Non-motoring > Gorgeous George. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Roger. Replies: 25

 Gorgeous George. - Roger.
Surely this must be the only public forum in the UK which, so far, has not commented upon the Bradford West by-election yesterday, so here goes, with my hat in the ring.

FWIW, I think that the Muslim block (and possibly dubious postal votes) won this seat for Britain-hating Galloway. The man is a traitor and a deeply dangerous one, at that.

A more detailed appraisal of the man is here:-

(Link to an article in "The Commentator", written by Raheem Kassam)
 Gorgeous George. - Crankcase
I really thought this thread was going to be about wrestling, and that would have been a bit left field even for this place.
 Gorgeous George. - Zero
A deeply dangerous traitor? A not unexpected view from you.

At least he told the US senate to get stuffed in spectacular fashion, and told them some home truths about Iraq.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 30 Mar 12 at 15:47
 Gorgeous George. - R.P.
I don't agree with a lot of what he says or does, but I have a rather grudging respect for him. Unusually honest for a politician...wouldn't vote for him myself. Agree with Zero as well !
 Gorgeous George. - TeeCee
>> Unusually honest for a politician...

Ah, you missed the "charity" scandal then? At least most of the others with their fingers in the till were filling their pockets from the public purse rather than with widows' mites.
I don't think they ever did work out where all the money went.

Also well-known for being first in line for any expensive overseas junkets going when a mainstream politician.

Personally I don't think he's dangerous, rather the opposite - a figure of fun. I also can't quite see traitor. However, I do reckon he's one of the most self-serving as politicians go.

As for honest, I'm absolutely convinced he'd say up was down and black was white if it might get him a few votes.
 Gorgeous George. - Armel Coussine
It amuses me to be in broad agreement with Roger and the late Christopher Hitchens, although Roger overdoes it by calling GG a traitor. He's too fly to look much like one of those.

He is very distasteful though, a sort of Fox News commentator in reverse.
 Gorgeous George. - R.P.
Well observed AC. He used to be on my hate list, but a lengthy discussion on FB with some leftie friends sort of convinced me to think a little about who he is and do some digging. He falls into into the Tony Benn category for me - sort of second division though.
 Gorgeous George. - Armel Coussine
>> sort of second division though.

Fourth division, facing relegation if you ask me comrade...
 Gorgeous George. - R.P.
Funnily enough I wanted to write Conference League but thought I might be picked on.
 Gorgeous George. - Zero
A superb orator is our George, but like most of his type some of the truths he speaks is drowned out by the trip he spews. Still he has chosen his niche, and knows how to target an area to get himself elected.

Bit of a pervert too judging by his performance on Big Brother, you got to like a guy like that.
 Gorgeous George. - madf
I like George Galloway.

Spots an opening - and goes for it.. In another life he would have been Richard Branson.

The fact that the Labour Party lost a very safe seat says more about them than George Galloway. The fact that Labour are not 20% ahead in the Opinion Polls just confirms it.

George Galloway is infinitely preferable to Ed Balls..( I don't compare him to Ed Miliband as everyone is preferable to him)
Last edited by: madf on Fri 30 Mar 12 at 16:36
 Gorgeous George. - Lygonos
He beat the 'intended' Labour guy.

Destroyed him in fact.

The Labour guy was Imran Hussein - sounds like 'C of E' to me.

The Muslim vote went for the Scotsman (who has well publicised Muslim sympathies).

Traitor? Hardly.

And as Z has mentioned - he handed the US Senate their own butts in 2005 with impressive style - watch the video on youchoob if you've never seen it.

Tell the truth as he sees it, just as everyone does - just his truth doesn't necessarily agree with mine or yours.

 Gorgeous George. - zookeeper
george galloway has been blowing smoke up a certain section of societies chuffs for decades...he even has a 3 hour slot every evening on a particular radio station
how can he not win?
 Gorgeous George. - Armel Coussine
I've met George Galloway, in connection with a dispute that involved Muslims on both sides, not in the Middle East but North Africa. He purportedly espoused the cause of the side I support myself, but soon blotted his copybook quite badly. The man's an opportunist and hustler, none too honest. Shady is the word.

It's perfectly possible to be rude and forthright without being honest. A lot of people are.
 Gorgeous George. - R.P.
The Bradford Spring no less. Hyperbole overload !
 Gorgeous George. - Robin O'Reliant
Labour's policy of allowing virtually uncontrolled immigration "To wipe the noses of the right in a diversity culture" came back to haunt them last night.
 Gorgeous George. - Bromptonaut
>> Labour's policy of allowing virtually uncontrolled immigration "To wipe the noses of the right in
>> a diversity culture" came back to haunt them last night.

Interesting set of interviews with people in Manningham and thereabouts on PM tonight. Didn't sound like new arrivals; spoke like me but with 'yorkie' overlaid by an Asian lilt.

In other words the folks who voted for GG were the sons and grandsons of immigrants in the fifties and sixties. People brought in to do the jobs in woollen mills that the indigenous population were no longer up for.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 30 Mar 12 at 20:29
 Gorgeous George. - Dutchie
Are most of the people voting for G.G Moslims?Couldn't care less if hey where just wonder.
 Gorgeous George. - Bromptonaut
>> Are most of the people voting for G.G Moslims?Couldn't care less if hey where just
>> wonder.

That's the working assumption. GG mobilised the (mostly Muslim) British Asian vote in one half of the constituency while the white British in the other half stayed home.
 Gorgeous George. - Dutchie
I was thinking that Brompt.In a general election I can't see him getting all these votes.Still strange that a Scotsman appeals to the moslim vote whilst one of their own candidates never got any.Never been to Bradford so I don't know what the town is like.
 Gorgeous George. - Zero
>> >> Are most of the people voting for G.G Moslims?Couldn't care less if hey where
>> just
>> >> wonder.
>> That's the working assumption. GG mobilised the (mostly Muslim) British Asian vote in one
>> half of the constituency while the white British in the other half stayed home.

He worked the same routine in the east london constituency he got elected in.
 Gorgeous George. - Dutchie
So he appeals to the minority vote,I give him his due he is crafty.A Geert Wilders on the left.>:)
 Gorgeous George. - Stuu
They want him, they got him. Good luck with that Bradford. Enjoy.
 Gorgeous George. - Dog
Informative article on GG, explains how he came by the nickname of Gorgeous George:
Last edited by: Dog on Sat 31 Mar 12 at 11:03
 Gorgeous George. - Crankcase
This can't be a thread hijack can it?

This is the one I was thinking of.

Skip to 1:20. stick with it for the gold Georgy pins and a very forced ha ha ha.

Ok, intermission over. You can go back to politics now.
 Gorgeous George. - Dog
>>This is the one I was thinking of<<

Triffic showman, knew how to captivate an audience, not un-like today's GG.
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