>> Found the www.berlin.de/labo/kfz/dienstleistungen/feinstaubplakette.shop.en.php which appears to be the one listed above. 6 Euros is better
>> than the 30 euro some private companies ask!
>> Should have time to buy in advance, car due end April, leaving mid May.
I have bought one from that website - 6Eu as you say - paid by c/card and it came back promptly as I recall.
I have a lease car and don't have the V5 - but they accepted the Vehicle on Hire V103 (you just scan it and attatch it electronically) without any problems.
You can buy when you arrive but we were due to arrive in Frieburg - which is a Green Zone - early on the Saturday evening after 6pm (travelling back from Italy via the Swiss Lotschberg rail tunnel and I wasn't sure the on site places would be open.
The sticker is non removable (it disintegrates if you try to get it off the windscreen) and illegal if not correctly applied and doesn't need to be renewed. Unfortunately the Volvo dealer destroyed mine when removing the dashboard to replace a heater blower unit under warranty - he removed both the tax disc, my Umweltplackette, , and my Swiss motorway pass (for safe keeping) destroying the latter 2 items in the process !!
Last edited by: Jacks on Mon 20 Feb 12 at 22:55