Motoring Discussion > Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Old Navy Replies: 28

 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Old Navy
This morning I travelled to a nearby town and back, a 20 mile round trip along a NSL dual carriageway. Normally it is free flowing at 70ish MPH with people using their mirrors and not disrupting anyones progress. This morning it was a nightmare, I think the average speed was about 50 mph with many people overtaking and remaining in lane 2 at about 50/60 MPH.

Has Sunday and a few leaves on the trees (no sun here today) brought out the mimsers?
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 5 Jun 11 at 13:39
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Old Navy
Just to add, going in the opposite direction I saw a marked police BMW 5 series behind a car in lane 2 with lane 1 vacant.

I assume he was suitably impressed.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Dave_
>> Has Sunday and a few leaves on the trees brought out the mimsers?

It must be the leaves. I had an identical drive on Friday afternoon, my normally free-flowing route was full of 50mph ditherers for mile after mile.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Armel Coussine
>> 50mph ditherers for mile after mile.

50 mph? Luxury!

If you're out of luck down this way you can get 40 or even 35. With of course a long gaggle of tailgating wimps too chicken and too incompetent to overtake a pram and too stupid to leave decent gaps, making it virtually impossible for anyone to get past. Not just at weekends either. It can happen at any time.

How the hell these people manage to pass their driving tests, or to avoid getting murdered by those with whom they 'share' the road, or sent home with a thick ear by irate traffic police, are mysteries to me. I blame the government.

Late at night is best when you know the roads.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - R.P.
Went up to Holyhead this morning to get to the nearest Homebase - outward on the old A5 to chuck some boxes at the bloke in the recycling centre and back by the A55, very light traffic gave good conditions for using the entire radius of the road on the sweeping bends that road offers, making a progressive mimser free run totally acceptable, road has been recently re-surfaced and is near-perfect......nice.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Bill Payer
>> Went up to Holyhead this morning to get to the nearest Homebase -

I'm trying to visualise a journey involving the A5 & A55 in alternate directions that would make Holyhead the nearest Homebase! Surely Llandudno would be nearer?

How are North Wales Police these days - in the Brunstrom days you'd have been banged up for making progress!
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Stuu
Kettering to Newark this morning was a lovely drive, only downer were these truely thoughtless people pulling caravans who cant leave them in a field somewhere and book a hotel.

Poor progress in the outside lane of the A1 as it was so full of people passing these silly contraptions. Even worse when they get it into their thick heads that not only should they drive everyone into the fast lane, but they should also overtake eachother just to irritate people further.

Id sooner be stuck behind Doris in her Metro than some fool who has hitched up their conservatory to their car to play moving chicanes on busy dual carriageways.

Once onto the single-carriageways thro Uppingham way, it was plain sailing at decent speed with lovely views to boot.
Not many interesting cars about but did clock an early 80's 911 in yucky gold, Targa version aswell. Hmm.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Zero
Ah Uppingham, there is a place there on the square that does the very best Sausage Rolls!

I love the views as you go from Uppingham southwards, theere is a great spot where you can look down the entire lenght of the Wellham Viaduct. I am going to video a steam train there one day if they ever run them along there.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 5 Jun 11 at 18:30
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Stuu
>>I love the views as you go from Uppingham southwards, theere is a great spot where you can look down the entire lenght of the Wellham Viaduct.<<

Yes, I often pass underneath it if I go via Morcott. The view coming south out of Uppingham is rather nice too looking out over Eyebrook Reservoir.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - bathtub tom
>>Ah Uppingham

Wasn't there a young man from Buckingham
Who stood on the bridge at Uppingham........................?
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - BobbyG
>>I am going to video a steam train there one day if they ever run them along there

Meanwhile you will just save up for the special anorak you will be wearing :)

Talking of which, you are not that geeky guy that wet himself when he was shown round the Eddie Stobart depot before the cabs had hit the road??
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - R.P.
17 miles as the X1 flies to Holyhead - Llandudno's 32 or somesuch. The new Chief here is a very laid back type, rarely in the press a supporter of discretion fair dos. I prefer Holyhead after today, far less tourists.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - R.P.
Thinking about the Sunday mimsing trap, it's an easy one to fall into...I found myself dawdling on a deserted stretch of dual-carriageway - I put my foot down though. I blame the radio !
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Zero
Why not sunday mimse? Its a pleasurable experience, and if you dont hold anyone up its soothing to the spirit.

As is gunning it when there is no-one around mind.

Whatever is in your spirit that day.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Armel Coussine
Gunning through the mimsers
And mimsing through the gunners
Really are a lot more fun
For Glaikit Wee Scunners

(How he? one wonders)
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - NortonES2
I don't object to hyper-milers or whatever they are called now at 50, but the Ribble Valley gets infested (minor roads and A roads) by incompetents who speed up in 30 limits! Overtaking chances are few around that way. But what can you do in an ordinary car? (Nearly all are ordinary in performance leaving aside Porsche etc) I fancy a BMW twin of 800cc or above. Whoosh. Dawdler gone. Peace.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - R.P.
Mmmm - you've got me thinking, Seriously toying with chopping the RT and going for one of new Triumph Tigers......but maybe a GS ? I really miss that bike....really....:-(
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Harleyman
You lot are lucky that you only get it on Sundays. I'm convinced that a sizeable proportion of our locals think that because the main road from Carmarthen to Brecon's called the A40, that's the bloomin' speed limit as well! >:-(
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Zero
Following your lorry mate, it is!
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Harleyman
>> Following your lorry mate, it is!

Not when I'm going back home, t'other way!

Valid point really because as we all know the speed limit for HGV's on such a road is indeed 40 mph. If the mimsers kept up to 40 I wouldn't have much of an issue with it, but this thread touched a nerve because on Friday afternoon I ended up following one of the worst kind of mimsers, the ones who slow down for oncoming traffic even on a straight road in daylight. Probably needs her (yes I'm afraid it was a woman driving) brake pads changed more often than her oil!
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - four wheels good...
On a more positive note, there seems to be fewer kids in chavved up motors driving through our village with their sound systems wound right up and noisy exhausts.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Kevin
>Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers.

It's not just "Sunday drivers" any longer though is it? It's 7 days a week and in all manner of situations.

It's the parent who lets little Johnny with the broken volume control run around in the restaurant.
It's the dog walker who stands holding Fido's leash while it craps in the middle of the pavement.
It's the shopper in front of you at the supermarket checkout who suddenly decides they've forgotten the baked beans when the cashier is waiting for payment.

Too many people nowadays live inside their own little sensitory bubble. Anything or anyone outside that bubble is invisible. They're not being deliberately rude or anything. It's simply that you don't exist.

AC needs to invent a new word for 'em.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Zero

>> It's the dog walker who stands holding Fido's leash while it craps in the middle
>> of the pavement.

On a practical note Kevin, if you move the dog while its crapping it tends to distribute it along the pavement. Much better to let it do it in one place and clean it up after wards.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Kevin
>On a practical note Kevin, if you move the dog while its crapping it tends to distribute it along the pavement.

Didn't mean the dog, Zero.

I live in Basingstoke ;-)
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Zero
Ah yes!

No doubt the dog looks on in disgust.
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - CGNorwich
What I can't figure out is why do the number of these idiots increase in direct proportion to my age? Or perhaps they were always there and its me that has changed? No, can't be that I'm still the same tolerant chap I alway was. It's just sometimes I get so irritated!
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Pat
Mimsers have a limited thought process.

Speed kills...I'll keep well under the speed limit so I will live.
Smoking Kills....I stopped years ago, so I won't die.
Be safe, Be seen....I have a High Viz jacket on so I can do anything safely.
Think Bike...I'm thinking about it, but not bothering to look for it.

Where do all these slogans stem from?

That's it, now you know who to blame:)

Last edited by: pda on Tue 7 Jun 11 at 04:58
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Bromptonaut
>> Be safe, Be seen....I have a High Viz jacket on so I can do anything
>> safely.
>> Think Bike...I'm thinking about it, but not bothering to look for it.

And cycling - wear a helmet and I'm safe. No thought about riding defensively, observing behind, keeping away from the nearside of HGVs or obeying traffic signals.

Mimse along a foot from the kerb with my head in a polystyrene bucket and I'll be just fine.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 7 Jun 11 at 09:29
 Arrrggghhh - Sunday drivers. - Dog
>>AC needs to invent a new word for 'em<<

A H's.
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