At car insurance renewal time, is it necessary/required to declare a speeding conviction since the last renewal? I've checked my policy document and my last renewal reminder and I can't find any reference to it in either.
On most policies, it should say you need to inform them immediately after a conviction - not wait until renewal time.
Last edited by: John H on Thu 26 Jan 12 at 10:00
Aren't you supposed to declare it as soon as it happens?
EDIT: too slow :)
Last edited by: Focus on Thu 26 Jan 12 at 10:00
Think I would check with them as to whether you need to. I thought that, due to the high number of drivers now having points on their licence due to speed cameras, etc, they tend to have a more relaxed attitude. Better to ask rather than risk being caught out by non-disclosure.
Thanks everyone. I've just phoned my insurer and the advisor treated it in a very matter-of-fact and unemotional way. I merely had to give him the date of the offence and confirm it was an SP30 and that I had paid the £60 fine. The advisor said it might or might not affect my next renewal premium.
Signed ~ L'escargot by name but not always by nature!
>>I merely had to give him the date of the offence and confirm it was an SP30 and that I had paid the £60 fine
And there was me thinking you'd been 'banged up' for your heinous offence, thus explaining your absence.
>> Thanks everyone. I've just phoned my insurer and the advisor treated it in a very
>> matter-of-fact and unemotional way. I merely had to give him the date of the offence
>> and confirm it was an SP30 and that I had paid the £60 fine. The
>> advisor said it might or might not affect my next renewal premium.
Well I am impressed, there is life in the old gastropod after all.
Deep respect.
You only need to advise at renewal unless there is a specific clause in your policy requiring to do so.
>> You only need to advise at renewal unless there is a specific clause in your
>> policy requiring to do so.
My renewal date is 31st July, but the advisor said he could take the details today. Consequently I now don't have to do anything at renewal time.
Bearing in mind that 10 million drivers in UK have 3 points the insurance companies do have a fairly relaxed attitude. However, as one can invalidate one's insurance by making an undeclared modification to a car (see the parking sensors thread) it would seem sensible to declare a "modification" to the driver's circumstances too, even if it is not a legal requirement.
Mine had an ambiguous statement about medical records, and playing safe I mentioned I'd been put on blood pressure tablets. They were interested enough to make a note, tell me it was a good thing I'd told them and they did indeed need to know that, and it now appears on the policy. Can't imagine why they care as virtually everyone I know is on them and they don't seem to tell their insurers, but hey.
Might have been a daft thing to do but as it didn't apparently affect my renewal significantly it was probably the right thing to do, just in case.
"they did indeed need to know that, and it now appears on the policy"
This is worrying enough to put up your blood pressure even more.
I had always assumed that when they asked if you're in good health that all they were concerned about was bad eyesight, blackouts, mental illness and so on, i.e anything to do directly with driving. They don't ask if you need glasses.
If insurers really need to know then it looks the same as the issues of pre-existing health conditions on travel insurance - don't tell them and they won't pay.
Crikey - there are millions of us on statins, blood pressure pills and the like.
Surely insurers can't need to know all this.
No wonder premiums are going up at such a pace. Lets face it, if drivers are obliged to inform their insurers each time their doctor puts them on some medication or another, they're going to have to employ additional call centre staff.
Should I tell them about my mini aspirin?
PS Re the speeding conviction. I have a feeling that someone is winding us up here.
Edits to include :-)
Last edited by: Clk Sec on Thu 26 Jan 12 at 12:50
>> PS Re the speeding conviction. I have a feeling that someone is winding us up
>> here.
Stop talking in riddles and tell us who you mean.
But riddles are more fun...
my lad has just copped ANOTHER speeding ticket. 36 MPH in a 30, Gatso. Second one in a year, he got off with naughty driving school (SAC) last time, but wont with this one.
His first set of 3 points at 22. Not bad I suppose for a youngun whose been driving for 4 years.
>> .......... he got off with naughty driving school (SAC) last time, but
>> won't with this one.
>> His first set of 3 points at 22. Not bad I suppose for a youngun
>> whose been driving for 4 years.
I was offered the chance to participate in a Speed Awareness Course. It would have cost me £85, was 36 miles away, and would have lasted approximately four hours starting as early as 8:30 am. What a faff that would have been. No way Pedro! I weighed it all up and decided that the cheapest and most convenient option was a £60 fine and 3 points on my previously clean licence.
>>I was offered the chance to participate in a Speed Awareness Course.
You should have taken it. I have only ever had 2 speeding convictions until December. I am waiting for a SAC following a mistake on December 27th.
Today I was done here at about 12.30.
by a policeman with a radar gun "hiding" in the little off road area in the picture. The view is of the direction I was coming from, at what I considered to be an appropriate speed, which turned out to be 15mph above the 30mph limit!
I asked the policeman whether they ever clocked anybody at 30 or less. "Only the locals" was the answer. "So it's a guaranteed nick then?" Reply - "Yes".
I do realise I can blame nobody else for this, but I also think the experience rather demeaned both of us. He certainly didn't try to tell me that my speed was dangerous.
There are a lot of these spots in rural Oxfordshire, where the council have reduced limits - this used to be a 40.
Hey ho. Dunce's cap again.
Two in two months? I have to say, Hats off thats a good effort, I'm impressed.
Now about that TomTom with the pocketGPS camera database, that one that includes mobile sites.
>> Two in two months? I have to say, Hats off thats a good effort, I'm
>> impressed.
>> Now about that TomTom with the pocketGPS camera database, that one that includes mobile sites.
On second thoughts, thats crap driving. I moved 100 yards up the road, thats a bad miss on your part, should have been looking out for him - NSL to 30 boundry is always a good spot to nab em.
I was about 150 yards away when I saw him, and braked to about 35.
They go a long way, those guns. The car wasn't visible either. Dare I say they might even have got you!
Having googled up and down that road a bit, if I were in the same circs, feeling bullish and rich, I'd be thinking about challenging the signage.
Seems to have a 30 repeater (not allowed) and no regular streetlights, so not one thing or another.
Or maybe it's perfectly clear and I need a speed awareness course and a read of my Highway Code.
>> Seems to have a 30 repeater (not allowed) and no regular streetlights, so not one
>> thing or another.
Don't know the B4030 but other road through that village, B430, is a bit of a #rat run for A43/A34 traffic avoiding the M40.
The 30 on the yellow ground looks OK to me. Similar to plenty others in Oxon/Northants. Repeater painted on road is allowed.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 16:17
>> The 30 on the yellow ground looks OK to me. Similar to plenty others in
>> Oxon/Northants. Repeater painted on road is allowed.
Unless I've misunderstood you, Mr B, to quote:
"Speed limit roundels painted on the road surface may be used to supplement a system of speed limit repeaters, but on their own do not constitute a legal system of speed limit marking. For a limit to be enforceable, the proper number of repeaters must also be present. "
I take that to mean you have to have the plates as well. But I'm no expert and it's late on a Friday.
As I understand it (apologies if I'm repeating someone else's explanation) 30 repeaters are not allowed where the limit is determined by the presence of streetlamps. That's why 30 markings in the road have come about, but repeaters are required outside streetlighted areas.
I'm obliged, Crankcase.
To be clear Bromp, the view I posted was of where I had come from - I was travelling east along Bicester road from the traffic lights, which I had arrived at on Heyford Road (though the policeman was not to know that).
From the lights, at least when the Google car went by, there is only a 30 repeater sign - nothing painted on the road unless I've missed it.
I had entered a 30 limit before the cross roads, on Heyford Road, so I was clearly still in it.
I don't think I'll be going to court on this. Maybe it's worth a letter to the CC just pointing out that the signs aren't compliant - maybe they'll let me off rather than risk a challenge, which could result in lots of overturns!
>> Seems to have a 30 repeater (not allowed) and no regular streetlights, so not one
>> thing or another.
Entry to that section is not a repeater, its a legit sign.
>> I was about 150 yards away when I saw him, and braked to about 35.
>> They go a long way, those guns. The car wasn't visible either. Dare I say
>> they might even have got you!
150 yards away has you in the NSL.
No it doesn't. It has me between the traffic lights and the NSL.
>> ah other way then
Thats even worse then!!!!
He has to stand a long way out of the line of the trees top get a laser fix on you, it has to be direct line of sight!!!
Still no-one on here can ever accuse you of being a mimser!
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 16:56
Thanks - I was waiting for you to tell me why that made me even more dozy!
>> >>I was offered the chance to participate in a Speed Awareness Course.
>> You should have taken it. I have only ever had 2 speeding convictions until December.
>> I am waiting for a SAC following a mistake on December 27th.
Seriously, and honestly, why should I have taken the Speed Awareness Course? Is there some aspect that I've missed?
I took the option which was the cheapest ~ £60 fine as against £85 for the course plus the cost of travelling the 72 miles round trip ~ and the most convenient option of posting off my licence plus a cheque for £60 to the Magistrates Court to get my licence endorsed as against having to make the 72 miles round trip and spending 4 hours being lectured to on the error of my ways.
In an odd sort of way I actually enjoyed a speed awareness course I did a few years ago. Wasn't patronising at all. Quite the opposite in fact. Like many long term drivers, I thought I hadn't much I could learn but on the contrary, I did find out some things which have proven subsequently useful. Not saying it made me drive any slower but I might be driving slightly smarter as a result.
That and the benefit of not adding any points to my licence made it the worthwhile option to me.
>> Seriously, and honestly, why should I have taken the Speed Awareness Course? Is there some
>> aspect that I've missed?
>> I took the option which was the cheapest ~ £60 fine as against £85 for
>> the course plus the cost of travelling the 72 miles round trip ~ and the
>> most convenient option of posting off my licence plus a cheque for £60 to the
>> Magistrates Court to get my licence endorsed as against having to make the 72 miles
>> round trip and spending 4 hours being lectured to on the error of my ways.
Because you will have three points on your license. It only takes one more slip and you will have 6. When you have 6 the insurance company will get decidedly unfriendly.
And before you turn round and say" Bah I will never get caught, numpty x years without getting caught" well the answer there is, where did these three points come from?
>>Seriously, and honestly, why should I have taken the Speed Awareness Course? Is there some aspect that I've missed?
My point was that it's pretty random for the averagely observant driver, or or even the superbly capable one as exemplified by me, so it's a bad idea to use a life unnecessarily.
In nearly 40 years and more than half a million miles I have been caught four times - two of them within a month. Of the last two, the first was inattention I admit; the second I think few would have avoided.
Had I not taken the SAC for the first one I would have to go three years with 6 points - another slip in that time would put me on the edge of a ban.
>> >>Seriously, and honestly, why should I have taken the Speed Awareness Course? Is there some
>> aspect that I've missed?
>> My point was that it's pretty random for the averagely observant driver, or or even
>> the superbly capable one as exemplified by me, so it's a bad idea to use
>> a life unnecessarily.
Chacun à son goût.
Being pedantic shouldn't that read 'chacun ses goûts'?
>> Being pedantic shouldn't that read 'chacun ses goûts'?
What about "à chacun son goût" ?
...Not bad I suppose for a youngun whose been driving for 4 years...
And not bad for the environment in which he drives.
We do have cameras up here, but nowhere near the amount you have in the south east.
As an example, there are no fixed cameras in the Durham police force area, although they do have three mobile units.
>> .......... there are no fixed cameras in the Durham police force area, although
>> they do have three mobile units.
Here's where there are speed cameras in County Durham.
...Here's where there are speed cameras in County Durham...
Most of the cameras in the link are mobile.
The two fixed ones are in the Northumbria force and Cleveland force areas respectively.
As I said, there are no fixed cameras in the Durham police force area.
I wouldnt trust that site, it has some inaccuracies.
As a recent arrival (returner might be more accurate) to Oxfordshire, I'm staggered by the proliferation of 30 limits on rural roads. As far as I can tell, it has more to do with pressure from well-connected residents (which the County Council does its best to dress up as safety - search for 'Shiplake A4155 speed limit' and watch it twist) than with any genuine safety issue or underhand revenue raising. But it does bring the 30 limit into disrepute if it's imposed where the road plainly doesn't warrant it.
Manatee, you have my sympathy. It goes against everything a thoughtful driver knows not to make progress as the road merits. Boo hiss to OCC.
If you only have fixed penalties (conditional offers to pay a bill in lieu of a conviction), then these are not convictions, so unless you are asked if you have fixed penalties/conditional offers, then the answer is no.
>> If you only have fixed penalties (conditional offers to pay a bill in lieu of
>> a conviction), then these are not convictions,
Thank you for pointing out my error in the Subject of the thread. My only excuse is that not being habitually lawless and not having a habitually lawless group of acquaintances, I'm not very conversant with these matters.
Mr Slow-on -the - Uptake here! Does that mean that £60 and three points for speeding is not a "conviction" from an insurance point of view!
...If you only have fixed penalties (conditional offers to pay a bill in lieu of a conviction), then these are not convictions...
Yes they are convictions.
The OP will have three points and an SP30 on his licence, same as if he went to magistrates, denied it, and was convicted after a trial.
What is not a conviction is accepting a speed awareness course, because the prosecution never starts.