Did not escape this time!
Tough times for a laawyer if you have to drive about in a car needing an MoT!
Some sporting quotes from Mr Freeman after the case, so at least he saw the funny side:
Reminds me of when the motor dealer Peter Vardy was banned for speeding.
He posed outside the court for the assembled snappers at a bus stop, and gave some suitably contrite quotes about the stupidity of speeding.
Sadly, not so many about the stupidity of creationism.
...Sadly, not so many about the stupidity of creationism...
For those who find that reference hard to follow:
creationism |krēˈā sh əˌnizəm|
the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution.
• another term for creation science .
Vardy's link to the matter explained here:
And this quote: "I don't know what a creationist is. I am not a scientist. I am a car salesman."
Last edited by: Iffy on Wed 18 Jan 12 at 16:09
WdB, why so harsh? Even people without much philosophic nous can be perfectly decent chaps. And this Vardy sounds pretty well-meaning to me, by his own account. Doesn't want to force creationism on anyone. Isn't a politician. Just feels he ought to spread the good luck around a bit.
I'm sure he was kind to his poor old ma, AC, but that doesn't entitle him to buy a place on the mainstream school curriculum for ideas that should be taught as ancient cultural history, if at all.
Education matters, science matters, and if we want to save ourselves from the medieval thinking that now blights large chunks of America, or from Shariah law - which amounts to much the same thing - then education needs to draw a clear line between science and fairy tales. Tony Blair gave Vardy and others like him licence to blur that line, and I think that should concern us all.
Anyway, an argument for another thread.
>> argument for another thread.
I wouldn't dream of arguing with much of that WDB. Fairy tales, or mediaeval superstition as I call them, are quite rude words for religion. I don't espouse Dawkinsist atheist fundamentalism all the way though, largely I suspect out of bourgeois courtesy and loyalty to some of my own... There are a lot of rational believers who do draw the clear line. I know well at least three, one a Catholic convert would you believe it academic physicist who admits openly - to me anyway - that his religious beliefs are barking mad. Nevertheless he holds them.
Guys like the car dealer are a bit simpler than that, but sort of along the same lines. Perhaps I was misled by my very quick skim of his own comments. We certainly don't want clodhopping polyannaish capitalists influencing education policy, you are right. God knows (or I do anyway) the politicians and teachers are doing a fine job unaided....