Motoring Discussion > M74 extension Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 23

 M74 extension - BobbyG
For anyone travelling up to Glasgow from down South, the new M74 extension is opening on 28 June.

This extends the M74 from its current location on the East side of Glasgow, right through Glasgow to join up with the M8 / M77 and bypasses the Kingston Bridge.

More info here

 M74 extension - Runfer D'Hills
Hey but that'll be handy Bobby ! Navigating the southern reaches of Glasgow in the rush was always a nightmare. Should take some pressure off the urban sections of the M8 too.
 M74 extension - Glaikit Wee Scunner Snr. {P}
And how is the M80 progressing past Cumbernauld to Stirling way?
They have been at it for years- and didn't one interchange sink into a peat bog?

I saw there was sufficient money sloshing about to build a kitsch mermaid sculpture somewhere in the middle of the current road works.
 M74 extension - Skoda
Can't wait for the 74, although I'm not sure there's city centre access off it - all south side traffic I think but should reduce m8 traffic, hopefully.

That's just wishful thinking isn't it, 1 million people or close on it moving round about these parts, capacity will be filled again quickly.

That m80 stretch is a pain, there were 30 sections on it last time I went up it and it was nothing but absolutely fine motorway for miles with no works on the 30 sections.
 M74 extension - henry k
Tthe M74 extension is about to open in Glasgow at a cost of £657m, which works out at £131m per mile or £75,000 a yard (£80,000 a metre).
 M74 extension - Skoda
Wish it was open today, need to make a trip over the other side of Glasgow and it'd shave a fair bit off the journey.
 M74 extension - BobbyG
There is a glowing report of this road written in another forum which I won't copy.

But basically saying that if it wasn't for the 50/60 mph limits, it would be a great "driving" road with long sweeping bends, diving down to go under one road and then rising up to go over another.

You also pass through some parts of Glasgow at rooftop height and have fantastic views over the City.

And, in common with some other junctions on the M8, some of the slip roads are coming off at the right hand lane rather than the left!
 M74 extension - Hard Cheese

Went past the M8 end yesterday, looks well prepared.

 M74 extension - BobbyG
What you doing up in this neck of the woods???

Cooling down??
 M74 extension - Zero
Trying to sell you jocks some decent clothes.
 M74 extension - Old Navy
>> Trying to sell you jocks some decent clothes.

All you need is a good ski jacket, warm and waterproof. :-)
 M74 extension - Skoda
>> What you doing up in this neck of the woods???

Holding up the traffic in his rental astra :-)
 M74 extension - Old Navy
How did the Edinburgh route work out Cheddar?
 M74 extension - R.P.
There was some bunny hugger on the news moaning that the money should have been spent on a world class Public Transport system, along with the 70s rhetoric about pollution, illness and splitting communities....
 M74 extension - Skoda
Had a shot on the new M74 tonight, it's alright. The city centre junction will snarl up like crazy though, there's no way that will be able to drain traffic off the m74 into the city - ironically the rest of the route into the city centre is up to the job, it's 3/4 lanes all the way, but there's a 1 lane link from the m74 off ramp to the normal roads at Paisley Road West.

Low speed limits, suppose for anticipated rush hour volumes. Really wish they wouldn't set speed limits for lowest common denominator. That road's well up to the job of 120mph/150mph, something more reasonable anyway.
 M74 extension - Duncan
Who paid for it?
 M74 extension - Hard Cheese

>> Who paid for it?

The Engl.. er, Westminster government?

 M74 extension - Skoda
>> >> Who paid for it?
>> >>
>> The Engl.. er, Westminster government?

I'd happily stick a couple of those dinosaurs under the north sea to turn into oil for my motor.

It's ~90% Transport Scotland (Scottish Executive) and ~10% local councils (South Lanarkshire, Glasgow City) serviced by the road. Wonder if the breakdown means that each council paid for the slip roads servicing it's area?
 M74 extension - Hard Cheese

>> It's ~90% Transport Scotland (Scottish Executive) and ~10% local councils (South Lanarkshire, Glasgow City) serviced
>> by the road.>>

And where do Transport Scotland get their money?

Don't worry, I don't have a problem with it.

 M74 extension - Skoda
>> Don't worry, I don't have a problem with it.

With a petted lip like that, could have fooled me.

Don't worry, i don't side with the McCrone report's suggestion re: repeal of the act of the union, i think the suggestion is short sighted.
 M74 extension - BobbyG
Skoda, canme off at that very junction today, down the side of Harry Ramsdens. Two lanes into one and a traffic light sequence that needs addressing.

Definite weak point and surprised it has been overlooked.
 M74 extension - Skoda
>> Definite weak point and surprised it has been overlooked

It does seem strange because they're even redoing the Dalmarnock area completely, although i wonder if that bit comes from the Commonwealth budget instead.
 M74 extension - spamcan61
>> There was some bunny hugger on the news moaning that the money should have been
>> spent on a world class Public Transport system,

Edinburgh Tram is all I can say to that.
 M74 extension - commerdriver
Don't care what it cost, having used it tonight on a journey from Preston to Paisley, it's worth every penny.
They even managed to get it clear in time, according to the traffic news the M74 was closed just before the new bit when I left Preston.
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