DRIVERS caught using mobile phones at the wheel can now escape prosecution in the Humberside Police area by attending a “considerate driving” course.
The initiative, being led by the Safer Roads Humber partnership, sees errant motorists avoid the prospect of a £60 fine and having three penalty points added to their licence by attending the three-hour course, which costs £95 - Links to
Personally I can't see many people attending because the police hardly ever seem to spot anyone using mobiles while driving. Funny that, as most other motorists manage to spot them.
Seems a sound idea -- education is normally 10x better than a punishment fine (caveat: goes without saying really, there are exceptions).
There was a guy on PH who's wife took the points for speeding rather than the speed awareness course... "I don't need someone telling me how to drive" or words to that effect.
That just does not compute in my black and white brain. I'd never dream of sitting in my day job thinking "i'm pretty good at what i do, i don't need any training, i've been doing this for years!". Same for everything really.
Module 3: how to use a mobile phone while driving without being noticed (Lecturer: Mr I. B. Towe-Wragge, Ph.D. [Hons], Wormwood Scrubs).
what next how to drink and drive safely?
Yeah - go round corners slowly or you will spill it!
yeah i used to put the can between my legs
I reckon it may have something to do with where the money ends up.
I think fines go to central Government, course 'fees' stay with the local pratnership ;-)
course 'fees' stay with the local pratnership ;-)
Deliberate mis-speeling?
>> DRIVERS caught using mobile phones at the wheel can now escape prosecution in the Humberside
>> Police area by attending a “considerate driving” course.
So does this bloke get TWO courses?
Driver spotted using two mobile phones is banned
| M reg Tigra with no insurance, hope it was crushed. "He made a mistake" according to his brief. Easy mistake to make, using two phones !
Last edited by: R.P. on Mon 15 Aug 11 at 18:54
"A man spotted using two mobile phones while behind the wheel of his car has been banned from driving for 12 months... He was sentenced after last month being convicted of using a mobile phone while driving and having no insurance.... Secker, of Rimington Road, Sprowston, near Norwich, was also fined £150 and his licence was endorsed with 14 penalty points."
14 penalty points in one go!
"The court heard that when officers pulled Secker over, they had to wait for him to finish his phone conversation."
I bet that went down well. He obviously saw the police, since he pulled over, but decided continuing the call was more important.
The word "blatant" comes to mind.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Mon 15 Aug 11 at 19:43
The word that came to my mind starts with a k.
His brief (unemployed, two 'phones and he can afford a brief, what does that tell you about his source of income?) claimed he wasn't 'using' the second 'phone, but looking up a number on it!
Unemployable, but Kapable usually next Tuesday.
In my part of the world the use of mobiles seems increasingly blatant. From young lads 'driving' large tractors to ladies of a certain age in their white Range Rover Sports.
My driving instructor friend see's so much of it that his solution is an immediate £500+ fine, and the car is confiscated until the fine is paid. Word would soon get around, and a private firm operating on 20% commisssion could do quite well on it. A second hand car transporter would be the perfect work tool to collect miscreants wheels!
And he's never only 34?! And IQ about the same or lower.
On what basis has it been determined to offer courses to people who commit certain offenses?
It would appear that this process applies only to certain motoring offenses. Is that because motorists are for some reason thought to be particularly amenable to correction of habits of wrongdoing?
If motorists are not exceptional in this way, why are courses not offered to other categories of offenders - aren't they equally worthy of redemption?
As it is notoriously difficult to persuade people to stop speeding or not use mobile phones while driving, why have these two offenses been singled out?
Quite CP. It is most unfair.
Anger management courses for axe murderers now!
"14 penalty points in one go!"
According to the local rag he already had 12 points and a 6 month ban had just expired. If he was the sort who bothered about insurance it might be tricky finding any.