Motoring Discussion > Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 24

 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - R.P.
They came at me dodging through the hordes of euro-boxes in the early morning gloom, two be-jewelled shark like creatures, their HIDs looking like tiny blue gem-stones. Achingly pretty they were, one in silver the other in pure white with darkened rear windows. What were they ? a brace of Range Rover Evoques, beautifully pointless as pretty and distinctive as a pair of hand made shoes....I very nearly want one.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Runfer D'Hills
That was beautiful PU....ruddy beautiful ( in the voice of Al Murray ) ....

 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Videodoctor
Obviously "Evoqued" an emotion from you Pug
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Zero

Check out that back view, Not sure what shoes you wear, but a bare foot bunion is prettier.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Londoner
Is this an example of the syling consultancy of Mrs Beckham, or is it just interiors that she is getting involved with?
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Skoda
The bonnet says "we were making a Kia Sportage but we didn't get as high as designing the bonnet, we had to give in and just ship it at that point".

5 out of 10 from me. On balance, not bad but not good either.

PU's description scores comfortably higher than the actual machine :-)
Last edited by: Skoda on Wed 18 May 11 at 18:07
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Armel Coussine
>> bare foot bunion is prettier.

How reassuring it is to find you reverting to cackhanded type on automotive aesthetics Zero. I was afraid harmony might set in between us on the subject.

There's nothing wrong with that Evoque rear view. If you want to see ugly, the latest Cayenne's rear view is a lot worse than the back of a bus. I still keep hoping that the example I followed was a ghastly bit of customising, but I fear it wasn't.

What's more the car seems pretty good too. It has about the same power and performance as my car - just sufficient to keep out of the way of the mimsers - but is probably a bit more frugal. Plus it has 4wd and auto.

Mind you it ought to be good at that eye-watering price. And the name's a pain.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Stuu
I confess, I had no idea they existed and normally only would if a customer bought one and I had to clean it, but having looked at a piccy, I rather like it, looks like a Juke on steroids and I like the Juke quite a bit.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Focusless
With 'Range Rover' in the name and from a glimpse at the photos in Zero's link I was expecting some V8 engined beast of at least 4 litres, perhaps turbo, or alternatively a big 6 cylinder turbo-diesel with enough torque to, er, pull heavy things. So a bit disappointing to see it's only powered by a 148bhp 2.2 litre 4 cylinder diesel.

Is it the new Freelander?
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Dave_
>> I had no idea they existed

Me neither, until I saw a silver one parked in a busy car park a couple of weeks ago. Sadly I was attending an event with 11yo and friends so it wouldn't have been too good for her image if I'd peeled off for a closer look, as much as I'd have liked to :(

Styling-wise, it came across in the flesh as a cross between a Freelander and a Scirocco. Not a bad thing, very much of the moment and certainly easier on the eye than the Mini Countryman.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Wed 18 May 11 at 21:38
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Runfer D'Hills
It is interesting though how your eyes adjust to things given time. BMWs 7 series was a serious minger when it first came out but now, while it wouldn't win any beauty contests, it has at least become inoffensive. I followed an X1 for a while yesterday and it too had sort of lost its ability to provoke a gag reaction. In fact I found myself thinking it wasn't bad. The X6 would still require a most liberal mind I'm afraid but there are plenty of other examples of car designs which have improved with familiarity.

I'd probably quite like at least a go in an Evoque.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - DP
I love it. The first SUV I would actually want to own.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - rtj70
>> certainly easier on the eye than the Mini Countryman.

Most things are. I'm off to drive a Aston Martin V8 (or maybe DB9) on Saturday... wish me luck. Hope I don't want to buy one ;-) Well no mortgage. Actually after Tuscany back to thinking of trying to buy somewhere in 3-4 years there instead of the bits of Greece we also like.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - BiggerBadderDave
"There's nothing wrong with that Evoque rear view."

Except that it has too many shut-lines that don't seem to align properly.

And an ugly big doorstep for a lower tailgate that doesn't fit flush with the panels either side.

Did they run out of curved lego bricks at the styling house?

The lights are too small and they look like they don't fit properly in their recess. Pee-holes in the snow.

It's horrible Lud.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Runfer D'Hills
Young women would think you were cool if you had one though Dave. Even with your cowboy hat and unfortunate boots on.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - BiggerBadderDave
I'm not interested in young women.

Would the Yummy Mummies like it?
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Runfer D'Hills
Oh yes. They like Qashqais, so the RR would be a doddle.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - BiggerBadderDave
Might be a problem, having to beat them off with a stick.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Zero
nothing better than a Yummy Mummy with a white stick and a guide dog.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 18 May 11 at 22:16
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Dave_
>> too many shutlines that don't seem to align properly
>> an ugly big doorstep ... that doesn't fit flush
>> lights are too small

Agree with all of that BBD, if the designers had made the line curving round from the side under the rear lights continue down to the level of the one on the lower tailgate, and made the lights twice as big to fill the gap, it would look much more cohesive IMO.

Maybe something for the 2013 restyle?

>> having to beat them off with a stick

Beat a few of them over here, will you? Been quiet lately.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 19 May 11 at 01:28
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Hard Cheese

Nice prose PU ...

... though bad taste ...

 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Armel Coussine
>> Except that it has too many shut-lines that don't seem to align properly.

>> blah blah

>> It's horrible Lud

You mean you don't like chunky Lego aesthetic, cars looking like twenty-year-old municipal tower blocks lying down?

Well, it's not my favourite either. But as such things go, that rear end is perfectly well conceived and well proportioned. It has some slickness.

Look at the rear of the latest Cayenne. That has proportions to make a golden mean man commit suicide. Like a half melted cooling tower.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Zero

>> Look at the rear of the latest Cayenne. That has proportions to make a golden
>> mean man commit suicide. Like a half melted cooling tower.

That's really rather nice from the back actually - It has form, proportion, symmetry, lines that flow.

Unlike the Evoque that looks like it was designed from drawings found in Ernő Goldfingers waste basket.
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Focusless
>> That's really rather nice from the back actually - It has form, proportion, symmetry, lines
>> that flow.

Yeh, quite nice in an innocuous sort of way, which I wouldn't really expect for one of these. Looks a bit like a Korean Focus class thing from the side (360 deg view), although put side by side I guess it wouldn't be difficult to spot which was which :)
 Two early morning sharks to brighten a dull day. - Armel Coussine
Oh thank heaven. The Cayenne I saw had been interfered with. People are insane.

Still think the Evoque looks all right for that sort of thing. Just as good as a S1 Range Rover.

Evidently we aren't going to agree on this. You can't help it and neither can I.

(Oh, and while I enjoyed PU's Setright-style purple passage about the two odd Jimmy Choos batting down the road, I certainly don't see the quite cute Evoque as a thing of beauty. Really find the name annoying though.)
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Thu 19 May 11 at 12:18
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