Anyone experienced with remote elec garage door openers on an up & over door? I'm sure I remember ON mentioning using one.
Looking at the £130-£230 types as a DIY fit.
The only thing that worries me is it seems you lose the ability for the normal locking bolts to engage so I guess someone could easily force the door up??
We have a chamberlain (IIRC ?) one, it was already fitted when we bought the house. It has its benefits, but it can be relatively slow - I find myself stood outside in the wind and rain waiting for it to open.....
And it is currently our only method of securing the garage, which would be an issue if there was anything worth nicking in there.
The up-and-over break-ins I've seen have been carried out with such force I doubt the locking bolts would have made any difference.
A couple of anti-twoc posts might have done, although that partially defeats the object of a remote door.
>>>break-ins I've seen have been carried out with such force I doubt the locking bolts would have made any difference.
Yes I guess the average metal garage door is actually quite weak unless secured by a locking device into the floor that prevents (as far as possible) it being lifted at all.
What I don't like though is if , once converted to elec operation, someone of average strength can just lift them at the bottom and gradually drive the motor backwards without too much effort.
I have a Hormann Supramatic E door operator. It is almost silent when in use and automatically locks and unlocks the door. All the details, fitting instructions etc are on the Hormann website. Mine is fitted to a Hormann insulated sectional door
A good bit of kit, recommended.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Fri 9 Dec 11 at 12:39
>> I have a Hormann Supramatic E door operator. It is almost silent when in use
>> and automatically locks and unlocks the door. >>
Just a clarification, the door opener has a built in mechanical automatic lock which is totally independent of the door.
Where have you seen those? I'm looking for the roller shutter sort.... currently opening door with electric drill and metal pole... a remote sort would mean I would use the garage more as it is too much of a fiddle at the moment.
Probably not what you want to know, FL, but I have two Gliderol roller doors - one motorised and one manual and they can be made very secure from inside but even without using that particular means of securing it, the motor is designed to resist attack very effectively.
Speaking from experience, Gliderol stuff is excellent, but just as important for me is the customer support and technical advice from them which is beyond reproach. Google them for contact and on the UK website click on 'United Kingdom Operations' and then ring and ask for Alastair for advice.
Beyond that, for up and overs there are, as you'll have seen, a variety of bulky security bars and devices which bolt in to the ground, but I can't speak from experience about them.
Interesting to read kb... if this was a money no object exercise I'd be looking at a pair of british racing green elec roller shutter doors. But all I want is to add elec auto control to the one up & over door that a car will use daily.
Re the security issue I think the greatest threat will be at night or on long holiday periods so it would be easily possible to add conventional extra security measures which were only used during those periods.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Fri 9 Dec 11 at 13:30
I'd recommend a roller shutter, but at nearly £1K it's some way above Fenlander's budget for the job.
I used autoroll which are reasonable quality, but not as dear as some.
Not sure if they fit outside the north east.
>>>I'd recommend a roller shutter, but at nearly £1K it's some way above Fenlander's budget for the job.
Yes we could well go the roller shutter way in the future but for now the budget needs to be balanced across several areas... up to £200ish and minimal change to the existing setup is nothing in the scheme of things if it tells us how the idea of elec operation suits us.
My brother has electrified both the up-and-overs on his double garage.
No problems of which I've heard.
Depending on the type of door, it may still be possible to key lock it when you go away, provided you trust yourself to remember to key unlock it before using the remote when you come back.
Gave up putting car in garage years ago.
It is now a shed MK2
>>>Gave up putting car in garage years ago.
Same here apart from overnights before very hard frosts. However we hope to be taking on a double width garage where half will be my workshop space and the other half for Mrs F's C3. She does have very early starts in the winter so as we have the chance fancies Thunderbird 2 style garage operation.
Seems this thread has run its course, so I will add my recent garage door mishap story.
The CC3 is parked on a downward slope in my back yard, behind the roller shutter door.
About a month before the hip operation, I parked the car as normal in the evening, but in the morning found it resting against the rear of the door.
I had yanked the handbrake on as normal, but neglected to leave it in gear.
During the night the car crept about two metres down the slope.
No damage to the car or the door, although there is now a slight outward bow in the door at bumper height.
I believe modern handbrakes are known to progressively let go over a period of hours, which is why I always leave the car in gear.
Except when I don't.
Citroen often have their handbrakes operating on front brakes so they are more likely to do this. This also leads to warped discs. It's a crap idea and one they should stop doing.
Is this not to do with contraction of the metals as the car's brakes cool off allowing the handbrake to slacken slightly?
Last edited by: Fullchat on Sat 10 Dec 11 at 21:41
...Is this not to do with contraction of the metals as the car's brakes cool off allowing the handbrake to slacken slightly?...
I read - possibly on HJ - handbrakes are no longer actuated by cable, but by the hydraulics which tend to lose pressure over time.
The collision damage investigator ought to know what he's talking about, so it looks like cooling metal does play a part.
It's hard to judge accurately from the mother's quotes, but it looks like the car started to roll back within minutes of her leaving it, so the cooling happened very quickly.
She mentions going into the house 'and that's when I heard Dylan shouting'.
Further, the brake seems to have let go big-style as the car is described as 'rolling down the drive'.
If the CC3 had done that, I think there would have been much more damage.
I imagine this family's drive is steeper than mine, and she may not have yanked the brake on as firmly as I did.
>>>looks like cooling metal does play a part.
My understanding too. Not just a Citroen issue but the result of disc brakes where the disc tends to shrink away from the pads as it cools... with the old drum brake arrangement I'd always assumed the cooling drum would tend to shrink onto the shoes making the hold even better.
Back in the early 90s there was a recall on Xantia brakes to take off the first few clicks on the handbrake ratchet so folks had to pull it on firmly.
I had an embarrassing incident with the Xantia handbrake.
I parked in Beacon Hill car park ( Dave will know it ) while Ian & I walked up to the top.
When we got back the Xantia was parked at a rather sill angle crossways in the middle of the car park instead of nose up to the slope where I left it.
It didn't look as though it had done any damage to the other cars but the car park was busy, so I hid behind a tree while Ian went and recovered it....:)
To help a car pass the MoT, we used to stand on the footbrake, then pull the handbrake on.
This gave a better reading for the handbrake.
Did the same when getting light commercials tested, although that was external testers, and some of them would tick you off if they spotted the brake lights coming on before the handbrake test.
Interestingly I had something similar happen on the Picasso last week. First time in 5 years and it is frequently parked on a sloping driveway. It only moved about 20 cm in an underground multi storey carpark, but it was enough to prevent me opening the drivers door because a large concrete pillar then obstructed the door. Fortunately SWMBO was with me and she is still lithe enough to get across from the passenger seat.:)
>> half for Mrs F's C3. She does have very early starts in the winter so
>> as we have the chance fancies Thunderbird 2 style garage operation.
Oh WOW! You gonna make the pampas grass plants either side of the drive fold down out the way?
No pampas grass there at the moment and no way are we planting any... I hate lots of callers.
There is a impressive display in the front a few doors up so perhaps the cul-de-sac culture is already well established.