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Thread Author: matt a Replies: 29

 Found You! - matt a
So this is where every one is! A cryptic message on the new (bad!) hj site led to an email to Stephen Khoo which led me here. Nice to see all the old names

 Found You! - Bellboy
welcome matt
did you wipe your feet on the way in :-)
 Found You! - merlin
Guess I found the same cryptic message that led me here too. So far it feels more friendly and I like the computer forum. Hopefully there will be more forums along in time.
 Found You! - VxFan
>> Hopefully there will be more forums along in time.

If you mean additional sub forums, then that's about it for now. However, there are other developments in the pipeline.

VxFan. Car4play mod.
 Found You! - FocalPoint
I would love to know what happened "over there". I did write a message to that forum, but heard nothing. How many here were also "over there" - but now have a different nickname? (And thus are unrecognisable.)
 Found You! - MD
MD here. No name change as I guessed it would take one or two of the belligerent old B**, oops, sorry, Gentlemen, perhaps only one or two minutes to unmask me, as they are sharper than one thinks.

Martin Devon.
 Found You! - Iffy

Most of us are the same, one or two were not, but now are, and those that still aren't don't try to hide it.

Simple, really.
Last edited by: ifithelps on Tue 16 Mar 10 at 07:19
 Found You! - FocalPoint
Thanks, IIH.

After my posting I hung around and began to sort of figure things out a bit. I was fairly gobsmacked to discover the existence of this site late yesterday evening, having regarded myself as being fairly web-savvy. I was led here by an explicit reference on HJ by one "urushibara".

No-one told me what was going on. (Sniff)

There is someone here called Screwloose. Can it really be the revered, esteemed fount of knowledge of all things Peugeot, who disappeared without trace from HJ years ago?
 Found You! - Iffy
...I was led here by an explicit reference on HJ by one "urushibara"...

There was an email or two doing the rounds, which was not so surprising given the lack of security at the other place.

That, and quite a few of us had passed or email address on to one or two other members for one reason or another in the past - I know I had.

 Found You! - FocalPoint
The thread by "urushibara" seems to have gone from HJ. Someone must be getting sensitive!

DD (Sorry - VxFan - but you will be forever dynamic to me): I am so relieved that SL is "available"!
 Found You! - VxFan
>> The thread by "urushibara" seems to have gone from HJ. Someone must be getting sensitive!

Unlike over there, we aren't censoring discussion about their forum.

>> I am so relieved that SL is "available"!

 Found You! - FocalPoint
There was me thinking you are dynamic.

SL = Screwloose

All the best Back Roomers could be identified by two letters - remember, DD? (Sorry - VF.)

Yours nostalgically,

Last edited by: ChrisPeugeot on Tue 16 Mar 10 at 10:45
 Found You! - Dave_
>> All the best Back Roomers could be identified by two letters


 Found You! - bathtub tom
Did someone call Beattie?
 Found You! - VxFan
>> There is someone here called Screwloose. Can it really be the ....

 Found You! - merlin
>> If you mean additional sub forums then that's about it for now.

Thanks VxFan - after posting last night I found the non-motoring forum which is a welcome addition and much better than the alternative on HJ.
 Found You! - nyx2k
nice to find you all again.

how on earth did hj manage to mess up so fast or was it intentional.
 Found You! - Dog
>>> or was it intentional. <<<

Intentional : adjective
1.done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult.
2.of or pertaining to intention or purpose.
.... !
 Found You! - helicopter
So this is where everyone has gone........

I've been a bit busy with work and so I had a bit of a job finding out what happened to you all.

I've just hovered over backwards to say hello....
 Found You! - Dave_
Greetings helicopter :-) good to see you over here.
 Found You! - helicopter
Thanks Dave, Just a bit shocked at developments so been having a good read up and trying to work out whos who......

 Found You! - Iffy
..whos who...


Shouldn't that be s'ohw ohw? ):

 Found You! - MD
!desufnoc ydduR

 Found You! - Zero
Its a good job the browser remembers user id's. You'd have a job typing that in after a few chenin blanc's.
 Found You! - MD
I 'spell' checked it several times.

A pleasing NZ white and some Marston's Pedigree were/are rather agreeable.

 Found You! - crocks
Hope Dog isn't using the same principle.
 Found You! - Dog
>>> Hope Dog isn't using the same principle. <<<

Bless you my Son :)
 Found You! - commerdriver
Just out of curiosity is there anyone here who was not on the other site?
 Found You! - big bird
I've caught up at last.
Google incompetence is a major life handicap these days.

Gald to see so many famliar faces (so to speak), I might have to try a post or 2 to feel worthy now, instead of just reading whenever works gets boring.

 Found You! - matt a
Cor!! never written anything with 900 plus views before!!
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