Motoring Discussion > Things that just don't look right Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 5

 Things that just don't look right - BobbyG
Passed one of those new Jag XJ's, like the type used at the Royal Wedding.

Beautiful looking car, an 11 plate so relatively new.

Older couple in it, both smoking like a chimney.

But the driver door mirror had one of those blind spot mirror thingies clipped on top of the mirror housing.

All that money to then go and clip a £2 mirror onto it!!

Why, why, why?
 Things that just don't look right - Boxsterboy
Old habits die hard?

The designer would have sleepless nights if he knew.
 Things that just don't look right - Armel Coussine
Bunch of Saharan guerillas I know used to have beautifully camouflaged lwb Land Rovers. Painted matt sand colour, no windscreen and all brightwork painted over, or sometimes just smeared with mud, goatskins full of water slung over the front quarter and heavily armed chaps in turbans piled in.

I was fazed to see sometimes a maroon plush steering-wheel cosy of the sort some people used to fit to their Anglias in the fifties and sixties to make them look posh. Of course it was to prevent any reflection from the shiny rim of the wheel. But it looked very odd to me until I got used to it. .
 Things that just don't look right - WillDeBeest
Perhaps that's why people put them on their lavs, AC - you wouldn't want your position given away by a glint of the sun on the seat.
 Things that just don't look right - PhilW
And for £460 (not that much extra if you are paying £55k for the base model!!) he could have had blind spot monitor mirrors which are very good!
 Things that just don't look right - Focusless
>> Passed one of those new Jag XJ's, like the type used at the Royal Wedding.
>> Beautiful looking car, an 11 plate so relatively new.

I thought the XJ at the Royal Wedding looked really good. But I saw a silver one in a car park full of 'ordinary' cars on Saturday, and it just didn't look right - much too big, and the back end just looked odd. Wasn't expecting that.
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 17 May 11 at 10:35
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