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Thread Author: helicopter Replies: 10

 Fire Tragedy - helicopter

It is not a question , just an observation as to how little about this seems to have been reported in UK, 30 seconds or so on last nights BBC 10 o'clock news and a small paragraph in todays Telegraph.

Absolutely heartbreaking and needless deaths of 19 people including 13 innocent children. Trapped in a nursery at the top of the building by negligent design and faulty sprinklers.

I am currently in the UK but I had lunch in the Villagio Mall three weeks ago.....

 Fire Tragedy - Zero
Probably because we expect negligent design, faulty fire equipment, and emergency services chaos abroad. Unfairly founded or not.
 Fire Tragedy - helicopter
Zero - I am just so upset that it takes such an absolute tragedy to highlight it - its not as though they have not got enough money to build to proper specifications......
 Fire Tragedy - Zero
>> Zero - I am just so upset that it takes such an absolute tragedy to
>> highlight it - its not as though they have not got enough money to build
>> to proper specifications......

I understand what you are saying, but its not unique to that part of the world is it.

I look at all these skyscrapers going up quickly in developing countries, and I see poor design, cut corners, bad ongoing support, not to mention the hundreds of deaths in construction.

Take the Chinese High Speed Rail system, the Zhōngguó gāosù tiělù. Speedily built, very fast trains. "Look what they can do", "Why can't we do that" everyone said. Well that all came, literally, quickly off the rails. Rescue and clean up there entailed craning the wreckage away with bodies dangling from the windows, and the investigation entailed dumping the evidence in pits and covering it over.

Life is cheap in some countries. Alas.
 Fire Tragedy - John H
>> it takes such an absolute tragedy to
>> highlight it - its not as though they have not got enough money to build
>> to proper specifications......

It is always thus in every tragedy, and errors are easy to spot with the benefit of hindsight.

This is how shopping malls should be designed for fire:

 Fire Tragedy - Focusless
The link doesn't work for me - presumably it's this story:
 Fire Tragedy - helicopter
Thats the one....

....nursery school kids including 3 year old triplets from one New Zealand family
 Fire Tragedy - John H
>> It is not a question , just an observation as to how little about this
>> seems to have been reported in UK, 30 seconds or so on last nights BBC
>> 10 o'clock news and a small paragraph in todays Telegraph.

It is in all the broadsheets, and there are three stories on it in the telegraph

>> nursery at the top of the building by negligent design and faulty sprinklers.
cause yet not established, and blaming design and faulty sprinklers (for not preventing the fire and/or its spread and/or evacuation) is a bit premature.

>> I am currently in the UK but I had lunch in the Villagio Mall three
>> weeks ago.....
People always tends to notice under-reporting of events concerning places that they are familiar with. If the news media covered all such multi-death events in the world, there would be no room to report on local UK news. As it is, the UK media has done well to cover the Doha fire. I should not be surprised if you find that in the USA it did not get any mention at all.

 Fire Tragedy - Zero
The yanks think Qatar is the lead instrument in a Mexican Rock band, they have no idea such a country exists, let alone a city called Doha or a fire there.
 Fire Tragedy - John H
I was wrong. At least the US-CNN and NY-Fox editions have a report.

 Fire Tragedy - Old Navy
A few weeks ago I was in the M&S in the Thistle center, (A shopping mall in Stirling) on a busy Saturday when the fire alarm sounded. Mrs ON was having her cash extracted at the time, the person serving her completed the transaction (30seconds) locked the till and pointed us towards the nearest fire exit. The staff went to obviously pre arranged positions to direct customers out of the center. I think the shop was cleared of people within 2 minutes.
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