I was recently doing a web survey and this was the first question
'Would you generally reject to buy or lease a car that is brand new or older than one year'
I guess the survey has been transalted by a machine at some point, and I can't remember what I answered but it wouldn't let me get any further.
What do you thin kthe question was meant to be ?
It's the kind of thing you see on websites whose only real question is "what's your credit card number?"
You'd think so, but this was on a legitimate site that has been around for years. I just wonder what value the survey has, as you can't provide a sensible answer to a question that sensless
I'm not sure if it was trying to ask 'Would you consider buying a car over 12 months old'
or possibly
'Would you only consider buying a car under 12 months old'
'Are you considering buying a new/nearly new car in the next 12 months'
the possibilities are endless
Written by someone whose first language is not English or a computer translation I suggest
Put it this way, I hope the writer's first language is not English although I've seen similar goofs on a website trying to persuade you to use their web services.
>> Put it this way, I hope the writer's first language is not English although I've
>> seen similar goofs on a website trying to persuade you to use their web services.
Simples. It was written by this man:
'twisty and corruptit of the basic English twenty-fido'
deep joy.