !
Alice copper was always a nice chap, and Souxie was born looking scary and will go to her grave looking scary.
Alice Cooper scared the living daylights out of me when I was a lad and it led to a life long love of Rock...
And Debbie Harry started my life long love of blondes.
She's still a looker at 63 - yes indeedy.
>> She's still a looker at 63 - yes indeedy.
Assuming you're referring to Siouxsie Sioux, she won't thank you for that - born 1957 = 53 :)
Debbie Harry is 65 - she was relatively old when Blondie made it big.
Sorry Debbie Harry - I found a photo of her at 63.
>> Sorry Debbie Harry - I found a photo of her at 63.
Sorry - I can see from the 'reply to' icon that you were replying to the DH post, but when I posted it looked like your post came after it, hence I assumed you meant SS (if you see what I mean).
I do ! Souxie hasn't aged well.
...Joy Division - not my cup of tea...
Love Will Tear Us Apart is a good pop record, verging on the great, which works on several levels.
But the band's place in music history has been exaggerated because of the suicide of the lead singer.
There's a comparison with a painter whose work becomes more desirable after he's dead.
The daub's the same, but all of a sudden it's great art.
I think that's a little unfair iffy, JD don't feature on my iPOD but they had something. Rattle will be along in a minute to give you a proper telling off :-)
No I am with Iffy. One hit wonders. puts them in the same league as Joe Dulce.
Hahaha - only you could do that !
I did see the BBC programme :)
Joy Division started something different. Post 76 a lot of bands emerged from the sex pistols thing and they did something very different. While not on the same league as the Clash
Some of their album tracks can make a Smiths record sound cheerful and they did make some duffs (as New Order did) but amongst the bad stuff they made some truly classic records.
Bono always said JD would have been much bigger if Ian Curtis did not kill himself (almost 30 years to this day).
JoyDivision makes up the DNA of a lot of the modern 'indie' bands. As for rockers I don't think they ever really tried to be any more of a bunch of misfits from Salford who formed a punk band and got lucky.
Alice cooper still scares me but he has made some really good music.
As for Debby Harry maybe thats how I found punk, although I would say it was more through Joy Division. I would not call Blondie a punk band either, they have made some great hits but they are not punk.
As for indie I think Manchester is getting bored of it as the rest of the country are now obsessed with it. A new sound will soon emerge and no doubt in 30 years time the rest of the country will catch up! London still had the best pure rock and punk bands though!
I thought it was a bit odd they only showed a few clips of Freddie Mercury at the end, and didn't show any interviews with him or colleagues - surely one of the stand-out lead singers. Perhaps they classed Queen as more pop than rock, or just that it's been covered before?
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 4 May 10 at 11:36
>> Joy Division started something different.
Joy division were not original, started nothing and left nothing.
>>While not on the same league as
>> the Clash
Not even close.
>> >> Joy Division started something different.
>> Joy division were not original started nothing and left nothing.
I'm with Rattle on that one, although I would be interested to know who you think they imitated?
>> >>While not on the same league as
>> >> the Clash
>> Not even close.
Chalk and cheese IMO.
They are not one hit wonders, JD is bought by music fans, music fans are not 13 year old teenypobers and prefer to buy albums. New Order have had massive chart sucess and sold millions of record but Hooky once said that he still makes more money from Joy Division.
The Cure are another example, a lot of their famous hits never even charted.
>> The Cure are another example a lot of their famous hits never even charted.
Beg to differ on that one - which famous hits are you thinking of? Perhaps I missed them.
EDIT: I mean they had a lot of chart success
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 4 May 10 at 11:38
>> The Cure are another example a lot of their famous hits never even charted.
thats makes them - non hits - then
Rattle - your musical tastes are too limited.
Classics such as Girls Don't Cry never made it into the top 40, yet is is a well known song.
My music taste is very varied but it focuses around rock on my MP3 Player I have everything from
Simon and Garfunkel,
Rancid, Sulblime, NOFX, Alkaline Tri
Then all the classic rock like Bon Jovi, Rainbow, Guns N Roses etc
Stuff like Carol King
All the obvious stuff like the manc stuff, clash, pistols etc
Johnny Cash
I have everything from Ska to Country
I haven't really got into metal yet, Numetal put me off for live but I do like stuff like Pappa Roach.
>> Classics such as Girls Don't Cry never made it into the top 40 yet is
>> is a well known song.
Yes, I agree it is well known and I was surprised when I looked it up and found it didn't chart. But I think that's because it was only their 2nd single, and it only became 'famous' decades later when it was used as (for example) a film theme. The majority of their well known singles eg. Love Cats, Let's Go To Bed, Caterpillar, Close To Me were hits.
Having said that my favourite is probably Charlotte Sometimes which IIRC was on a compilation album I bought many years ago, and wasn't a hit but then isn't famous.
Ignore Zero - he's into Spanish classical guitar :)
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 4 May 10 at 12:22
He is in to everything. From Glenn Miller, to Bluegrass, From Military marches to Motown, from Disco to Deep Purple, Operetta, to Opera.
We dont have anything to do with the sex pistols, (utterly untalented) Morrisey, (up his own bumhole and a miserable twerp even now) or the bay city rollers.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 4 May 10 at 12:40
>> We dont have anything to do with the sex pistols (utterly untalented)
What's talent got to do with it? :) Pretty Vacant is a brilliant 3 minute blast. RIP Malcolm McLaren BTW.
Don't care what Morrissey is like as a person either - TBH I didn't watch him on Jonathon Ross because I was worried it might be uncomfortable viewing. But again some of the Morrissey/Marr compositions are fantastic (apologies for the motoring link):
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 4 May 10 at 13:01
I will have to blast that song out on my Panda when I get it :)
I remember Morrissey in Dublin 2004, he sang a 20 minute encore to that song. As everybody left the venue all you could hear was the chant "there is a light that never goes out..."
>> I remember Morrissey in Dublin 2004
Wish I'd seen the Smiths live - hopefully they'll all run out of money in a few years time and be forced to do a reunion tour a la Specials/Police/etc. Probably not the same though.
Good luck with the new car BTW - I'm envious.
Sorry this thread had me thinking of the Ramones when I was out on the bike today !
Another great band I will never to get see :(
Got to get my Ramones t-shirt this week. There is a new punk shop in the Manchester arndale which has opened so have no excuse now.
The demise of the Ramones is quite a sad story :( I wasn't into punk when they died but I remember my mate begging me to go to see this documentery about them at the corner house (an arts cinema) and was on for two hours and I found it fasinating even though at the time I thought I hated punk.
There is a new punk shop in the Manchester arndale
That isn't right on so many levels !
I have an original AC/DC shirt (original 80s) which seems to have shrunk somewhat !
As I understand it the others want to unite but Morrissey and Marr don't but they are both stinking rich so they have no need to. Marr has done some smiths tracks with other people.
I haven't seen Morrissey for a few years but seen him five times so I am going to wait a bit. I will maybe see him around 2012.
Car won't be long now, although I imagine the sound quality will be awful and I don't want to start hacking a brand new car.
You're too old for clubbing when your joints Rattle and your great-grandchildren Smoke.
The only Cure record I liked - or bought - was the single Killing an Arab.
A quirky, punky, pop song.
All their subsequent 80s stuff leaves me cold.