Non-motoring > Olympic torch relay Miscellaneous
Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 60

 Olympic torch relay - L'escargot
Will you be watching the olympic torch being carried?
 Olympic torch relay - CGNorwich
Might do - A bit of harmless fun for a change. I'm sure the participants will remember if for a long time.

 Olympic torch relay - Robin O'Reliant
No, it would keep reminding me of the countless billions wasted on a corrupt charade that few people want or care about.
 Olympic torch relay - spamcan61
Whilst I agree in principle with RR, the torch passes within a couple of miles of my house, once in a lifetime thing, so might summon up the effort to spectate.
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
Passing and being seen are not the same.

Its being transported by car from location to location, where the running takes place.
 Olympic torch relay - spamcan61
I've checked the itienary(?) and looks like we get the full-on torch carrying extravaganza from the middle of Bournemouth to Christchurch KFC, then by car to Lyndhurst.
 Olympic torch relay - Cliff Pope
>> Its being transported by car

Not one loaded with jerry cans of petrol I trust :)
 Olympic torch relay - CGNorwich
"that few people want or care about."

Strange how they sold all the tickets then. Why do people love to moan so much. The Olympics looks like its going to be huge success. All the building completed well on target and its going to be a great advert for the UK. Sport is not really my thing but I'm sure I will end up watching quite a lot of it. It's going to be a great party and it will be good to have something to talk about other than the economy.
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
Well said Boi.
 Olympic torch relay - R.P.
And in fairness has been delivered on time ! Plus there is a massive legacy for the local people of East Londonville if only the unions don't disrupt it.

Baggage handlers on strike over Easter weekend at Stanstead, when thousands of hard working families are due to fly on holiday. Callous twisted idiots.
 Olympic torch relay - Robin O'Reliant
Plus there is a massive legacy
>> for the local people of East Londonville if only the unions don't disrupt it.
And a massive debt for the rest of us.

If the Olympics were truely about sport -who could run, swim or cycle the fastest etc all the facilities to find that out were already in place and probably under-used in many instances. It's a political jamboree put on to advance the careers of people who couldn't walk to the bus stop without risking a coronary. However many tickets they sell (probably half of those to people who have never seen a sporting event in their lives and just want to be "in") 99.9% of us will only see it on TV, just as we would if the games had a permanent site in Greece or we let some other poor saps pick up the tab.
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
Oh go on there RR, you just dont like the idea of Harry the Hammer running out on to the running track, or the singing of bubbles lost in the vast cavernous spaces of the Olympic Stadium.

 Olympic torch relay - Robin O'Reliant
>> Oh go on there RR, you just dont like the idea of Harry the Hammer
>> running out on to the running track, or the singing of bubbles lost in the
>> vast cavernous spaces of the Olympic Stadium.
If we don't get promotion this year we'll be lucky if we can afford the rent for a pitch on Wanstead Flats, let alone a whole stadium (1-2 down to Reading as I write).
 Olympic torch relay - Badwolf
The torch will be carried through Southport and will pass less than half a mile from my front door. However, I have absolutely no interest whatsoever is standing about waiting to see some chap (or chapess) carry a burning stick past.

The Olympics leave me cold, and that's not just because of the massive waste of taxpayers' money. I have no idea how I'm going to avoid the wall-to-wall coverage - Mrs B loves athletics so I'm utterly scuppered.

Last edited by: Badwolf on Mon 2 Apr 12 at 19:04
 Olympic torch relay - Fullchat
Not a bad time for the Argies to have another go at the Falklands when everyone and their dogs are consumed with this profligate waste of tax payers money.
 Olympic torch relay - CGNorwich
>> Not a bad time for the Argies to have another go at the Falklands when
>> everyone and their dogs are consumed with this profligate waste of tax payers money.

and the Argentinian Olympics team are a highly trained special forces unit who will seize control when the time comes.

Best start monitoring their emails
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
>> Not a bad time for the Argies to have another go at the Falklands when
>> everyone and their dogs are consumed with this profligate waste of tax payers money.

Yes I agree - we should give them back the he Argies and save all that money. They are indeed a profligate waste.
 Olympic torch relay - Fursty Ferret
Even if we regret it down the line it's not a big deal to just invade again and take them back.
 Olympic torch relay - Pat
Why do the British always love to rain on someone else's parade?

It's the same with the Jubilee, neither are my cup of tea but I'm happy to see others enjoy both of them.

Alf Garnett and Victor Meldrew spring to mind.

 Olympic torch relay - Focusless
>> Why do the British always love to rain on someone else's parade?
>> It's the same with the Jubilee, neither are my cup of tea but I'm happy
>> to see others enjoy both of them.

It's the expense which is the problem I think Pat. I'm not too fussed either way about the Olympics - could be quite entertaining - but you have to admit it's not coming cheap.
 Olympic torch relay - CGNorwich
"Why do the British always love to rain on someone else's parade?"

Unfortunately it has become the norm in the UK. There are a huge number of positives about living here. Most people seem to focus on negative issues. Most people in this country will always tell you why a thing can't or shouldn't be done.
 Olympic torch relay - Dutchie
I don't think that is unique to the British having a negative attitude.If you ask the majority of individuals about their well being people are reasonable happy.If you ask the same people about the state of the country they might say we are in a mesh.Regarding cost for the Olympics. I presume out of general tax.Maybe because of servicing being cut to a lot of people.Distrust of politicians high unemployement and people working long hours to make a living.We be watching the olympics on the television and I hope the games will be good.
 Olympic torch relay - Pat
But the benefits of the facilities, housing and the general improvement of the areas will remain long after the Olympics have gone and look at how many have found work in the preparations.

 Olympic torch relay - Badwolf
>> But the benefits of the facilities, housing and the general improvement of the areas will
>> remain long after the Olympics have gone...

Good for them, Pat. However, what benefit will the vast majority of the tax-paying population get in the long run?

I have no problem with people enjoying the Olympics but I would be very surprised if the income from the Games exceeds the costs. And if it does, will every taxpayer in the country benefit? Nope.

Don't get me wrong, I love this country and there are many beautiful and wonderful things about it. The Olympic Games, however, are not one of them.
 Olympic torch relay - Old Navy
At least we don't win the Eurovision Song Contest these days and get lumbered with the cost of putting that on.
 Olympic torch relay - Focusless
>> At least we don't win the Eurovision Song Contest these days and get lumbered with
>> the cost of putting that on.

Ah but this year we've got a proper singer, and (having just listened to it) a proper song. The only way we couldn't win would be in the highly unlikely event other countries did some sneaky tactical voting :)
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 3 Apr 12 at 12:26
 Olympic torch relay - CGNorwich
Ah but this year we've got a proper singer


He's an ageing pale sort of imitation Tom Jones. To be honest I thought he was dead. Still I always watch the contest. It's always entertaining. Russia's entry will walk it. :-)
 Olympic torch relay - Focusless
>> >> Ah but this year we've got a proper singer
>> eh?
>> He's an ageing pale sort of imitation Tom Jones.

You would prefer Blue? :)
 Olympic torch relay - CGNorwich
Doesn't matter really. Russia are unbeatable
 Olympic torch relay - L'escargot
>> He's an ageing ........... imitation Tom Jones.

He's only four years older than Tom Jones.
 Olympic torch relay - Pat
>>And if it does, will every taxpayer in the country benefit? Nope<<

It's a bit like childless couples paying tax for others to have child benefit payments.

You can't always expect to get a direct return for everything in life.

 Olympic torch relay - Badwolf
>> It's a bit like childless couples paying tax for others to have child benefit payments.

Yes, but that benefit positively affects the whole country. Taxpayers throughout the country are paying for something that, on the whole, will only benefit London.

A recent conservative estimate of the costs of the Games is £11bn. £11 billion pounds. And for what? Wouldn't you rather this gargantuan amount be used to improve the lives of people who are on the bread line through illness or accident? Or how about pumping the money into caring for those who have terminal cancer, or other debilitating conditions. It makes me so angry that such a massive and potentially useful amount of money is being wasted in this manner.
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
or something that, on the whole, will only benefit London.
>> A recent conservative estimate of the costs of the Games is £11bn. £11 billion pounds.
>> And for what? Wouldn't you rather this gargantuan amount be used to improve the lives
>> of people who are on the bread line through illness or accident? Or how about
>> pumping the money into caring for those who have terminal cancer, or other debilitating conditions.
>> It makes me so angry that such a massive and potentially useful amount of money
>> is being wasted in this manner.

Far more is spent sending our youth over to Afghanistan, so they can be turned onto paraplegics. Now that is a waste of time.
 Olympic torch relay - sooty123
Hardly a reason to justify a double waste (if your that way inclined).
 Olympic torch relay - Cliff Pope
>> But the benefits of the facilities, housing and the general improvement of the areas will
>> remain long after the Olympics have gone and look at how many have found work
>> in the preparations.


Just look at the booming Greek economy, and the revitalisation of the Athens infrastructure after they hosted the Olympics.
 Olympic torch relay - sooty123
the relay is passing nearish to us and we've been asked to provide some runners as well as some other olympic related stuff. Each person runs about 2 miles the whole leg is about 20 odd miles.
 Olympic torch relay - CGNorwich
'I don't think that is unique to the British having a negative attitude"

I'm sure it's not but there are a lot of countries where the population as a whole has a much more positive "can do" view of life - United States, Australia Germany and India spring to mind.
 Olympic torch relay - John H
>> I don't think that is unique to the British having a negative attitude. >>

I agree. There are only two other nationalities who beat the British at it. Swedish and Dutch. ;-)

>> Regarding cost for the Olympics. >>
The problem is this:
The cost of London Olympics will go way over its current budget of £9.3billion. The predicted cost of the Games when London won the bid in 2005 was £2.37billion.

A balanced view?
How Much Will The London Olympics Cost? Too Much.

 Olympic torch relay - smokie
Radio show just before lunch today - operational costs of games (i.e. LOCOG stuff) will make a reasonable profit.

The unrecoverable cost is the infrastructure changes, but those are the ones with the lasting benefit (to those who get to use them). I *think* this is the £9bn.
 Olympic torch relay - Alastairw
I for one am looking forward to seeing the torch relay in Hazel Grove - nothing to do with the UK hq of Adidas being here, of course ;)

I am also looking forward to my 4 weeks of volunteering at the main shindig this summer. Lets show the world what a great country we live in!
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
Yup, got my technical training on the 17th, got my shift pattern for the Paralympic games, just waiting for the dates for the accreditation/uniform, my venue acclimatisation, and the shift patterns for my main olympic event.

I'll have two sets of uniforms if anyone wants to buy one off me.....
 Olympic torch relay - Runfer D'Hills
 Olympic torch relay - R.P.
Probably not but a short inside leg though Humph.
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
>> Crimplene?

Yup, McDonalds are doing all the catering so it needs to expand...
 Olympic torch relay - Runfer D'Hills
I suppose there will come a time, but for now, I'll stick with my jeans...

 Olympic torch relay - Dog
I reckon the world knows only too well what sort of country we live in.
 Olympic torch relay - Duncan
Grand daughters aged 7 and 5 saw the Olympic Torch Relay go through Nottingham last week.

Totally underwhelmed!
 Olympic torch relay - WillDeBeest
The Olympic torch van will be bringing it our way next week, where it gets a brief ride on the Thames before being loaded back into the van for its next visit to within ten miles of 95% of the population.

We have a three-line whip from the school to have the Beestlings there in full uniform at 0815, presumably to provide the required spontaneous display of enthusiasm. We parents are not allowed in the school's area, because that would spoil the photos.
 Olympic torch relay - Roger.
It's all about the money.
 Olympic torch relay - Dave_
>> Grand daughters aged 7 and 5 saw the Olympic Torch Relay go through Nottingham last week

My 5 year old son was with his mum at the back of the crowds so they didn't actually see anything - but she did get him an inflatable Union Jack Olympic torch.

Hopefully we'll have more success this weekend when we go to watch it pass near my dad's house. It'll be something for my nippers to tell their grandchildren.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Mon 2 Jul 12 at 20:52
 Olympic torch relay - R.P.
I normally "dis" everything like this - but I have to say the whole thing was very well received here - especially amongst my face-book friends. We were lucky around here stunning weather especially for the ascent if Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) - some genuine emotion. I wouldn't "diss" it because a lot of real people have cared for it.

Mind you the commercial aspect was stomach churning.
Last edited by: R.P. on Mon 2 Jul 12 at 21:04
 Olympic torch relay - Zero

>> Mind you the commercial aspect was stomach churning.

You have no idea. After the games is over and I have done my bit I will let you know how bad.

But thats not our fault. I have to say, I thought the whole thing would be a disaster. In truth its been a superb exercise in planning, effort, organisation and mobilisation.

So far. My scepticism about the opening ceremony remains, however. I am going to be at the technical rehearsal, so I wil see at first hand if my doubts remain.
 Olympic torch relay - DP
I am very bah humbug about the whole thing.

Working for one of the main sponsors means being greeted by a 30 ft tall poster of Beckham, Zara Phillips and that infernal torch every time I walk in the door at work, but other than that I am doing my utmost to completely ignore the whole thing and hope it passes quickly. Simply cannot get excited about it.
 Olympic torch relay - R.P.
"my" BMW dealership are full of that tacky s***e. Keep away until it's over. My FiL had a free gift when he bought his 33k BMW an sponsored logo'd ball point - s***e thing.
 Olympic torch relay - Dutchie
I might be wrong but running about with the Olympic torch wasn't that Adolph Hitlers idea.?
 Olympic torch relay - Zero
Not Quite, tho it was first done at the Berlin Olympics, It was a guy called Carl Diem. There is much dispute about Diem being a Nazi or not.
 Olympic torch relay - Dutchie
He problaby was a National Socialist Mr Diem.Hitler wouldn't allowed him to be involved if he wasn't.Long time ago now enjoy the games..;)
 Olympic torch relay - Bromptonaut
>> I might be wrong but running about with the Olympic torch wasn't that Adolph Hitlers
>> idea.?

National anthems at medal ceremony was a 36 thing as well I think. AH expected DuA to be echoing round. Not at all happy when Jessie Owens repeatedly caused US antherm to be played instead.
 Olympic torch relay - devonite
>>I might be wrong but running about with the Olympic torch wasn't that Adolph Hitlers idea.?

I always thought that originally a "runner" carried the Flame from the top of Mt Olympus to the Stadium in the very first Greek Games?
 Olympic torch relay - R.P.
Weren't motorways a Nazi idea as well ?
 Olympic torch relay - Iffy
Only after Bomber Harris made the space for them.

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