Thats not you is it BB !!!!!!
I accidentally did similar with a push-bike tube when I was much younger.
Me and a mate had repaired a puncture but inadvertantly left a bit of inner tube sticking out when we put the tyre back. The 'bubble' of inner tube suddenly started and continued growing despite removing the pump. We were in his shed and in the rush to the door both got wedged there when the thing let go.
His mum came out to investigate and found us rolling around laughing and a cloud of what she thought was white smoke coming out of the shed (talcum powder?).
I was told to go home and he got into trouble. I don't think she believed us.
Went with a mate of mine once to his works yard. Among other things there was a pit so you could inspect the underside of the lorry trailers they had on site. We connected up an air line to one of the lorry tyre inner tubes that was kicking about and chucked it in the pit. It grew and grew to immense proportions, but we chickened out and switched off the compressed air and disconnected the line when the inner tube started growing outside of the pit and was pressing hard up against the chassis of one of the trailers parked over the pit.
All things in moderation my Boy!!
Inner tubes are girly stuff.
Every so often someone manages to do that with a lorry tyre, with fatal consequences.