Motoring Discussion > Little plastic tabs on car windows frames Miscellaneous
Thread Author: nice but dim Replies: 13

 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - nice but dim
What are they for?

I've tried to google it, but all it comes up with is some yankee site saying that they are there to centralise the windows going up? I cant see that as they are on the outside of the frame and dont sit within the windows lip area?

I also had them on my last car.
Last edited by: nice but dim on Wed 29 Jun 11 at 19:57
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - -
I've been in some modern cars where at higher speeds the window is sucked outwards near the top of it's travel and you are unable to close it until you slow down and the window comes back in line.

I imagine these tabs guide the window back into it's top channel.
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - henry k
>> I've been in some modern cars where at higher speeds the window is sucked outwards
>> near the top of it's travel and you are unable to close it until you
>> slow down and the window comes back in line.
My 98 MkII Mondeo has them so not a new fitting.
I rarely open my window except in carparks so no idea if they work :-)
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Old Navy
Only a guess, to disrupt the airflow over the door frame to stop wind noise.
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Zero
I have always wondered this.
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Hard Cheese

I'm with GB.

 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Dave_
>> I've been in some modern cars where at higher speeds

The early Rover 800 had them. I'm sure it was, as GB says, to guide the window glass back in to the channel on lifting. Open a window slightly and push the top of the glass outwards with your hand*, you'll be surprised how far it moves.

re Higher speeds: Some vehicles I've had the pleasure of travelling in ('98 Volvo C70 coupe, '05 Fiat Ducato minibus spring to mind) suffer from the seals at the top of the doors (or windows on pillarless designs) "flapping" in the breeze at three figure velocities. Blimmin' noisy it is!

*Don't do this
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Wed 29 Jun 11 at 21:38
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Old Navy
If they are glass guides, (most likely), they have been made redundant by aircon.
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Zero
>> If they are glass guides, (most likely), they have been made redundant by aircon.

And aerodynamics. It seems to be a trend of modern cars that anything over 25 mph with the windows open causes a pulsing pressurise/de-pressurise cycle in the interior destroying your ear drums!
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Number_Cruncher
>>pulsing pressurise/de-pressurise cycle

One method which sometimes works is to drop one of the rear windows by an inch or so - just enough to prevent the interior of the car behaving like a resonator.
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - ....
How do you pay at a toll booth or take a ticket at a car park entrance through your aircon ? :-)
Last edited by: gmac on Wed 29 Jun 11 at 22:43
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Zero
>> How do you pay at a toll booth or take a ticket at a car
>> park entrance through your aircon ? :-)

E-Tag? Near Field communication? Blue tooth? mobile phone text? E- Wallet?
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 29 Jun 11 at 22:47
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Old Navy
>> E-Tag? Near Field communication? Blue tooth? mobile phone text? E- Wallet?

This is an English language site Z. :-)
 Little plastic tabs on car windows frames - Cliff Pope
>> >>
>> E-Tag? Near Field communication? Blue tooth? mobile phone text? E- Wallet?

Or to the cop who has just flagged you down, a rude gesture will do nicely.
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