Following on from Rattles dads incident, there is an area of new development in my area where the roads were in use before any building started or lighting was installed. Before the traffic calming was marked, and after the bollard was demolished many cars hit the obstruction in the road. In their wisdom the council installed unlit steel posts on the traffic calming with the obvious results. After these were flattened a traffic cone was in residence until the illuminated bollard was installed. Altogether this took about two years and numerous damaged cars. (Not my car, but I know the area).
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 08:53
Some speedbumps round my way (the cushion type) where drivers park parallel to each other over two of the three cushions so oncoming cars get forced at each other through the gap. Not sure how well it works for traffic calming, two cars hitting each other at 35mph (despite it being a 20 limit) makes quite a racket!
Acouple of hundred yards past my house there is a right hand bend, not far off 90 degrees.
Fully residential so no sight lines around it.
Drivers speeding used regularly to go straight on through the brick wall of the corner house until they put a chevron board up. Coming the other way it was a left hander of course.
The fast boys seemed to negotiate this better but usually lost it after they'd made the turn, ending up in the front garden of one particular house about four up on the right.
Outside this house was sited a lamp post...a sort of target for them to aim at. This lamp post, like all the others, was fairly flimsy aluminium. Older cars with chrome bumpers just used to flatten the post during their onward foray into the garden.
So what does the council do ? It erects a concrete post, ensuring that the garden fence is no longer destroyed. Instead, the car is totalled...with injuries to the occupants !
One morning I came out to find ' our ' lamp completely flattened and laying along the pavement in the direction of travel. That was in ' chrome bumper ' days. Very little of the car left at the scene !
>> a right hand bend, not far
>> off 90 degrees.
>> Fully residential so no sight lines around it.
>> So what does the council do ? It erects a concrete post, ensuring that the
>> garden fence is no longer destroyed. Instead, the car is totalled...with injuries to the occupants
Same sort of thing up the road only the cars ran on into the lounge of the corner house, potentially removing support from bedroom and roof above. Better to total the car than the kids sleeping over the front of the house.
I once reversed round a wet corner, unaware a load of turf had been recently removed. The resulting contact flattened the lamppost and put a small crack in the rear lens of the MK3 Cortina.
>> So what does the council do ? It erects a concrete post, ensuring that the
>> garden fence is no longer destroyed. Instead, the car is totalled...with injuries to the occupants
>> !
The right way to do it, let the driver suffer the consequences of his/her actions and hope Darwin deals with them. If there was a 6" spike on every steering wheel boss (and 40 years ago many steering wheels had the same effect) drivers would behave differently.
>> The right way to do it, let the driver suffer the consequences of his/her actions
>> and hope Darwin deals with them. If there was a 6" spike on every steering
>> wheel boss (and 40 years ago many steering wheels had the same effect) drivers would
>> behave differently.
Unfortunately it makes little difference how good / safe a driver you are when you meet some other Muppet putting your life at risk
>> there is an area of new development in my area
I thought you said you were in Scotland? This place has blue skies and no rain.
>> I thought you said you were in Scotland? This place has blue skies and no
>> rain.
>> ;-)
Cold but clear blue skies at the moment up here.
Have you seen Fridays weather forecast for your end of the country? :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 15 Dec 11 at 12:02
Was sunny when I was in Scotland in around 2004 too. Shame nobody told me that Scottish like to drink their cider at 6% volume. It was very cold when I went but it was in the middle of winter.
>> Was sunny when I was in Scotland in around 2004 too. Shame nobody told me
>> that Scottish like to drink their cider at 6% volume. It was very cold when
>> I went but it was in the middle of winter.
So they like their cider weak, but their Whisky strong....
6% cider is nothing special - down in the west country decent Scrumpy will be north of 7%, the best 15%.
>> Have you seen Fridays weather forecast for your end of the country? :-)
Yeah, fair enough. Two days ago a gale blew down three fence panels .... and there's more to come.
If the forecasted snow turns up I reckon we are going to get a load of posts from southern residents about how wonderful winter tyres are. :(
Just back home from Sheffield.
Dusting of snow on the M1 outskirts but bad enough further on for Snake Pass to be reporrtred closed and Woodhead passable with difficulty.
Forecasting snow for 'West Mids' tonight so we might cop a bit too.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 15 Dec 11 at 16:47