The owner of a vehicle lets the insurance lapse but a named driver is unaware of this and continues to drive the vehicle.
The owner does not drive during the uninsured period.
What offenses are commited by each?
What punishment / fines would be expected for each if the named driver was caught ??
What would happen in the case of the named driver having an accident?
Insurance payout on the vehicle damage would zero?
6 points on your licence and a massive fine. Having no insurance is an absolute so there is no leeway anymore.
It is up to the driver to make sure they are insured. They should know when the insurance expires etc even if it is not their insurance policy.
It is an offence for you to use, or to allow another person to use, a motor vehicle on a road or public place if you do not hold an insurance policy which insures against third party risks.
As rattle said, its 6 - 8 points, max fine of 5 grand.
But - note the "allow another to use"
the main policy holder could also be charged with "allowing" not likely tho.
Usually 6 points and just £200 fine.
Those who mostly drive uninsured usually don't have valid license and paying £200 [if caught] is lower risk than paying a much higher premium.
Thanks for the answers to date.
I guess the fine will depend on income?
The senario is that Mot. RFL are all correct.
The renewal insurance accidentally got overlooked due to an extended trip abroad.
( no excuse but just sloppy house keeping?)
Don't forget you loose the car as well and have to pay for recovery and storage :-(
Is that 6 points for the owner or the driver or both?
That's between 5 and 8 points for the driver. If the owner knew they were driving their car without insurance they also can get the points and fine.
Driver. Owner is not required to have license (unless s/he also wants to drive it).
However, AFAIK, owner can be prosecuted (fine etc.) for allowing uninsured driver to use the car.
So what offence can the non-driving owner of an uninsured parked car be charged with?
In respect of insurance 'Keeping' is the same as 'Using'. Same as under the Vehicles Excise Regulations.
>> So what offence can the non-driving owner of an uninsured parked car be charged with?
Allowing someone to drive a vehicle without valid insurance. If they did not permit them then the driver may get charged with taking a vehicle too.
My point was that surely there must be an offence of owning a car on a public road, even if parked, even if the owner is a non-driver without a licence to endorse, regardless of whether somebody else drives it with or without permission?
The owner does not even have to be an individual - it might be a company, or a deceased's estate still subject to probate, or indeed a minor too young to be charged with any offence.
As full chat said, keeping is the same as driving for insurance purposes. So any registered keeper who keeps a car on a public place without insurance is comitting the offence.