Non-motoring > Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 32

 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - L'escargot
What are the pros and cons of having treatment by a dental hygienist?
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - CGNorwich
Stopping your teeth and gums rotting.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - RattleandSmoke
Cons they are evil gits and also empty your wallet.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - sooty123
One I see annually gives me tips on how to look after your gums and teeth. How to brush them in the correct manner; different types of toothbrush to use etc. Not sure on how much the visit costs.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Clk Sec
The wife said she paid about £48 when she went to the hygienist a couple of months ago, and that was a lot less than we had been paying a while back when we were registered with a private clinic.

Well worth the investment in my opinion.

 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - NortonES2
Parted with £47 yesterday. Water jet makes me nervous. Not too keen on the glee with which she tells me that is what I need!
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - AnotherJohnH
>> Stopping your teeth and gums rotting.

Which is a doubly good thing as there appears to be a correlation between gum and heart disease.

If the correlation is genetic, well tough, but it must be worth keeping your gums in good nick just in case...

.... is there a Doctor in the house? ;-)
Last edited by: AnotherJohnH on Wed 4 Apr 12 at 10:21
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Dutchie
There are no cons having your teeth cleaned by the dentist.Every check up mine are checked and cleaned by a pretty lady dentist from Lithuania.>:)
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - John H
>> What are the pros and cons of having treatment by a dental hygienist?

Unless you have access to a good NHS dentist (or even a private dentist) who is willing to clean & polish your teeth at a low cost, it should be cheaper to get a hygienist to do the job.

Using a good electric toothbrush should reduce the amount of work a hygienist or dentist needs to do.

Pros - better dental health after treatment by a pro.
Cons - just make sure you are not conned by a con-artist, and there will be no cons.

 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - VxFan
I pay into a dental plan that costs me £12.40 a month. With that I get 2 free check ups a year, unlimited free x-rays, 2 free hygienist appointments, along with 20% off any treatment that I might need, and Worldwide dental insurance.

Works out at £148.80 a year.

If I just paid for the above when I needed it, then it would cost me £239, and I wouldn't get 20% off any treatment.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - CGNorwich
"Works out at £148.80 a year."

Two NHS check ups will cost you £35.

This covers an examination, diagnosis (eg X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed,
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - VxFan
>> Two NHS check ups will cost you £35.

NHS Dentist = rare as rocking horse poo around here.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 4 Apr 12 at 12:46
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Duncan
>> I pay into a dental plan that costs me £12.40 a month.
>> Works out at £148.80 a year.

So you pay almost £150 a year, before any treatment starts?

Then you pay 80% of the full cost of any treatment?

Not such a good deal methinks.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - VxFan
>> So you pay almost £150 a year, before any treatment starts?
>> Then you pay 80% of the full cost of any treatment?
>> Not such a good deal methinks.

If I wasn't in the dental plan and had to pay for the 2 check ups, 2 hygienist appointments, X-rays, Worldwide dental insurance, then it would cost me £239.00

2 examinations, £70 (£35 each time)
2 hygienist appointments, £108 (£54 each time)
X-rays £35.00 each time
Worldwide dental insurance £26.00

I also get emergency appointments free. Non plan members have to pay £35.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Cliff Pope
It's not like just driving through a car-wash. A good one liaises with the dentist, sees the same set of records, knows your history and any weak points.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - RattleandSmoke
And a bad one sucks more blood than a back street dentist :(
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Clk Sec
A trip to the dentist isn't really your cup of tea, Rattle?
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - RattleandSmoke
One of the last trips to my dentist was so bad it contributed to me having a mini nervous break down at the end of last year/start of this year. He said I was too nervous to treat, refereed me to another specialist dentist, they told me I have a blood pressure of 250. Took it my self and was 125, GP took it, 130. I heared nothing after a sending them a formal letter they say there is no funding. So I decided to cut my loss of the two lots of £17 odd and start from scratch. Went to a new dentist via recommendation and there was no problem at all. No suggestion that I needed the work done under sedation or anything.

Thankfully I have now found a nice dentist, the problem is its 5 miles away (when they are about 100 more local ones) but sometimes you have to travel.

This new one is much better so I suppose I should not let my two awful experiences of the last one put me off.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Wed 4 Apr 12 at 11:19
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - R.P.
5 Miles !!!!! I have to drive that far to get a Newspaper !
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - RattleandSmoke
Yeah but I live in a city which has the population of 2.4 million :). You live in an entire country which doesn't have much more than that in it :D.

To be fair the dentist is not that far, but must have to drive past about 20 others to get there.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - FocalPoint
It always used to be said that if you had a good dentist you hung on to them even if you moved away.

When my family and I moved from Chesham to St Albans many years ago the kids and my then wife continued to be treated in Amersham - a bit of a trek from our new home, but worth every penny, we thought, as this guy was so good with the children.

I eventually (from personal recommendation) found an excellent dentist in St Albans and since moving to Hemel Hempstead continue to go back. At least I can now use my bus pass!

There must be literally dozens of dentists nearer.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - L'escargot
>> Thankfully I have now found a nice dentist, the problem is its 5 miles away
>> (when they are about 100 more local ones) but sometimes you have to travel.

About 100 more local ones? This only lists 76 in Manchester.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Fri 6 Apr 12 at 09:18
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Dog
Its a con IMO - just another way of 'extracting' esterlina britanica from your billfold.

If my teeth were coated in plaque/nicotine/tanning etc. I'd have em done, but I look after them myself with a waterpic + electric toothbrush (and the correct diet)

My dog is 12 years old - got all his own teeth, and he's never been to a blimmin hygienist :)

Bi-annual checks ups! don't make me laugh :-D
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - RattleandSmoke
Yeah but your dog probably doesn't drink acid like a lot of us humans do, or eat a lorry full of sugar every day.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - sooty123
Not all of us ;-)
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - CGNorwich
Cats suffer from gum and dental problems. Cost over £100 to get our mog's sorted.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Ambo
In our NHS practice patients are threatened with expulsion if they don't turn up for cleaning twice a year. I have to attend quarterly as I have a pacemaker and supersonic gimmicks can't be used on me.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Mr Moo
When I lived near Leicester, some friends that had moved up there from Devon, continued with their dentist back in Devon and the whole family went down there twice a year for check ups! Presumably if treatement was required, they'd need to make the journey all over again! Aside from the cost of the check ups and treatment, the cost of the journey must have been enough to make you start grinding your teeth!!
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Dave
Teeth are alright, but the gums will have to come out.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - L'escargot
>> I have to attend quarterly as I have a pacemaker ..........

Gerry has 4 pacemakers.

Sorry. I know it's a serious thing. I shouldn't joke about it but I just couldn't resist it.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - L'escargot
I visited our dentist's hygienist this morning and was satisfied that she'd cleaned my teeth better than any dentist previously. The visit cost me £43 (which I'll recoup from my healthplan) plus £3.90 for a packet of Φ 0.45 mm interdental brushes. I've tried one since I've been home but so far I've failed to get it inter my dentals! The hygienest managed it.
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - henry k
>> plus £3.90 for a packet of Φ 0.45 mm interdental brushes.

I think these toothpicks are good value and effective.
As they are individually wrapped I keep a couple in my wallet .
 Pros and cons of treatment by a dental hygienist? - Clk Sec
>> plus £3.90 for a packet of Φ 0.45 mm interdental brushes. I've tried one
>> since I've been home but so far I've failed to get it inter my dentals!

You do need to persevere with interdental brushes as it can take some time to get used to them.

I use Totalcare's 0.6mm extra fine brushes which I buy from Superdrug, although they have a good range of makes and sizes, including the more expensive TePe's.

P.S. Yes, I know your post was tongue in cheek!
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