Motoring Discussion > Priced off the road by a "system error" Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 0

 Priced off the road by a "system error" - VxFan
A shocked mum was quoted more than £100,000 to insure her five-year-old Vectra.

Sian Jones’ insurance company worked out that her insurance premiums for a new policy would be a staggering £10,185 a month when they sent the quote to her home in Wakefield.

A stunned Miss Jones, 28, received a letter from Vauxhall Insurance to let her know her annual payment would be £100,034.

The mammoth bill represented quite a leap from the £700 it cost her to insure her car last year.

When Miss Jones didn’t take up their offer, the company sent her a reminder letter quoting the same amount.

The quote even added that the total insurance for the year would have been £112,038.08 if she had signed up to 11 monthly installments.

Miss Jones has since signed up to another company for her car insurance, costing a far more reasonable £390.

Vauxhall Insurance said the amount had been quoted because of a one-off system error and not because of increased insurance premiums. - yorkshireeveningpost

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