Motoring Discussion > Tight Van Man Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 21

 Tight Van Man - Zero
 Tight Van Man - Dog
Yeah, unbelievable - I was going to post it this morning, but I thought St. Iffy might report me to the focus group,
being as it was in the Sun

 Tight Van Man - Iffy
...I thought St. Iffy might report me to the focus group, being as it was in the Sun...

The Sun vies with the Daily Mail for the position of best-produced, most successful newspaper on Fleet Street.

 Tight Van Man - R.P.
Of course.
 Tight Van Man - Iffy
The focus of The Sun is a bit tighter, they have a clear idea of what constitutes a Sun story.

Another strength is every story is written in the same style, which makes for a very easy read.

A simple example is 90 per cent of the sports stories start with a person's name.

 Tight Van Man - WillDeBeest
St Iffy? Careful - we prompted him to change his name from Ifithelps. Not sure we want a Stiffy on the strength.
 Tight Van Man - Zero
The thing I like about the Sun is that it has no pretensions to be a serious newspaper. Unlike the Mail.
 Tight Van Man - Manatee
>> The Sun vies with the Daily Mail for the position of best-produced, most successful newspaper
>> on Fleet Street.

I agree with every word of that, except for "newspaper".
 Tight Van Man - R.P.
Iffy's right though. Both papers have a target audience, as far as those audiences are concerned. The Telegraph has gone all daft celebrity stories and the incongruous as Gordon Brown smiling in that vid he rather stupidly launched.....
 Tight Van Man - Armel Coussine
Never mind the damn yellow press.

I find the combination of tenderness, brute strength and total idiocy displayed by Borat and his barmy friend irresistibly charming and funny. And somehow totally East/Central European.

I hope they haven't damaged the car too much. I hope they can afford a transporter. I hope the German fuzz see the charming side too and aren't too hard on them in the matter of daily storage rates etc. while they get it together.

To my mind they are a couple of very deserving daft foreign nutters. Chapeau!
 Tight Van Man - R.P.
How the hell did they get it in there ?
 Tight Van Man - VxFan
>> How the hell did they get it in there ?

They tipped the van on its side and drove it in.

(sorry to steal the punchline from someone else who passed comment in the article)
 Tight Van Man - Runfer D'Hills
Ever seen "Moonraker" ?


 Tight Van Man - Cliff Pope
I'd think along the lines of tilting the van at 45 degrees and then driving the car in along a ramp also tilted at 45 degrees. Would that be possible?
The van could be supported by something to stop it falling over, and the car stopped from sliding sideways with some sort of large cushion.

Putting the van on its side would have the problem of getting it back up again.
Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 18:35
 Tight Van Man - bathtub tom
Never mind that, how on earth will they get it out?

I notice it's got a tow bar. Perhaps they'll tie a rope to that and something solid, then drive forwards.
 Tight Van Man - Runfer D'Hills
Or this...
 Tight Van Man - bathtub tom
Humph. I remember reading about how that stunt was created in Motor IIRC. I believe it was titled 'the greatest roll on earth'.
 Tight Van Man - spamcan61
Drive it on to a sectional wooden platform the same height at the van floor, tip it on it side, then gradually reverse the van, removing sections of the platform as you go. Sounds a bit of a faff mind you, why not just tow it.
 Tight Van Man - Cliff Pope
It will suffer from tilted lawnmower syndrome when they start it up.
 Tight Van Man - Zero
I was hoping they had drained it of vital fluids before stretchering it on its side, but you can be sure can you.

The easiest way to replace a rusty mini subframe was to drain it and roll it onto a mattress on its side.
 Tight Van Man - rtj70
>> Sounds a bit of a faff mind you, why not just tow it.

Why didn't they just drive it?
 Tight Van Man - Dog
>>The Sun vies with the Daily Mail for the position of best-produced, most successful newspaper on Fleet Street<<

I know, I browse both most days (on-line) + the Independent and the DT of course.

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