>> edit - here's the correct answer
>> "The new photocard licence has a black and white photo. This is because the laser
>> technology used to burn the image onto the card producing a black and white photo
>> is more secure. A colour photo will still need to be provided with your application
>> to be stored on your driver record."
>> www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/DriverLicensing/DG_068315
Edit - the answer is wrong
Here is the correct answer
The new photocard licence has a black and white photo. This is because the laser
technology used to burn the image onto the card is more secure but producing a black and white photo is cheaper A colour photo will still need to be provided with your application to be stored on your driver record."
If you have any doubts about black and white being more secure, ask yourself why bank notes are not black and white.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 10 Nov 11 at 16:08