Motoring Discussion > M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: IJWS14 Replies: 9

 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - IJWS14
Used the M6 on Friday - just to see what it was like. When I use it my run is from Jn 10 (Cannock) to Jn 4 (A446) so encompasses all that was bad.

Joined the M6 at about 06:50 and travelled at 50-55 all the way through to the M5 junction where traffic slowed to 20mph for a few hundred yards, slow (50ish) from the A34 to Spagetti and then 60-70 through to Castle Bromwich where it almost stopped for the M42 separation. Strange that the biggest hold up was caused by a sliproad leaving the motorway.

All in all much better - before the work started I would have joined the stationary queue at the services and been stop start down past Wallsall and just started moving between Wallsall and Wednesbury. Traffic around spagetti junction is heavier and the M42 junction is slower.

May use it occasionally - the risk remains that there is no real diversion route if there is an accident.

Puzzled as to why the first two sets of speed signals southbound are advisory (No red circle) rather than mandatory. Also cameras are not on every gantry.
 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Old Navy
>> Also cameras are not on every gantry.

Are you sure? They are usually on the back of the gantry, and don't always have the scale painted on the road.
 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Stuartli
Better to be going "slowly" and keep moving than go "quickly" and having to virtually stop every so often as traffic piles up ahead.

 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Skoda
Dropping speed to the point where the standard motorway rat's gap is big enough to allow them to react gently is a backwards way of doing things.

Enforce the gap size not the speed, the avg speed will naturally climb. Presents a problem where the motorway can't be drained fast enough, e.g. City turn offs but that can be accommodated too.
 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Stuartli
>>Dropping speed to the point where the standard motorway rat's gap is big enough to allow them to react gently is a backwards way of doing things.>>

The slower traffic is moving, the more vehicles can safely be accommodated in any given stretch and thus a greater overall vehicle throughput. Isn't that why the M25 has variable speed limits at certain times?
 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Skoda
Yeah there's a trade off point though, from memory its something like 30mph, but folks touch their brakes (because they're not looking up ahead or leaving a gap to allow them just to ease off) and it all goes pear shaped rapidly.

Braking on the motorway should be a hangable offence!

Now where did I put my application forms for that prime minister position...
 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Armel Coussine
NEEE naa NEEE naa NEE naaa...

Hearing this racket, and spotting blue flashing lights in his mirror, BBD pulls the Lexus onto the hard shoulder not without difficulty given the unbroken line of tailgating trucks perfecting the ruts in the nearside lane. An unmarked black Audi RS8 stops behind him and an avuncular figure strolls up to his window. This was not the homecoming BBD had been anticipating so happily.

Avuncular figure: 'I'm afraid, sir, that you were exceeding the speed limit by some margin and I am obliged to issue you with this summons.' (Hands over scruffy piece of bumf).

BBD, who has been wafting along in perfect if somewhat paranoid safety: 'Oh, I say! Look, been out of the country, hardly speak the lingo any more, why don't you have a word with him darling?'

Winsome blonde in front passenger seat unleashes flood of obscene polemic fortunately in Polish. Nippers start whingeing in back seat.

BBD (resentfully): 'I was only doing 47 according to my satnav. By the way, what is the speed limit?'

Midlifecrisis (for it is he), leering in unclean triumph, indeed hardly able to suppress a harsh laugh: 'Variable, sir.'
 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Mark
Nice one AC, most adroit characterisation >)

Not all the gantries on that stretch have cameras, I go through there about once a week and I estimate about 50% do not have a camera on the reverse.

Those that appear to be so equiped also have the lines on the road which leads me to guess they will not be switched around to keep motorists guessing.

However I have yet to see logic applied to their use went through the other day late evening and all northbound were still showing 60 as the limit despite the motorway being virtually empty.

As always

 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Stuartli
>>..and all northbound were still showing 60 as the limit despite the motorway being virtually empty.>>

Seemples. Reduces the risk of accidents...:-))
 M6 Variable Speed Limits - Jn 10-8 - Armel Coussine
>> BBD (resentfully)

>> Midlifecrisis (for it is he)

In the unlikely event that either of you is offended, I cringingly explain that I didn't mean you to be.
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