Non-motoring > Sky Anytime+ Miscellaneous
Thread Author: rtj70 Replies: 13

 Sky Anytime+ - rtj70
Does anyone use Sky's Anytime+. It is now available to everyone regardless of broadband provider. So is it useful. The BBC iPlayer won't arrive until later this year for Anytime+

I could try it if I run a long Ethernet cable from the switch upstairs to the box in the lounge. Or I could get some power line Ethernet adapters but that's money spent before I know it's useful.

Anyone on here use Anytime+?
 Sky Anytime+ - Focusless
Those who have it probably know what it is, but for the curious who don't (like myself):

Basically looks like a TV/movies on demand service?

"Compatible Sky+HD box required. Content depends on Sky TV subscription. Sky Movies 1 and 2 required for films. Activation required. Wired self set-up free. Other options cost extra. Sky Store movies cost extra."
 Sky Anytime+ - Kevin
>Does anyone use Sky's Anytime+.

I have it.

>I could try it if I run a long Ethernet cable from the switch upstairs to the box in the lounge.

Would this work for you? I have one connected to the HD box. Cheap and unobtrusive, it works well but my router is only about 20ft away in the same room.

>Anyone on here use Anytime+?

To be honest, we don't use it very much at all. The content is limited and Mrs K has usually recorded anything interesting that we're likely to miss.

Sky say that the Anytime+ service and functionality will be extended and there are rumours that the USB will be activated but no timeline (as usual).
 Sky Anytime+ - rtj70
>> Would this work for you?

It would to try it... not proposing that as the solution longer than five minutes. But the Ethernet cable will be cheap - I might have one long enough if I look.

I can see it being more useful when BBC iPlayer is on it. Maybe ITV and Channel 4 catch up too? But iPlayer is on the way.

So I might run a cable (or two) to get it working at least then. I don't want to spend out on power line Ethernet if I then wouldn't use Anytime+
 Sky Anytime+ - R.P.
I now pay a tenner a month to Sky (the least that I can get away with and still use the record facility) - I pay BT 12 quid a month for the excellent BT Vision - loads of films and documentaries, comprehensive TV catch up and iPlayer.
 Sky Anytime+ - rtj70
Thanks Rob... I bet I could get BT Vision for little extra. Hadn't thought of that. I'll look into it. I think the BT Vision box gets ITV Player and 4OD too.

For most things on Sky I'm not sure I'd need Anytime+. I don't have movies either.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Thu 22 Mar 12 at 00:02
 Sky Anytime+ - sherlock47
>> I now pay a tenner a month to Sky (the least that I can get
>> away with and still use the record facility) - I pay BT 12 quid a
>> month for the excellent BT Vision - loads of films and documentaries, comprehensive TV catch
>> up and iPlayer.

Why do you need Sky at all? The BT Vision Box has a decent HD recorder in it, seems to be reliable now, not like the early days! You could use the Sky dish with a purchased box if you require Freesat HD or similar. Am I missing something?
 Sky Anytime+ - Iffy
I had a brief dabble with Anytime+ when I upgraded to HD a few months ago.

As has been said, content looked a bit limited, particularly to someone like me who has the full package.

One feature I have used is remote record, accessed via the Sky website TV guide.

Simple, and it works.
 Sky Anytime+ - Focusless
Netflix sounds tempting - £6 a month for unlimited TV/films, assuming:
- you don't mind watching on PC or have a way of displaying internet on your TV
- you have a high enough download limit

Stepson signed up for the month free trial, using son's Wii as the receiver and displaying it on the TV. Interface seemed pretty slick; not sure about the content though.

EDIT: not that they're scraping the barrel but 'Sci-Fi' includes Stuart Little 2 :)
Last edited by: Focus on Thu 22 Mar 12 at 09:06
 Sky Anytime+ - Zero

>> Stepson signed up for the month free trial, using son's Wii as the receiver and
>> displaying it on the TV. Interface seemed pretty slick; not sure about the content though.

Yes, content! I have an internet connected tele, dvd and now PVR. All have on demand portals covering most of the media on demand services.

The content is almost always pretty dire, rarely current. Nothing has tempted me to part with my cash, over and above what I pay in TV license and current BB package (where with a bit torrent client or a search engine I can obtain anything I want to watch)
 Sky Anytime+ - rtj70
>> Their member forum has dedicated staff interacting with customers and deals with most problems very effectively.

Use that already on the phone. It's not 100% reliable. Sometimes the programme does not record so the signal from Sky to the box has failed to be sent/received.
 Sky Anytime+ - VxFan
>> One feature I have used is remote record, accessed via the Sky website TV guide.

Can also be done via a smartphone.

I see doing it via a txt message has ceased though.
 Sky Anytime+ - zookeeper

>> As has been said, content looked a bit limited, particularly to someone like me who
>> has the full package.
ooh you are awefull
 Sky Anytime+ - Duncan
>> I now pay a tenner a month to Sky ..... - I pay BT 12 quid a>> month

So, forgive me. that's £22 a month - for what? Telly? Telly and broadband? What about phone and mobiles?

Sounds like you are paying quite a lot each month!
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