A work colleagues daughter renewed her car insurance recently over the phone.
She was quoted £xxx.xx. During the call it was asked if the car was parked on the road. 'No it wasn't, it's now on the driveway'.
Tap tap tap on the keyboard, 'that'll be an extra £45 please'.
'Because there's been some crime in your area'.
My colleague lives in a quiet cul de sac and has never claimed on any car insurance or house insurance. She asked how the premium could rise when the car was actually slightly safer on the drive than a public highway, a distance of some twenty feet. The operator couldn't answer why so lopped half off.
Are motor insurers getting that desparate that they'll try anything to get more money from us and hope we won't notice?
Last edited by: Webmaster on Thu 20 Oct 11 at 19:18