Motoring Discussion > A true blonde moment.. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Stuartli Replies: 12

 A true blonde moment.. - Stuartli
Got to laugh though..:-)
 A true blonde moment.. - Stuartli
Another case of you couldn't make it up:
 A true blonde moment.. - Armel Coussine
Utterly crap story for a tabloid though. It didn't give her name, the value of her house according to an estate agent and then doubled or trebled, or a single scandalous detail on her love-rat escapades. I think she's a dodgy far eastern element from Sheffield of somewhere with fake anti-tan and hair dye, doing a Miss Whiplash thing in a place where medical compensation may really be worth having. Since the doors of the 'British-built car' wouldn't open, presumably she had to be lifted out by crane or helicopter.

Had to be deliberate surely? Or perhaps the car did something untoward and VW are going to be whacked with a gigantic lawsuit by Miss W.

Funny how everything photographed in Monaco looks fake except the Grand Prix. Getting a bit like that in Knightsbridge where I imagine she will be going next.
 A true blonde moment.. - Notdoctorchris
You're right, they do all look fake! It looks just like a movie set.
That's probably how they drive over there, as if in a film. Doesn't matter if we crash, nobody gets hurt in movie car crashes no matter how outrageous the driving or horrendous the damage.
 A true blonde moment.. - BiggerBadderDave
Regarding the second story.

Our road in London was resurfaced one day while I was at work. I came home to find the car had been lifted and put back later further up the road along with a handful of other cars. Can't remember if I received notice or not but the surface had been scraped off some weeks before.
 A true blonde moment.. - Bill Payer
I'm amazed they tarmaced a "quiet" street - all we get around our way is surface dressed stone chips. They're even doing major roads with them now.
 A true blonde moment.. - Runfer D'Hills
There is a village in Somerset which has a dog leg in the gas main in the high street. It was relaid about twenty years ago and some twonk had gone off to Brazil for a few weeks and left his Golf GTi parked there...tum ti tum ti tum....

 A true blonde moment.. - Mike Hannon
The Monaco story is pathetic, even by Daily Wail standards. I've already vented my spleen elsewhere but I don't mind doing it again.
What is it with people who find it funny when someone makes a mistake when they happen to be driving an expensive car? Every time a Veyron or a Gallardo or something comes to grief some moron takes a photo on his/her mobile and gives the world a chance to snigger. Yes, we know money doesn't equal driving skill but, believe me, in a split second anyone can come to grief.
I guess it makes them smile as they carve their Fiestas fearlessly through the mean streets of Milton Keynes.
Maybe the woman swerved to avoid one of the many, many brainless pedestrians who wonder all over the road in Casino Square, not realising it is a busy thoroughfare. The safest way through it is on the bus, ticket price one euro. Her number plate shows she is not from Monaco (neither is the Merc) so her original error may have been made under pressure.
And it must be statistically significant that if you have an accident in the middle of Monaco the vehicles involved are likely to be expensive.
The 'policeman' isn't. He is actually an employee of the Casino or the Cafe de Paris. The 'hapless' woman will have hoped that the real police in Monaco didn't notice. They don't take prisoners.
I think the sad bit of this 'story' is all the morons crowding round taking photos on their pathetic top of the range mobile phones, presumably so they can show all the other morons they know pictures of what happens to people who can afford more consumer goodies than they.
Maybe I enjoy my time in Monaco so much because it is endlessly interesting, both topographically and sociologically and I don't ever feel any jealousy or envy.
Rant not over.
Last edited by: Mike Hannon on Sun 31 Jul 11 at 10:35
 A true blonde moment.. - Iffy
...The Monaco story is pathetic, even by Daily Mail standards...The 'policeman' isn't. He is actually an employee of the Casino or the Cafe de Paris...

As noted in my duplicate thread (oops) Sky is also running the story, and also calling the uniformed flunky a policeman.

Looks like agency copy which they've both used.

Seems like no one at Sky or the Mail knows enough about Monaco to correct the inaccuracy.

 A true blonde moment.. - R.P.
I think that even the blonde wouldn't have mistaken the Commisioner for a cop in that get-up !
 A true blonde moment.. - Zero
Oh get back in your Box Mike.

People who drive cars like that, in a place like that, do it to be noticed. Look at me Daaaaahlings.

Cock up while preening to your adoring audience and you are going to get ridicule heaped on you.

Quite right too.
 A true blonde moment.. - Mike Hannon
I guess it's a tough world out there for innocents abroad like me. :-)
 A true blonde moment.. - Dave_
>> Another case of you couldn't make it up:

Regarding the road surfacing gang working around a parked car, I saw the same thing happen here a few years ago:

Look at the surface where the silver-blue Astra is parked.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Sun 31 Jul 11 at 21:54
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