Non-motoring > Man maths v. lady maths. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 41

 Man maths v. lady maths. - R.P.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - diddy1234
god help us all
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Runfer D'Hills
Even my wife thought that was hilarious !
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Zero
I would guess his GF dumped him at speed after he showed that video?
 Man maths v. lady maths. - mikeyb
"cut it in half"......yeah, thats the answer
 Man maths v. lady maths. - mikeyb
>> I would guess his GF dumped him at speed after he showed that video?

Its his wife.......what was he thinking?
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Runfer D'Hills
I reckon he'll be fine. I still don't think she realises she's wrong !
 Man maths v. lady maths. - sherlock47
Dont worry - she will running for President in 4 years time - her finger on the button?
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Focusless
Her grasp of the relevant maths/physics might not be great, but I'm not sure filming it while driving is that clever... Hopefully they were on one of those long straight deserted highways.

EDIT: as noted by FP :)
Last edited by: Focus on Mon 19 Mar 12 at 20:15
 Man maths v. lady maths. - diddy1234
'Dont worry - she will running for President in 4 years time - her finger on the button?'

Not at 80mph !
 Man maths v. lady maths. - FocalPoint
This is not really "man maths" and "lady maths" - the girl is just an individual who happens to be really, really, jaw-droppingly thick.

The fact that the individual is female and blonde happens to conform to a stereotype in a toe-curling way.

Anyway, who was filming it? The guy who was driving? If so, that's not bright, not smart at all. Maybe the laugh's on him, after all.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Mon 19 Mar 12 at 20:13
 Man maths v. lady maths. - R.P.
Still funny though.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Runfer D'Hills
Funny ist verboten...
 Man maths v. lady maths. - R.P.
Oh I forgot.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Focusless
Sorry - didn't mean to be a killjoy; I did think it was funny as well.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - legacylad
I didn't watch all of it but why would any sane husband wish to present his wife as some kind of ignoramus?
A set up.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - swiss tony
>> I didn't watch all of it but why would any sane husband wish to present
>> his wife as some kind of ignoramus?

They are Americans.....
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Runfer D'Hills
>> They are Americans.....

The ones who live by the sea are generally ok. Banjo country otherwise !
 Man maths v. lady maths. - John H
>> A set up.

It is a lucrative business now.

 Man maths v. lady maths. - devonite
she does have a point tho` - 80MPH, 80 miles in an hour assumes that the speed and timing device is kept constant for that hour. What if the clock is running fast or slow?
 Man maths v. lady maths. - rtj70
Yes so halve it. :-) Just in case.

If someone told me about this I'd say a wind up. But she seems genuinely be thinking this through and knowing nothing about the subject! Bless.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - devonite
I knew someone wouldn`t be able to resist! ;-)
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Manatee
It's a set up of course...but it's hard to underestimate the general population's ability to do simple sums.

I only had my eyes opened to this about 20 years ago when I recruited a helper who didn't need any formal qualifications but had to be competent at arithmetic. I'd made the mistake previously of getting a basically innumerate person, thinking that the equivalent of a maths 'o' level should at least guarantee they could add up. It didn't.

Several internal applicants were guaranteed an interview. They were each asked if they could work out 15% of 120, using a pen and paper if they needed it. A couple just made wrong guesses. One said she was good at maths but didn't understand percentages. Another laboriously multiplied 120 by 15 and divided by 100 to get the right answer. The last one said she didn't like maths, but 10% would be 12, so 5% would be 6, so 15% would be 18. She got the job. Very good as it turned out.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - diddy1234
was she fit as well then Manatee ?

come on now you can be honest, she would have still got the job if she had got the answer wrong. lol
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Manatee
She had a lot of personality.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Crankcase
Had a bit of a struggle with percentages in the weekend Telegraph, talking about car insurance. They said in the article that a particular group of people were "110% more likely to have an accident" than another group.

I think I know what they mean, but for a while I was trying to work out how you can be more likely than certain to have an accident.

 Man maths v. lady maths. - Robin O'Reliant
She must be red hot in bed, 'cause he sure didn't marry her for her brains.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - L'escargot
>> One said she was good at maths but didn't understand percentages.

What I call arithmetic ~ addition, subtraction, multiplication and division ~ some conceited people now call maths.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - devonite
I never liked doing "Sums".
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Dutchie
Percentages ,Decimals.Lots of people struggle with the concept.What I don't follow why so many kids can't do the sums of multiply add up ad subtract.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - L'escargot
>> What I don't follow why so many kids
>> can't do the sums of multiply add up ad subtract.

They've never been taught to or have never been in a situation where they've needed to. They've probably never been taught their "times tables". Mental arithmetic seems to be a thing of the past. They always rely on their calculator or computer etc to give them the answer.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - CGNorwich
Children are currently taught both their tables and mental arithmetic at school. I'm not sure that the innumerate percentage of the population has change much recently. I guess we all tend to use automated systems like computers, calculators, and electronic tills these days and it does make you a bit lazy. How many people add up their grocery bill in their head these day? My mum always used to on a Saturday morning after our shopping trip to the high street.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Focusless
The Daily Mail on Saturdays sets mental arithmetic challenges which you should solve in less than 30 seconds. There are 3 difficulty levels; example here:

I think other papers (Sun?) do the same. They're quite good at either (a) keeping your mental arithmetic sharp, or (b) showing you how poor your mental arithmetic is, depending on how you do :)
 Man maths v. lady maths. - L'escargot

All levels were a doddle: Beginner 9; Intermediate 54; Advanced 650.

Well, I hope I'm right and haven't made a fool of myself!
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Focusless
>> >>
>> All levels were a doddle

Presumably you mean you did them well within 30 seconds (actually for the intermediate you're supposed to do the beginner and intermediate within 30 secs; for the advanced it's all 3).
 Man maths v. lady maths. - L'escargot
>> >> >>
>> >>
>> >> All levels were a doddle
>> Presumably you mean you did them well within 30 seconds (actually for the intermediate you're
>> supposed to do the beginner and intermediate within 30 secs; for the advanced it's all
>> 3).

I did all three in less than thirty seconds. I'm very advanced for my age!
 Man maths v. lady maths. - Focusless
>> I did all three in less than thirty seconds. I'm very advanced for my age!

Well, advanced for a Daily Mail reader anyway :)
 Man maths v. lady maths. - L'escargot
>> Children are currently taught both their tables and mental arithmetic at school.

I stand corrected. I was just going by what I see of the ability of our grandchildren and their peer group. Apart from their lack of arithmetical skills, they pepper their speech with the word "like" and end all sentences with an unnecessary rising inflection. Goodness knows what job interviewers will think ~ unless, of course, they're of a similar generation and have similar faults.
 Man maths v. lady maths. - sooty123

>> Goodness knows what job interviewers will think ~ unless, of course, they're of a similar
>> generation and have similar faults.

Faults or a change in the use of words ;)
 Man maths v. lady maths. - L'escargot
>> >> Goodness knows what job interviewers will think ~ unless, of course, they're of a
>> similar
>> >> generation and have similar faults.
>> >>
>> Faults or a change in the use of words ;)

You don't pepper your posts with the word "like". You'll have to tell us whether all your sentences end with a rising inflection!
 Man maths v. lady maths. - sooty123
Well I wouldn't want to be out of speaking fashion like ? ;-)
 Man maths v. lady maths. - zookeeper
that hole in the front of her face is good for one thing...and it aint talking sense
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