Non-motoring > Shop heating Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Slidingpillar Replies: 8

 Shop heating - Slidingpillar
Asked on the basis somebody might know...

In quite a few shops, there is a fan heater blowing down from the doorway. Do these save any electricity, or just make shoppers feel warm - so spend their money? And as a subsidiary question, for shops that normally keep the front door closed is there any point in one?

Background is, my brother manages a shop, they moved premises last year to a better placed and bigger shop. Takings are up, but so is the use of electricity to heat the shop and anything that helps; well helps!
 Shop heating - Focusless

EDIT: "Typically, an air curtain can pay for itself in one to two years by reducing the load on the building's heating or air conditioning system"
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 20 Mar 12 at 17:16
 Shop heating - BobbyG
Yip our shops have air curtains at the door to basically stop the cold air from outside coming into the shop. Very costly to run though.

 Shop heating - Slidingpillar
The wiki ones have a switch so they are only on when the door is open. Never studied them (obviously) but the switch is both a sensible fitting and one I've never noted.

As for cost, I think the shop is looking at the next electricity bill being hideous judging from emails I've had.
 Shop heating - John H
>> anything that helps; well helps! >>

Shops with high ceilings heat the space near the ceiling. Install a low-speed fan at ceiling height to circulate/force the hot air down, and the bills will go down substantially too.

>> fan heater blowing down from the doorway >>

reduce the kW heat output of the fan.

 Shop heating - Manatee
The trick with ceiling fans IIRC is to run them to push air up to the ceiling in winter to displace the warm air with the cooler stuff, and the reverse in hot weather when you want a draught. My (proper, not £25 B&Q job) one in the conservatory has this in the destructions - I think I've got it the right way round!
Last edited by: Manatee on Tue 20 Mar 12 at 19:32
 Shop heating - Iffy
The fitted ceiling fan in the caravan has a switch which controls direction of rotation.

I've just had a quick play, and can't tell the difference standing underneath it whether it's spinning one way or the other.

I believe distance from the ceiling is also important.

Seems to me most ceiling fans - including the one in the caravan - are mounted to look right rather than work efficiently.

 Shop heating - Jetski
When I was in the factory we had an air curtain that blew up through a slot on the floor by a large sliding door.The fan that powered it sounded like a jet engine and it was advisible to vacate the area when the forklift came through as the blast cleaned all the detritus from under the Lansing Bagnell.
 Shop heating - zookeeper
ive always wondered when im doing my shopping in asda etc etc how much it must cost to heat the place, massive floor space and a ceiling of about 50 feet , couldnt they hang a suspended ceiling just below all the pipewoke and other gubbins? seems such a large area to heat especially at christmas time
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