I am not going into details exactly why, other than kerb damage (not fair to discuss my farther driving on here, and I know exact circumstances and know it was not my farther fault by that I mean it was a silly accident, and not wreckless driving etc)
From what I can see, it needs a new spring cup (it no longer secures the spring) , new wheel (its no longer round), a new tyre (its is no longer on the wheel) but there is also a very high likely hood of steering rack damage so its sadly getting towed to a scrap yard some time this week :(.
Just thought I would let people know, as people have offered a lot of help with this car over the past 4 and a half years.
The car btw is worth what ever is in the tank plus scrap, and before this happened we had decided as soon as the next problem arises its getting scrapped.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Tue 13 Dec 11 at 23:53
You know you want to dance on its grave really Sheikha.
Many of us will be with you at least in spirit when you do.
Why post if you didn't want debate/discussion? Could have told a small lie.
Sorry to hear your dad has broken the Fiesta. He now needs some other car which you will no doubt be involved in the search for. And us?
Lucky for you he did this in the Fiesta and not whilst driving the Panda.
Not sure how it was not his fault though... it may well have been an accident. But if he was driving then surely his fault.
It very early in the morning, he was coming back from a late shift at his new job, on a road he knows well. There is usually parked cars before the bit of kerb which sticks out, there was no cars parked, my dad was slightly too close to where the kerb sticks out, didn't see it till the last minute and smacked it at 25mph or so.
He is very embarrassed about it but it was pouring down of rain and I suspect he was probably a bit tired. I did something similar in the Corsa, but all I did was knock out the tracking.
And yes if it was the Panda I would have been livid but thankfully it was in a car which was going to be scrapped in a few weeks time anyway.
And yes there will be time for a new car, but won't be till after Christmas for now, for shopping trips etc when I am not there he can borrow the Panda but at the moment a car is not crucial providing there is access to mine.
>> I did something similar in the Corsa, but all I did was knock out the tracking
I did something similar in the Mondeo(!), bent and destroyed front wheel and tyre, and slightly bent rear wheel which needed hammering straight. Got away without suspension damage or tracking luckily.
Now is the time to strike for a used car. The market falls on its backside until Christmas is over and done with, so anyone will be glad to see a handful of used readies.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 00:37
>> my dad was slightly too close to where the kerb sticks out
I know it's your farther (Rattle spelling) but he hit the kerb. Rain or being tired is no excuse. Sorry to ask but is he safe driving anymore? It sounds like a road he should know too.
Thankfully not in your Panda. Don't give him to keys. And to think he drove the Panda recently.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 00:43
>> when I am not there he can borrow the Panda
And you'd just sorted out a dent. Waste of money? After this event I'd tell any relative to naff off if they thought they could borrow my car.
As I said there were circumstances, like the fact he been working very late hours and the weather. He's been working very hard lately doing lots of over time and I suspect he has over done it slightly with all the family issues which has been going on too.
If he kept doing things like this I would agree, but this is the first time he has done so much as put a scratch on the Fiesta in the 4.5 years he has owned it.
I won't let him drive my Panda in the dark and I have nicely suggested he gets his eyes checked.
A lot of us have done silly things like that though when we are tired. And any damage to my car he is paying for it :).
Won't be buying a new car yet, he will need one but for work in the future but for now the bus is fine.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 00:52
>> >> my dad was slightly too close to where the kerb sticks out
>> I know it's your farther (Rattle spelling) but he hit the kerb. Rain or being
>> tired is no excuse. Sorry to ask but is he safe driving anymore? It sounds
>> like a road he should know too.
>> Thankfully not in your Panda. Don't give him to keys. And to think he drove
>> the Panda recently.
Woah there RTJ, thats a bit over the top, talk about making mountains over molehills.
Its a kerbing incident, we have all done it, at some stage.
Last winter I clouted some snow packed next to the nearside kerb - didn't do a lot for the tracking on the CC3.
A visit to the tyre place and sixty quid had me back on the straight and narrow.
A legend of a car in these parts, that Fiesta. RIP.
I'd ban kerbs if I ever got in power.
>> I'd ban kerbs if I ever got in power.
Only kerbs on the left, kerbs on the right rarely cause a problem.
>>Only kerbs on the left, kerbs on the right rarely cause a problem<<
Quite logical - I didn't realise you were part Vulcan as well.
>> I'd ban kerbs if I ever got in power.
A curb on kerbs? I'll vote for yer.
Seriously, I doubt if there's anyone on this forum that's hasn't made an error of judgement at some point in their driving career, most of us get away with it most of the time. I've clipped kerbs twice in 26 years, knackered the tyre both times.
Kerbs in my area are smooth and forgiving, but I frequently park in another area where they are as rough as old boots, and it is entirely their fault that my front nearside alloy has a couple of nasty scratches.
>> Its a kerbing incident, we have all done it, at some stage.
There's touching a kerb and there's breaking a wheel, tearing the tyre off, etc. Had to hit the kerb with some force at speed to do that surely? Lucky he hit a kerb and not something else.
Exactly. "25mph or so" - LOL!
Kerbs sticking out in the road at 3:00am in the pouring rain are a lot harder to see than pedestrians or cars. It was an error or judgement. If there had have been pedestrians there he would have seen that the road becomes a pavement.
Anyway this thread was not supposed to be about my dads driving, but just to let people know the Fiesta had died. Just spoke to my dad and he reckons its a puncture, as it wasn't burst when he drove it back home, but the suspension was a loud knocking noise, so I don't think getting old of a new wheel (alloy) will solve the problem.
Apologies Rattle. I will miss the tales of the Fiesta. It's sounds like it was a much liked car by your dad.
There's a Fiesta near me that I spotted was up for sale. Didn't have a chance to look at the price but it looked in fairly good condition. A private sale as it was on the road.
Just as well Father Rattle doesn't live up ere on the moor - no kerbs just granite hedges & deep ditches :(
>> There's touching a kerb and there's breaking a wheel, tearing the tyre off, etc. Had
>> to hit the kerb with some force at speed to do that surely? Lucky he
>> hit a kerb and not something else.
Next time you hit a kerb, we will demand you are banned form the road for such criminal behaviour.
Come on, own up, your being a prat here
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 11:51
I've scraped a wheel when parking before. Never hit a kerb whilst driving at speed. Maybe it's more common than I thought then? Clearly you've done similar to Rattle's dad and ripped a tyre off by hitting a curb? Anyone else done similar?
We've all done the same as Rattles dad, but it was our own fault just as it was Rattle's dads fault. After all, it wasn't the kerb that was moving.
So lying blame doesn't mean lack of sympathy. I speak as some one who once reversed his car into his own motorcycle.
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 12:45
>> We've all done the same as Rattles dad
Speak for yourself. I haven't and I don't think Rattle has either.
Shame about the car. But it sounded like the rust was going to get it soon. And what would the cold winter that might be ahead have done to it? Could have needed money spending on it.
So Rattle, if your dad is going to go without a car for a bit, I assume he's cancelling his insurance. That'll be a bit of a saving too then. Every cloud and all that.
Its now looking like another banger might be an option until we can get something newer, that can take months.
He is going to need transport in the new year :(.
And yes rust has gone through, so there is now almost a hole in the rear arch, the clutch is making a funny noise etc but its the rust which is the main problem, I think sooner or later he would have probably got pulled.
> I speak as some one who once reversed his car into his own motorcycle.
I once bought a nice brand new mountain bike. Cycled it home and parked it at the back of the garage. Then I went into the house, got the keys to the MR2 I had at the time, jumped into it and reversed it into the garage - and straight into the mountain bike. Not sure whose fault it was - probably the mountain bike's.
My choice of words were wrong, of course it was his fault, but he wasn't driving recklessly it was just an error of judgement. With accidents I think there is often two types:-
1) Driving recklessness - e.g you deserve it.
2) A silly mistake like an error of judgement.
I think what I meant was I am not going to blame him given the circumstances. He was only trying to earn a little extra money for Christmas.
Rattle I'll pop and look at that Fiesta that's local to me if you want. No idea how good it is, what model and I didn't see the price. I'll report back if you want.
"Not sure how it was not his fault though... it may well have been an accident. But if he was driving then surely his fault."
Not necessarily.
SWMBO was driving in the early hours and was confronted with a Police Astra driving straight towards her at very high speed. It made no attempt to veer out of her way, so she had to drive into the kerb to avoid the fool. Luckily all we got was a smashed wheel trim.
Rob that will be great, just keeping all options open at the moment. Just saw one parked up here, £350 was such a wreck we would be better spending the money on the Fiesta we have now, it was more rusty than my dads! I thought it was impossible.
I emailed some photos of it earlier. It looks in quite good condition as far as the bodywork goes. It was a 1.3 Zetec on a Y plate. Non-standard alloys mind and some plastic covering on the rear lights with circular cut outs.
just treat it as if it was a horse with a broken leg, and do the right thing by putting a captive bolt through its noggin.....
Sounds like he needs something a bit more rugged with bigger wheels, perhaps a diesel and maybe an automatwatic.
Perhaps local as well.
Ahem !
So what do you have for sale local to Rattle then? Not your Vitara. ( Hope I remembered it was a Grand Vitara. Sorry if it's not.)
I think Rattle Senior wants new or very nearly new next.
A Coventry carol for Manchester....
Lully lullay, thou little tiny Ford,
Bye bye, lully lullay.
He-rob the king, in his raging,
Charged he hath this day,
Rattle's poor Pa, no curb on blame,
Ancient Fiesta to slay.
Ah, woe is me, little Ford, for thee;
I'll ever mourn, and say,
O rattly, rusty, trusty Ford,
Bye bye, lully lullay.
Charming, Avant.
I don't suppose you could post yourself singing it with your own organ accompaniment? That would be perfect.
Not sure I want to see Avant playing with his organ?
IIRC, DVD (Dwight Van Driver) also used to come up with some good ditties on the other side of the fence.
My local fire station wants cars to practice on. I feel sure many other fire stations need "ancient classics" . Maybe they pass the bits to a scrappie & the £££s go to a charity ??
I know of a garage local to me lets the fire brigade practice on cars being scrapped. I suspect there's something in it for the garage too.
>> I feel sure many other fire stations need "ancient classics"