Motoring Discussion > Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 9

 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - VxFan
Red-faced traffic bosses are investigating how pranksters altered a set of pedestrian lights to show a couple having sex whenever they turned green.

The traffic lights literally stopped the traffic when passers by stopped to gawp at them during rush hour.

"People kept pressing the button to see the couple having sex and of course every time they did, the traffic had to stop suddenly. We had quite a lot of rear end shunts from drivers who were too distracted," said one officer.

Transport officials in Holland are investigating how computer hackers managed to get into the town's traffic light system to manipulate the image. - links to

 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - Dutchie
I would have expected this in Amsterdam but not in Nijmegen town where the paratroopers landed.

People kept pressing the button watching sex and (rear end shunts) said the officer.;)

What is my birth country coming to.

 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - FocalPoint
Where's BBD? He might want to say something about rear-end shunts...
 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - VxFan
"People kept pressing the button to see the couple having sex and of course every time they did, the traffic had to stop suddenly. We had quite a lot of rear end shunts from drivers who were too distracted," said one officer.

The thing I can't understand is that are they referring to the green traffic light, or are they referring to the green light that indicates to pedestrians that it's safe to cross?

If it's the green pedestrian light, then traffic shouldn't be able to see it, however if it's the green traffic light, why are people stopping other than to look at an image. They should only be really stopping if the traffic light is red.

Something about that report doesn't add up, but I didn't spot the anomaly initially.
 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - Shiny
"If it's the green pedestrian light, then traffic shouldn't be able to see it, "

You can see the green light for pedestrians in the UK on the newer EU-standard crossings which have the light at waist height next to the waiting pedestrian, and no light at the destiniation, so I assume Netherlands is the same?
 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - Dutchie
Its the green light when pedestrians are crossing.So you are right cars should't be able to see it.

Iam not to clever with links.I typed in on google Groen light voor sex in Nijmegen.

A short film came op it shows you whats happening .

 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - Manatee
Just paste 'em in, Dutchie.
Last edited by: Manatee on Sun 15 May 11 at 15:04
 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - Armel Coussine
How disappointing... no animation!
 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - VxFan
>> Its the green light when pedestrians are crossing.So you are right cars should't be able
>> to see it.

We had quite a lot of rear end shunts from drivers who were too distracted

Maybe the pedestrians were mimicking what they saw on the green light which distracted the drivers. I gather the Dutch are quite liberal with a lot of things?
 Traffic light sex couple leave town baffled - Dutchie
They are liberal I had to laugh at the Lady with the glasses who could't see anything.She kept saying what where? New spectacles needed.In some villages near the coast they are not so liberal a bit like the Amish.

If you cause trouble on a sunday a pitchfork will be pointed to the backside best run:)
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