Motoring Discussion > Driving around Chicago - any tips, do's or don'ts? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Auntie Lockbrakes Replies: 4

 Driving around Chicago - any tips, do's or don'ts? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Need to drive from O'Hare airport out to Michigan (3 hours east I'm told) and then back in to downtown Chicago a few days later, in mid-July. Anyone driven the roads in these parts? Anything exciting to see on I-94 (presuming that I find it)?! Anything dodgy to avoid?

Have booked a rental Rav4 or similar. Not planning on off-roading though!
Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 26 Jun 11 at 20:50
 Driving around Chicago - any tips, do's or don'ts? - smokie
I was in that area a couple of years back but a lot of the time was spent in Buddy Guy's blues bar and the international Blues festival (which has just happened for 2011) :-)

There' an Amish area not too far off your route, around Napanee. Not really too much to see, but I liked that Walmart had a special shed for them to park their buggies in.
 Driving around Chicago - any tips, do's or don'ts? - Tigger
I've mainly stayed in Chigaco city.

I'd hugely recommend one (or more) of the architecture tours. Prices are very reasonable and there are some magnificent buildings.
 Driving around Chicago - any tips, do's or don'ts? - zippy
Take your own satnav with USA maps as the local thing given to me was ancient and so slow that it would not update quickly enough. Change the voice to a US one so that it gets the street names right (if it speaks them out).

Take cash to fill up. You have to pay before you fill.

Their freeways are in a dreadful state so keep an eye out for pot holes which at motorway speeds can be quite surprising. Trucks are surprisingly quick over there so give them room when merging with traffic.

The one thing I could never get used to is their use of T-junctions to join dual c/ws. You need to be able to get to speed quickly.

Flashing amber traffic lights mean proceed with caution.

Turn right on red if clear.

Seriously consider a night in Chicago before you head off. I was exhausted after a business class flight (luckily upgraded) and would not have been in a fit state to drive anywhere - but perhaps that's just me!

Wear seatbelts - it's the law!

You may come across a roundabout. They call them circles and have no idea how they work - often just using them for parking, though the only ones I saw were on residential estates.

Eat out. It is cheap and great quality!

It's a great place, have fun!
 Driving around Chicago - any tips, do's or don'ts? - mikeyb
Used to drive out of O'hare every few months down to South Bend, Indiana (Dont rush there it was purely business)

Sat Nav never used to work that well as all the metal work used to confuse it a little so its best to have a good look at the map and have a rough idea of where you want to head so you can be sure the Nav is giving good instructions.

People always moan about O'hare airport, but I always found it pretty quick and efficient if you were flying BA

......its windy
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