Non-motoring > I have to share this - made me laugh. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 1

 I have to share this - made me laugh. - R.P.
I do call-taking for the CAB at the moment ('cos it pays) - Lines are bad especially from mobiles...took a call yesterday and asked the caller for their post-code, crackly line so asked them to repeat - went like this:--

"*** 3DL - That's 3 Dog Elephant" "Elephant so its an 3Delta Echo ?" "Nooo 3DL - 3 Dog Elephant" made me laugh that.
 I have to share this - made me laugh. - devonite
was talking to quite a pretty lass in a bar one night, when I noticed she had (what looked like) a horrendous hand-drawn tattoo of a Rhinoceros on her arm.
"whats a nice looking lass like you doing with that thing on your arm?" asked I
"I had it done when my son was born"
I must have looked quizzical, because she followed up with-
"He`s called Ryan, so I got a Ryanocerous"!!!

Made a discreet exit!!
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