When I got this Vitara there were one or two things to sort out. It had no music, so SWB bought me a Radio/CD and I tried to fit it. The plug in bits were not compatible, so after a good coat of looking at, I rang my local auto electric man with a van. He called within the hour, fitted an adaptor and all was well.
I mentioned to him that the central locking wasn't working.......or rather the central unlocking wasn't working. All 5 doors locked, but only the driver's unlocked on the key. He said he'd pop round and have a play.
Well, he came, unexpected, today and duly settled down with the door card off to do some testing. I sat and chatted and after a half hour or so he exclaimed...' I've fixed it '.
' What was it ? ' says I.........' Nothing ' said Vinnie, putting the card back on...' Watch '..
He turned the key.....the drivers door locked. He turned it again...the other four locked.
Same with the remote..2 clicks and they all locked.
Neither of us would have dreamt of that...I've never seen that on a car before and Vinnie admitted he hadn't either. I suppose some other cars must have this feature ?
We both learned something and he went off clutching my tenner...he had diagnosed a window fault as well, though.
Might have been useful a few years ago. I was walking back to my car, a Pug 206, when I became aware of a girl walking next to me. She asked where I was going and I just said 'Home for a cuppa '. I got to the car, opened it with the remote and quick as a flash she jumped into the passenger seat. She started propositioning me and started fondling me
nadgers ! I pulled her hand away and she tried to get me to do the same to her.
She was quite attractive, probably in her 20s but the nicotine stained, bitten nails put me off somewhat ! She said she wasn't on drugs but I didn't fancy an infestation of tiny crustaceans ! I used every excuse in the book to get rid of her, told her I was a policeman, told her I was gay......nothing. I was going to drive her down to the nick when she saw the error of her ways, asked me for a quid for a cuppa and jumped out at the lights.
A lucky escape.........wouldn't have happened with ' selective ' locking !
Sounds like two stage unlocking to me. How I like it. Had it on VWs, re-programmed the Mondeo... and never figured out how to do it on the Mazda6. It goes back soon. And I have two weeks vacation during this period :-)
Edit: I read locked as unlocked.... Ted I assume this car properly locks!
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 13 Sep 11 at 00:47
Got it on my Nissan.
One press of the remote unlocks just the driver's door, to prevent the sort of visitors you experienced.
As an aside, SWMBO now drives with the doors locked after she came to pick me up one evening. I was walking to the agreed pick-up point, when I saw her stopped at a red light just ahead, so I opened the passenger door and sat down - the resultant scream didn't quite shatter my eardrums.
Reminds me when I had a Passat from 2000-2003. Our office near the airport had some thefts from the boot. Basically the scenario was:
- You unlock car
- Put laptop in boot
- Get in car
The thief would steal the laptop between step 2 and 3! So I simply locked and unlocked the car after putting the laptop in the boot. Only driver door unlocked at that point.
Tried to programme the same on the Mondeo that followed - not possible. Mazda6 worse and that goes back soon.... should I leave a note with issues... but that's another thread.
My sisters Vitara had it too, infact quite a few cars have it, Im sure a fair few VAG cars do from memory and I know the current Range Rover does. Come to think of it, Im fairly sure a Vauxhall Signum I used to clean also had this feature.
My old Roomie had it as did the last BMW - it's programmable on BMWs - this one doesn't..
One good thing about the Panda, it so basic there is no remote boot locking, so as soon as you close the tailgate it is locked. No remote locking either, which is a pain as there is only one door lock. So if I want to open the passenger door, I have to put the key in the drivers door to unlock the rest of it.
>> Come to think of it, Im fairly sure a Vauxhall Signum I used to clean also had this feature.
All Vauxhalls with remote central locking have had this feature since the Astra-G and Vectra-B models. Somewhere around 1997 / 1998 IIRC.
Until recently though you had to unlock all the doors to also open the locking fuel filler cap. I gather this has now been changed so it unlocks when only the drivers door is unlocked. Someone at Vauxhall finally woke up and realised that having to unlock all doors to gain access to the fuel cap wasn't a good idea as the opportunist thief could help himself to what he wanted from the back seat while the car owner had his back to the car while filling up with fuel.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 13 Sep 11 at 21:44
My Mk1 Focus has two stage unlocking on the remote.
99% of the time it is an anoyance but one day I might meet Ted's friend and need it.
>> Edit: I read locked as unlocked.... Ted I assume this car properly locks!
Yup, Rob....brain frazzled in this sub-tropical paradise !
The new Focus has the two stage unlocking facility.
You can turn it on or off by holding down the lock and unlock buttons together for a few seconds until the hazards flash, it programmes the facility on that key not the car. Once on you press once to unlock only the driver's door, twice to unlock all doors.
Very useful for SWMBO who tends to forget to lock the doors after she's got in the car and puts her handbag on the front seat, now with only the drivers door unlocking all the other doors stay locked by default.
On the older Mondeo there was a really useful facility, for her at least, that all the doors would lock as soon as the car moved off.
With many people driving on their own, and with some of the dodgy oiks about these days, I'm surprised these various locking features aren't more readily provided. They provide cars with all sorts of other features such as the ability to virtually park themselves and suchlike would have thought that security features would have been just as easy to provide.
My car locks itself at about 5 mph when you move off.
>>My car locks itself at about 5 mph when you move off<<
I'd get that fixed under warantee if I was you.
>> >>My car locks itself at about 5 mph when you move off<<
>> I'd get that fixed under warantee if I was you.
>> :)
At least the warranty has five and a half years to run. :)
>>At least the warranty has five and a half years to run. :)<<
Not that you'll need it, hopefully - unlike the 8'x6' shed I'm having erected, they arrived at 9.30am ... how long does it take, I says - bout an hour, they said ...
still here now at 2pm
>> Not that you'll need it, hopefully - unlike the 8'x6' shed I'm having erected, they
>> arrived at 9.30am ... how long does it take, I says - bout an hour,
>> they said ...
>> still here now at 2pm
>> :(
Hope your erection turns out to be as good as you hoped, Doggydoos !
>>Hope your erection turns out to be as good as you hoped, Doggydoos !<<
It's up now Teddy & looking good!
My old brother (who has Alzheimer's) kept on at me saying if I erected the shed myself, I would save most of the VAT (silly old sod I thought) but he's right, I didn't know that.
I don't know a lot of things!
Ted, under the steering column, behind where the lower shroud ends, if you look straight up (need to be a contortionist!) there's a box of tricks right in the middle. One of the visible white dip switches (i can check which one when i get home) controls whether it unlocks all or only one door.
Ours came with a cobra alarm / immob. Thatcham 2 apparently -- completely unimpressed. I've never considered car security beyond "some scrote could smash the window". These cars, even with the alarm / immob fitted, could be driven off in minutes :-(
Got it on my Vectra, I like it really
One press and the drivers door unlocks, press again and all the doors and boot unlock
If you press it once, and need the lot unlocked while your in the car, you can press a button on the door.
Press the "lock" button once and the whole car locks, press again and the deadlocks are activated.
Sounds a whole expensive bundle of fun to fix when it goes wrong.
See i don't like those electric solenoid locks as fitted to some cars either, once the doors are locked the door handles inside have no effect whatsoever till the unlocking is operated, i always wondered what would happen in the event of an accident if the electrics failed...ISTR previous C5 and 307 for example having that type of door locking mechanism.
Course if people hang around dodgy areas eyeing the birds up, they probably need staged unlocking...:-)....
>> Course if people hang around dodgy areas eyeing the birds up, they probably need staged
>> unlocking...:-)....
Jealousy is not a nice thing for a gentleman to display ...:-p
Its the nails Ted that put you off..:>)
On the Mondeo (and on dad's C-Class) it's possible to toggle 1-door / all-doors locking on and off. I think it's done with a prolonged press on both lock and unlock buttons simultaneously, but I'll have to check to be sure.
Mine is set to unlock everything in one go, as I'm usually ferrying older children and their assorted coats / rucksacks around and they like to sling them in the back seat. Anyone who jumps in the car when I'm on my own will get everything they deserve :)
I enabled the "auto locking at speeds >5mph" function for a while, but had to explain it to everybody who travelled in the car with me (there's quite a "clunk" when all the doors lock) so I soon got fed up with it and disabled it again.
So essentially then Ted, it seems every car in the world has it, so where have you been for the last 50 years?
Up until now, Zeddo...driving around in cars that didn't have it....:-P
Only 47 years, though !
>> On the Mondeo (and on dad's C-Class) it's possible to toggle 1-door / all-doors locking
>> on and off. I think it's done with a prolonged press on both lock and
>> unlock buttons simultaneously, but I'll have to check to be sure.
On My Vectra, you can do this by pressing the door unlock/lock button on the control panel in the drivers door (I can't remember the exact procedure of hand)
It will beep to tell you the procedure is complete but it toggles between unlock drivers door only or lock when the car goes over 5mph.
To reiterate what Vxfan said about having to unlock the whole car to use the filler cap - It is annoying and I didn't realise how much so until now.
Although its practice now on Vauxhall Cars - I wish it was when the produced my run of the Vectra.
American hire cars always seem to be setup like this - takes me a week to remember to press the button twice, then it's time to come home!
I can't see the point of doors locking automatically when the car's speed goes over 5MPH and then unlocking at lower speeds, except of course it doesn't prevent anyone opening a door from outside in the case of an accident. I thought most cars with central locking had an inertia switch that did this anyway.
SWMBO wants the doors locked when she pulls up at traffic lights.
>> I can't see the point of doors locking automatically when the car's speed goes over
>> 5MPH and then unlocking at lower speeds,
usually they dont. Most are set up to lock at 5mph+ and stay locked until you open them from inside, or an inertia switch unlocks them in the event of an accident.