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Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 13

 Fox News - Armel Coussine
Watched this channel for half an hour late last night. I must have a masochistic side because I could hardly tear myself away.

Of course I remember how my jaw used to drop in 1973 when listening to coverage in California of the CIA-sponsored military coup in Chile, and the uncritical views of laid-back Californians (the stupidest people in the world). All I can say is that the US media have gone on to greater things.

The two subjects under discussion were the cold-blooded murder of the black teenager Treyvon Martin and the Administration's attempts at healthcare reform. The commentators were an ugly virago and a badly-dressed twerp whose eyes were practically touching, two slimy, smart-aleck, empty motormouths who would clearly be incapable of making a true or accurate statement under any circumstances. Apparently there is no hope for America with Barack Obama as president and hideous lying media like NBC allowed free rein. Made me feel quite ill.

Those here who complain about the BBC and its left-liberal PC bias should give up watching it and try Fox News. They would absolutely love it, and we would be spared their rubbish attacks on Jeremy Paxman as they listened happily to the sort of journalists they could understand.

Sheeesh, as Humph says.
 Fox News - Dog
Fox News = News Corp = phew!
 Fox News - Zero
Fox is renowned, even in the US, as the channel dumbed down below the level of white trailer trash. Its so bad that The Simpsons (an excellent critic of the worse of the US - disguised by humour) regularly insults and pokes fun at the network, even tho its a Fox network product.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 30 Mar 12 at 14:02
 Fox News - R.P.
It's classic Murdoch - perfectly tuned in to his target audience - I used to watch it during Iraq2 (for an American perspective) - I don't get it now as I only have a very basic subscription to Sky. Obviously you have to pay extra to watch rubbish !
 Fox News - R.P.
I tuned into CNN for the first time for a while after reading this post - good factual report on the case that AC mentioned - I forget sometimes how good it is.
 Fox News - Zero
CNN europe is very good. Dont forget to turn off when Peers Morgan is on tho. Its good to check out Al Jazera from time to time as well.
 Fox News - Focusless
CNN weather anchor Jenny Harrison - I used to play clarinet duets with her at Gt Alne junior school. So clearly they're a top broadcaster.
 Fox News - R.P.
Peers Moron :-0 as Private Eye have dubbed him, how the hell he talked himself into that job I'll never know.
 Fox News - R.P.
A lot of UK based journos migrated to CNN - I think this is a plus. When abroad I will choose BBC World over CNN though.

@AC - I have no doubt that Paxman is a good reporter/presenter. I just don't like him and do like to see him wrongfooted. I respect him for his intellect etc though
 Fox News - Roger.
Giving away your own prejudices, A.C. ?
 Fox News - Armel Coussine
>> Giving away your own prejudices, A.C. ?

I give them away all the time. They are plain for all to see. I like accuracy and truth in journalism and loathe snivelling half-witted ideologized pseudo-reporting.
 Fox News - madf
>> >> Giving away your own prejudices, A.C. ?
>> I give them away all the time. They are plain for all to see. I
>> like accuracy and truth in journalism and loathe snivelling half-witted ideologized pseudo-reporting.

So you don't read British newspapers then?
 Fox News - Armel Coussine
>> you don't read British newspapers then?

Are you suggesting that they are all snivelling half-witted etc. madf? Not one of them is immune from a bit of that of course, but they do vary quite a lot. At least two are bearable.

But I do swear and curse a lot even when reading my favoured (out of long habit) terrorflag. I'm quite well attuned to that sort of thing, and irascible with it.
 Fox News - lancara
It's worth watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart when he takes on Fox News and CNN - Mondays to Thursdays - can be streamed here:

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