Motoring Discussion > McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 21

 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - R.P.
How To Build series 2. Worth a watch if the last series was anything to go by.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - madf
I think the one on show is mine.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - rtj70
I set set to record but hadn't realised in was the catchily named MP4-12C.

Thanks for the heads up. I enjoyed last weeks programme too. Still on iPlayer if you missed it.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - ....
That was amazing. The accuracy and attention to detail I found inspiring.
Working at a car company I know where I'd like to be.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - R.P.
Superb - a little dumbed down commentary wise. We can still do "stuff" and I want one !
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - Zero
I have watched the McLaren factory raise up from the ground (well sink down in the ground actually - it can barely be seen from ground level) on my various dog walks. There is a public footpath at the back you can see the main centre from. Nicole is friends with Rons neighbour. He is a diagnosed ADHD & Compulsive obsessive sufferer, quite a long way up the autistic spectrum!
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - Manatee
>> Nicole is friends with Rons neighbour. He is a diagnosed ADHD & Compulsive
>> obsessive sufferer, quite a long way up the autistic spectrum!

Ron, or his neighbour?
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - R.P.
He is a diagnosed ADHD & Compulsive obsessive sufferer, quite a long way up the autistic spectrum!

No **** Sherlock would be my response. That business with the tiles....say no more.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - ....
If he was that ADHD he would have ordered extra tyles and suspended them in line with the originals like airfix planes from the ceiling.

Maybe I need to get tested ?
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - Zero
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - VxFan
>> The accuracy and attention to detail I found inspiring.

Unlike the software side of things.

Still, a free book more than makes up for it ;o)

Is it called a coffee table edition because you shove it under one of the legs of your coffee table to stop it from wobbling?
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - ....
Well you see VxFan, if I could speak to Mr. Dennis I might be able to help him out...
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - Dave_
Absolutely fascinating programme. With production being stepped up eightfold, hopefully it won't be too long before I get to deliver one :)
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Sun 20 Nov 11 at 21:22
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - R.P.
Followed by an equally impressive programme of UK people at work - Frontlime Medicine
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - diddy1234
A very interesting program. Looks like the management look after their staff as well since some of them had been working for mclaren for a long time.

It does make me wonder if mclaren designed a city car with carbon composites, just how good would it be?
(i did watch a documentry once where a university rebuilt a city car in carbon composite and noticed an increase in fuel economy and lowered emissions).
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - rtj70
Tell me the wiring loom wasn't CANBUS.

I initially thought when they glued some of the body together that would be difficult to fix. But if it was broken, with the carbon fibre tub.... the car would be written off anyway.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - Zero
>> Tell me the wiring loom wasn't CANBUS.

It is.

 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - rtj70
Blimey. Now I know why they need CANBUS. Without it.... impossible wiring. How would you fix that!
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - ....
Expensively !!!
Can't imagine Rowan Atkinsons's would be dumped at the local bodgit and scarper when he had a mishap.
Back to the factory I should imagine.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - Armel Coussine
No doubt a thing of beauty, as near-perfect in its way as a car can be.

But I still don't want one. Of course I would be interested to see if I could keep the thing out of the scenery in a cautious pootle round the home counties. Probably not judging by the crashes that have already occurred in the hands of owners, but I'd still like to try.

However the thing has no true purpose except its own existence. It just isn't serious. No supercar is. They don't offend me because I like all cars. But they are an affront to contemporary reality.
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - Dave_
The MP4-12C is this month's car on the 2011 Top Gear calendar :)
 McLaren McLaren MP4-12C - BBC 2 Tonight 2000 hrs.. - ....
A.C. I am surprised !!!
True a Feramborgseratiren won't get your fence home from B&Q but neither will a VW (insert colour) Up!
You'd pilot one no problemo, not sure your passenger would appreciate the experience though !
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