Motoring Discussion > If Microsoft made cars . . . . . Miscellaneous
Thread Author: IJWS14 Replies: 10

 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - IJWS14
Listening to Chris Evans this morning made me think of the above.

Had to re-boot his Ferrari (I guess since it had flappy paddles) before it would select revers, then it would not come out of reverse - another re-boot?

We need simpler cars or more reliable software.
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - L'escargot
>> Listening to Chris Evans this morning made me think of the above.
>> Had to re-boot his Ferrari (I guess since it had flappy paddles) before it would
>> select revers, then it would not come out of reverse - another re-boot?

If it gave him too much trouble he'd probably be able to afford to just scrap it and buy a new one.
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - Cliff Pope
I've often thought that, when drumming my fingers in irritation as a computer decides to do a virus check, re-boot, install an update, check for fatal errors, etc.

Thank goodness cars are more reliable than this, and have been for 50 years.
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - Armel Coussine
If Microsoft made cars they would crash repeatedly.
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - Crankcase
Yes, but you could get them going again by resetting the windows.
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - Iffy
If Microsoft made cars the steering wheel would operate the gears and to start the engine you'd have to open the boot, although closing the boot wouldn't stop it.

To find out how to do that, you'd have to post a question on an internet forum.

 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - madf
I have not had a Windows crash for about 5 years - or longer.

But then I maintain my PC...virus and security measures and use Tune Up Utlities..
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - Auristocrat
"But then I maintain my PC...virus and security measures and use Tune Up Utlities.."

Tuneup site is showing an internal server error - perhaps it needs tuning .....
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - nick1975
I think it's just a case of horses for courses. General ms software does seem to crash a bit, but I guess it's acceptable for the cost and application. Apple sw seems a bit less buggy, for me.

I assume there must be pretty robust sw in industry, financial services, health care, even epos systems seem pretty good considering how widespread they are

 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - Fursty Ferret
If Microsoft made sat navs...

"I'll be there in twenty minutes. No, sorry, three hours. No, wait, eight seconds. Nope, six days."
 If Microsoft made cars . . . . . - Snakey
If MS made cars then you'd be able to swap the parts over from any other car...

If Apple made cars you'd need to use Apple petrol (c) and Apple oil (c) at vastly inflated prices

If Ubuntu/linux made cars they'd need to be updated 3 or 4 times a month and if you asked anyone a question about them they'd laugh and call you a 'noob'

I'm not an MS hater nor Apple hater - I use wide variety of OS's and they'll all as good/bad as each other.
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