Non-motoring > Vacuum Cleaners. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 96

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
The pile of poo Bosch vacuum has packed up. Not taken it to bits yet, it might be fixable, but in the event its not I wil need a new one.

Time to go bagless too I think, cylinder not upright - max hundred quid. However I won't have a Dyson anywhere in the house, If I want badly built expensive crap I will buy another Bosch.

So, what one? Tempted by the Vax C89-MA-B Air Multicyclonic. Comments?
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Runfer D'Hills
Best not get anything with "turbo" in the name. You know what they're like...Anyway what do you mean you'll need a new one? Just get her a dustpan and brush if she's broken the old one. Sheesh...

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
>> Best not get anything with "turbo" in the name. You know what they're like..

Yeah exactly! Had one with a "turbo" head, and that kept breaking.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - BobbyG
I know a lot of people who swear by the Henry hoovers - personally I prefer uprights but they seem to be very popular.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Runfer D'Hills
Yeah, my wife has a henry, she says it's very good. I borrow it to do the cars sometimes. Seems to work ok. What's to know? It sucks up dirt. Come to think of it, she puts something in it so the air coming out of it's exhaust pipe or whatever doesn't smell of dog hair. Anyway, it's red. Seems reliable enough.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Bromptonaut
Ymmv I'm afraid.

The Bosch hard floor specialist we have now is best since the AEG thingy we bought in 1990. Mainly used on the laminate g/f bit pretty good on carpet and excellent with cobwebs, curtains and that stuff that gathers in dark corners.

The intervening Hoovers, and the like model bought for the MoL, were carp of the highest order.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Lygonos
Got a fairly big house so I spent £100 buying 2 Kirby G4 uprights off ebay from local sellers.

Had them both over 5 years (probably about 15-16 years old now) with nothing needed but bags and occasional belts.

I keep one upstairs and one downstairs - "tech drive" on them is like power steering - they maybe weight about 10kgs but you can push/pull them with one finger.

Dowside is they are fairly heavy for doing stairs but they do an exceptional job - especially when you're as lazy as me and wheel them out a couple of times a month or for disasters.

For spot cleaning, the gaffer bought an electric picker-upper thingy for 30 quid or so - surprisingly good at shifting debris. GTech is the brand - like an old Ewbank with an electric motor.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - bathtub tom
Miele came out very good in reviews last time we needed one, so I coughed up £150.

The only fault is the cost of the bags. We've recently had a new carpet and they're filling up rapidly.

I've heard Henrys are well rated.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
Henry is out. I know they are good, but nicole won't be able to carry it upstairs, and the don't "drive" too well. (she would take chances out of the woodwork)
 Vacuum Cleaners. - devonite
Apparently, Vacuum power is measured in Air-watts nowadays(whatever they are) and from what i could gather when we replaced ours not long ago, the max Air-wattsits were 330. That being "suck the carpet up" models, the weakest seemed to be about 250 which is "park it up and grab a brush" - we got a 300aw and its perfect! not too much suck but enough to do a good job.....and she can push it about easier!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Duncan
>> So, what one? Tempted by the Vax C89-MA-B Air Multicyclonic. Comments?

Your response to this depends upon your opinion of Which?


Which? says Vax C89-MA-B is ok, not a Best Buy and scores 65%.

What about? Best Buy Upright - Panasonic MC-UL594 Eco-Max around £113
Best Buy Cylinder Miele S 211 Lava Grey £120. These two cleaners are not the only Best Buys, but I picked out one of each type. If you would like me to see what they recommend for, say, dog hairs, I will have a look.

We have a Miele and a Sebo and very pleased with both. It does seem that you can't go far wrong with Panasonic and Miele domestic kit.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
When we er....merged households Mrs RP brought her Miele cylinder which now lives upstairs - I brought my upright Miele (bought on her recommendation which was commended on here) the big one is in daily service downstairs - cracking bit of German kit - well up to the task. A little heavy, but superb handling....
 Vacuum Cleaners. - -
I was hoping to recommend the Goblin 1400w wet n dry jobbie we've had for about 12 years or more, has upholstery/carpet washing ability too.

Sadly it seems Goblin ceased trading in 2003.

Pity, cos it works as well as the day it was made, tows well without falling over, and not one fitting or accessory has broke...probably why they shut up shop.:-)

oh and you wouldn't believe the rough work its done, from leaves to concrete/building dust abd lght rubble without the bag, they really don't make 'em like that any more.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Mon 21 May 12 at 08:03
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Stuartli
>> When we er....merged households Mrs RP brought her Miele cylinder which now lives upstairs - I brought my upright Miele (bought on her recommendation which was commended on here) the big one is in daily service downstairs - cracking bit of German kit - well up to the task. A little heavy, but superb handling....>>

Wholeheartedly support this and Duncan's comments earlier. Miele are top notch as is another German manufacturer, Sebo. I have a Sebo X4 upright, but the firm does do cylinder models. Both makes' models feature superb build quality and are very efficient.

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
Miele don't make anything under 200 quid, nor do they do bagless models, and the bags are expensive.

Ditto Sebo, only add more £££ to the price.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Stuartli
You get what you pay for, plus the genuine Sebo bags are not that expensive. You can also buy the Duo-P carpet cleaning powder direct from Sebo (for use with the upright models) for far less than in retail outlets...:-)
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Dog
>>Tempted by the Vax C89-MA-B Air Multicyclonic<<

You wont go too far wrong with that IMO.

Or there's the C89-MA-P (for pet) @ around 140 sovs.

I've (as in me) got a Miele cylinder which is good but, it wont pick up Milo's 1/2" airs!!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Focusless
Argos are doing the C88-VC-T-A for 'half price' at the moment at £100 and the Vax C89-P7-B Power 7 for £80 (was £130), both 380 air watts and get good reviews FWIW.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Fursty Ferret
I have a Henry and it does a decent job, just bear in mind that it doesn't come with a head that beats the carpet.

Avoid robo-vacs if you have pets. Partly because they don't cope with the hair, but mostly because should the little darlings lay a turd on the carpet before a cleaning session, the robo-vac will... well, use your imagination. :-)

 Vacuum Cleaners. - VxFan
We've got a bagless Bush vacuum cleaner. There was a bloke at Finmere market selling catalogue returns (Argos, BHS, Littlewoods, etc). It was the end of the day and I can't remember if we paid a £1 for it, or rescued it from the skip where he chucked 99.9% of the stuff that he didn't manage to sell on the day. Had quite a few bargains from him every time we went to that market. Only ever had one faulty product that he was happy to exchange next time we went.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Mike Hannon
Interesting to know Kirby is still around. Years ago I was involved in an expose of their selling methods.
IIRC they were well made and worked OK but you wouldn't believe what people were talked into paying for them.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
We've got a Henry Xtra HVX200A. It's got 2 levels of suction and the higher level wil practically lift carpets off the floor. Very long hose and cord. The bags are enormous. It came with loads of tools and an attachment which contains a rotating brush ~ ideal for vacuuming up pet hairs. Spares are readily available for practically every part of the cleaner, including the part which contains the motor.

All in all it's brilliant. And it's got a lovely smile, like this :-)
We got it from here.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 21 May 12 at 11:04
 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
>> We've got a Henry Xtra HVX200A.

Just as an afterthought, Henry vacuums seem to be used extensively in shops, offices and factories. And they're nice and light in weight.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 21 May 12 at 11:11
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Bagpuss
Recently bought a Dirt Devil bag less vacuum cleaner for 95 Euros to replace a 12 year old Dyson with various broken bits that I considered beyond repair. Couldn't believe how much difference a brand new vacuum cleaner makes, getting the dust off our floors (no carpets) and the cat hairs out of the cushions.

Couldn't be bothered taking the Dyson to the tip, so stuck it in eBay - got 90 Euros for it!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero

Took it apart, (not easy needed a thin shafted torx driver). Cleaned out the segments on the motor commutator, plenty of brush left so not an issue there. Attention turned to the cord retraction/switch/speed controller assembly. With trepidation I undid the screw on the cord drum shaft, pulled it gently back and the clock spring leapt out and attacked me savaging my finger and drawing blood. (The sole purpose in life of a clock spring is to maim the person who tries to take it apart)

Cleaned the rings and wipers (retensioned the wipers) taking power from the rotating drum to the speed controller. Sprayed out the wiper on the speed controller slider.

Didn't bother to try and reassemble the clock spring, sometimes I can, but this one was a complex double reverse spool design so I just cut it out (where it tried to remove my fingers again)

Bingo! The Bosch sucks! Working but with no cord retraction. ( Its never really worked well anyway.) Buying decision delayed!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Iffy
...Buying decision delayed!...

Time to think carefully about going bagless.

Last one I had drove me nuts - washing out the container and various filters.

Henrys for me at Iffy Towers and the caravan.

Good, sturdy, quiet and a long cord - which is why hotels use them.

But as you said earlier, not so easy to carry about.

 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
We had a bagless Electrolux machine. Hated it - I used to wash it out and if you didn't dry it thoroughly enough it would stink. It could also be a dusty experience when emptying it....hated it. Bags for me any time.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - DP
We bought a bagless Samsung cylinder vac (VCC8442V) recently to replace our ageing Dyson upright which was dying on its feet (got 7 yrs out of it, mind).

Well pleased with it, apart from the too-small dust container which needs emptying a lot more frequently than the Dyson. That said, it's not difficult, fiddly, or dirty to do.

The vac itself is light, compact, powerful (will lift a 2m square rug clean off the floor) and has an infinitely adjustable power adjustment for different surfaces, and cord management that is pure heaven after the Dyson.

Well happy with it.
Last edited by: DP on Mon 21 May 12 at 18:00
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Alastairw
Quite happy with a bagless Electrolux cylinder. Yes you have to wash the filter sometimes, but otherwise emptying is simplicity itself - just hold the removeable container over bin and press the button. Never seen the need to wash the dust container - it will only get dusty agin, after all.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Runfer D'Hills
How come all you guys know so much about hoovers? I mean, you don't actually, like, use them or anything do you? Sorry, forgot, of course !

Southerners !

 Vacuum Cleaners. - sajid
i got a miele s5000 revolution, bought 6 years ago, the best bit about them is that it a cylinder type vac but with a powered brush, there a switch on the handle which activate the powered brush, best of both worlds upright and cylinder.

had a 5 year parts and labour warranty when i purchased the miele, they chuck in 10 boxes of bag with the warranty as the total cost was £100, good value.

 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
>> How come all you guys know so much about hoovers? I mean, you don't actually,
>> like, use them or anything do you? Sorry, forgot, of course !

I actually, like, use ours, like, on occasions to, like, vacuum the carpets, especially, like, when "er indoors" isn't, like, feeling so good.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
I've actually been advised by my doctor yesterday to avoid using one. Seems I have Tennis Elbow - right elbow. Forgot to mention I was left handed !
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Pat
Well, L'es is officially a 'new' man and as for RP, I'm sure you can steer a car with either hand?

No excuse, take a leaf out of L'es's book;)

Last edited by: pda on Tue 22 May 12 at 08:27
 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
>> Well, L'es is officially a 'new' man .....

Did you like the way I put "like" in every few words like the youngsters do? I'm trying to get down and get with it and be cool!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - CGNorwich
You need to work in a few "innits', know what I mean?
 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
>> You need to work in a few "innits', know what I mean?

And "yeah" at the end of every sentence. It should all be hoovered up at an early age.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - scousehonda
"And "yeah" at the end of every sentence"

Surely you mean 'yeah-no' !
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
>> >> Well, L'es is officially a 'new' man .....
>> Did you like the way I put "like" in every few words like the youngsters
>> do? I'm trying to get down and get with it and be cool!

And failing badly, init.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Dog
>> init<<

Two N's in it, innit.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Stuartli
Perhaps the intention was to say "I nit"?
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
>> Perhaps the intention was to say "I nit"?

No, it wasn't.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Stuartli
>> No, it wasn't. >>

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Robin O'Reliant
>> How come all you guys know so much about hoovers? I mean, you don't actually,
>> like, use them or anything do you? Sorry, forgot, of course !
>> Southerners !
>> :-)
There does seem to be an unhealthy amount knowledge about domestic appliances among the blokes here Humph, one has to wonder. But vacuum cleaners are different, they have wheels and you can steer them and the cylinder ones can even be a diesel locomotive if you use your imagination, so I think that's vaguely acceptable.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - CGNorwich
My wife used to work in the small electrical department of a large department store. she tells me that vacuum cleaners were nearly always chosen by the man, often in opposition to what the woman acually wanted. Men invariably wanted the most powerful machine with as many features as possible and were often beguiled by the space age look and technology of Dysons.

Women wanted a small lightweight machine with a bag (they invariably have to empty the thing).

Dysons were the make most returned for mechanical failure. Sebo and Miele are the most reliable
 Vacuum Cleaners. - -
>> Women wanted a small lightweight machine with a bag (they invariably have to empty the
>> thing).

Agree there, SWM wouldn't have anything except an Oreck for this very reason, probably the lightest durable upright on the market, and they didn't stint on the cord, the whole of our bunglalow can be vacuumed from 2 plug sockets.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Stuartli
>>..and they didn't stint on the cord, the whole of our bunglalow can be vacuumed from 2 plug sockets>>

The whole of the ground floor of my three-bedroom Victorian semi-detached can be cleaned with the Sebo X4 using a mains socket in the hallway...:-))
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Cliff Pope

>> The whole of the ground floor of my three-bedroom Victorian semi-detached can be cleaned with
>> the Sebo X4 using a mains socket in the hallway...:-))

So why don't we have fixed built-in vacuum cleaners and very long suction hoses? It would save dragging the machine itself around, so it could be heavier, more powerful, and more strongly built.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Crankcase

>> So why don't we have fixed built-in vacuum cleaners and very long suction hoses? It
>> would save dragging the machine itself around, so it could be heavier, more powerful, and
>> more strongly built.

Ah, the whole house cleaner. First invented in about 1850, and some are still doing it today...,,232096,00.html
 Vacuum Cleaners. - CGNorwich
It's the norm in the USA and Canada. Installed when house is built with a socket for the pipe in each room and the motor & collection bag in the basement.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Clk Sec
>>Agree there, SWM wouldn't have anything except an Oreck for this very reason, probably the lightest durable upright on the market,

Mrs CS agrees. She used to keep one vac downstairs and another upstairs, but with the exceptionally light Oreck, this is no longer necessary. It's a noisy beast, though. I usually find something to do outside when it's being used.

She's had it a few years now, but it came with a really good mini-vac which is ideal for the car.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Pat
So what's the excuse for dishwashers and breadmakers then RR?

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Robin O'Reliant
>> So what's the excuse for dishwashers and breadmakers then RR?
>> Pat
I married a dishwasher and Morrisons make the bread.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
Ignore her, this is the woman was talking about cheap toilet rolls.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Roger.
Cheap toilet rolls are important, though, considering the rate we get through them. Perhaps I should re-phrase the latter part of that sentence!
We don't "get through them" we use them. (Three sheets of Lidl four ply, folded up ensures good "push through" resistance.,
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Clk Sec
Not sure what you mean, Roger. Can you be more specific?
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Roger.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Pat
You should buy only need 2 sheets folded, so it is cheaper after all!

 Vacuum Cleaners. - -
You should fit a Shattaff (bum gun).

Bog rolls last months rather than days.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Lygonos
Move into the 21st Century people:-

 Vacuum Cleaners. - devonite
Needs a mudguard or you`ll get that rain-like stripe up your back!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Armel Coussine
Actually there is a sort of handheld bidet thing on a flexible hose that people of Muslim descent install in their lavatories if they have the money. The bog-roll invariably also present is for drying purposes no doubt.

Some but not all Muslim societies faff a bit about what hand you should use for bum-wiping or washing and what hand for eating. In some places people look at you askance if you eat with your left hand.

There may well be a, er, bottom of sense in all that in a hot country where hygiene may not be fully understood, or if understood may not be possible.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Dog
>>In some places people look at you askance if you eat with your left hand<<

At least we in the 'civilised' world have learnt to use a knifen fork!

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Roger.
.....unlike our American friends!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Robin O'Reliant
>> At least we in the 'civilised' world have learnt to use a knifen fork!
>> :-D
You wipe your bum with whatever you want, I'll stay with toilet tissue thanks.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Armel Coussine
>> have learnt to use a knifen fork!

Not without difficulty, I seem to remember. And American fork-wielding techniques are sometimes pretty bizarre.

A late Nigerian friend was very keen (for political reasons really) on promoting basic 'African' behaviour which included eating without cutlery. 'You can't break this fork!' he would say, holding up his hand. I often tried to make the point that fork breakage is an extremely rare occurrence, but was loftily ignored. Perhaps he was thinking of those vile little plastic airline forks which do indeed break easily.

I did sort of learn to eat with my fingers but it's often difficult and messy if you aren't used to it. Rice is especially problematic because you have to sort of shovel it in. Looks awful too especially if you are eating 'okra soup' which draws out into very long glutinous strings like snot with certain kinds of cold.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Roger.
Mind bleach - quickly.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - DP
I dated a Malaysian girl for a few months once, and I found the eating with fingers thing very difficult. It always gave her friends a good laugh though. :-)

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Dog
I often eat using my fingers, I eat toast using my fingers, I'll pick a leg o' chicken up with my fingers.

I'll even pick a roast tatty up with my fingers - I draw the line at rice though!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - devonite
Which is why in some Muslim lands the 1st penalty for a thief is having the right Hand chopped off! - it ensures they are a social outcast for life. Others dont seem to take too kindly for even repentant thieves to go rootin` around in the communal food - trough with the hand they have to use for Bum-wiping!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - zookeeper
the asian community and others , use bread, nan, roti, as an eating implement but it also is part of the meal... the fingers are still the basic delivery mechanism... if this rule applied in the USA i woudlnt be surprised if there was an epidemic of paraplegia
 Vacuum Cleaners. - devonite
Not like the "Yanks" to bite the hand that feeds them!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Bigtee
You can't beat a Dyson dc01 did 10 years this dc24 the ball doing 3yrs works a treat.

The cheaper Electrolux we tried was catolouge returns about £45 was powerfull suction probably more than the Dyson but after 1 yr it's handle snapped off!!

Pay your money take your choice.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
>> You should buy only need 2 sheets folded, so it is cheaper after all!

Co-op's own brand is as good as Andrex and is much cheaper.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
£4.00 for nnine rolls of the puppy tissue at Tesco and 10p a litre off food for the 3 as cheap as chips !
 Vacuum Cleaners. - VxFan
>> £4.00 for nnine rolls of the puppy tissue at Tesco and 10p a litre off
>> food for the 3 as cheap as chips !

But it isn't £4.00 though. You have to spend £8 to get 10p off petrol.

Unless you've got a near empty tank to fill up, it's not worth it. As previously mentioned, Tesco's own brand bog roll is currently £3.00 for 9 rolls, and is as good as the Andrex.

Which is cheaper?

£6 for 18 Tesco bogs rolls, or £8 for 18 Andrex bog rolls? You've got to factor in whether you'll save more than £2 off your petrol bill with the 10p/litre offer.

Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 24 May 12 at 10:19
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
Oh I know but I have special anal needs ! 3 Series will be on fumes soon so that's 60 litres at 10p off that's nearly a six quid saving on kit that we buy anyway !
 Vacuum Cleaners. - devonite
£1.99 for 9 rolls of that recycled stuff, Nouvelle!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - devonite
Anyway, nothing wrong with the `ole Evening Mail! Folk in the 40`s an 50`s rarely suffered from Piles, as an ingredient in the Printers-ink was later used as the "Active" ingredient in Prep H.
Don`t know if this is still true, as it seems the ink has changed with the computer world, a wet Newspaper no-longer cleans windows the same without adding a splash of Vinegar!
 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
>> Anyway, nothing wrong with the `ole Evening Mail! Folk in the 40`s an 50`s ..........

We used old railway timetables, skewered onto a butcher's meat hook. We never had a blockage of the drains either.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Dog
We used The Daily Mirror (best thing for it)

 Vacuum Cleaners. - L'escargot
>> We used The Daily Mirror (best thing for it)
>> :-D

We couldn't afford to buy The Daily Mirror. We got the old railway timetables for nothing.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Thu 24 May 12 at 14:59
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
>> >> We used The Daily Mirror (best thing for it)
>> >>
>> >> :-D
>> >>
>> We couldn't afford to buy The Daily Mirror. We got the old railway timetables for
>> nothing.

The killed that little perk then.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
We got the old railway timetables for nothing.

Kept you regular anyway !
 Vacuum Cleaners. - henry k
>>We don't "get through them" we use them. (Three sheets of Lidl four ply, folded up ensures good "push through" resistance.,
IIRC the correct industry term is "Poke through"
( just checked via Google and ....)

Ignore the following link if you are easily offended!
However you can buy the Tee shirt or mug.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
how did we get from vacuum cleaners to poking your finger up your bum?
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Iffy did we get from vacuum cleaners to poking your finger up your bum?...

Poking the tube of the vacuum cleaner up there is a sexual thrill for some.

A paramedic told me he was called to just such an incident.

The patient attempted to portray it as an accident, claiming he was in the habit of doing the hoovering naked and had fallen onto the appliance.

 Vacuum Cleaners. - Dog
>>Poking the tube of the vacuum cleaner up there is a sexual thrill for some<<

The thrill is enhanced if one is first padlocked into a luggage holdall, I hear.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
Not if it's a bag-less cleaner.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Robin O'Reliant
My niece's husband and a cousin's daughter are doctors. Both have remarked on the strange objects they came across during spells in casualty that people have had to have removed from their back passage after "accidently" sitting on them. Candles were a favourite, apparantly.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Lygonos
Early Lynx deodorant can lids were a popular one - presumably the lid became detached while the can was being 'used' and couldn't be gotten back out.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
The Lynx effect ?

Then there's always the hamster in the toilet roll tube...
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
You've been reading too much Bret Easton Ellis.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
Crumbs the effect of this site....(again) found myself staring into the window of a second hand re-furbished vacuum cleaner shop on my lunch break today.....
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Zero
Good job we were not talking about ladies underwear then.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - R.P.
Oh I do that anyway - always have.
 Vacuum Cleaners. - Haywain
Just in case anybody's still interested in vacuum cleaners...........
....... you can't beat SEBO. Mind you, they aren't totally reliable - I just had to replace a broken belt on ours after 18 years of use. Read the reviews on Amazon.
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