Motoring Discussion > Petrol blockades? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Rudedog Replies: 40

 Petrol blockades? - Rudedog
Heard a small snippet on the radio (London area) this evening about possible petrol shortages in stations from Tuesday onwards, can anyone else confirm this or was I imagining it?
 Petrol blockades? - RattleandSmoke
I first heard the rumours early last week but thought they were just that. Apparently they are going to target a major refinery in Warrington.

My tanks quite full anyway but I think these protesters don't see the big picture, how are people supposed to get to work and earn money if they can't get fuel?
 Petrol blockades? - Skoda
I'd happily take a 24p / litre drop at the pumps. It was 1.49 / litre (super unleaded) the other day. That's fuel prices reached "chuffing annoying" on the Skoda world view :-)

£1.60 by the end of the year? Or maybe we'll get another big bang jump before the year's out.
 Petrol blockades? - lancara
 Petrol blockades? - Zero
 Petrol blockades? - Dave_

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Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Sun 8 May 11 at 22:32
 Petrol blockades? - RattleandSmoke
The picture of that old Maverick makes me laugh. If they want to save money on fuel then surely they could not find a worse car?
 Petrol blockades? - Rudedog
Oh, mines nearly empty, usual routine is to fill up on a Monday evening as I come home from work, hopefully it won't have got too busy by then.
 Petrol blockades? - VxFan
I remember the last blockades.

There were the selfish idiots who made sure their fuel tanks were full to the brim, but only used their car at weekends to pop to the local shop or drove 10 to 20 miles a week to work and back, i.e. a full tank would last them a month or more.

Meanwhile the people who would use a full tank of fuel in a week were struggling to find fuel because the forecourts were either running out or rationing it.
 Petrol blockades? - Perky Penguin
They won't get the public behind them with this sort of stupidity. I understand their gripe is with the Government; if so they need to get themselves down to Vauxhall, just next to the Sothebys warehouse and blockade the Government car pool and ensure the ministerial and other cars can't get out. Google map location Just North of the railway line, a wedge shaped building at the West end of Ponton Road
Last edited by: Perky Penguin on Mon 9 May 11 at 01:50
 Petrol blockades? - Dave
>> so they need to get themselves down to Vauxhall,
>> just next to the Sothebys warehouse and blockade the Government car pool and ensure the
>> ministerial and other cars can't get out. Google map location Just North of the
>> railway line, a wedge shaped building at the West end of Ponton Road

I thinkn that's the Met police repair centre, or it used to be when I did car a/c. True, there are some ministerial cars there for repair, but usually only the bullet proof ones.
 Petrol blockades? - Perky Penguin
Yes, I shouldn't have posted at stupid o'clock! The link I posted goes to the police and MI5 car servicing facility. Here is the full article

I will now try and find the Government car pool so that we can give directions to the Warrington Wasters!
 Petrol blockades? - Tigger
>> There were the selfish idiots who made sure their fuel tanks were full to the
>> brim, but only used their car at weekends to pop to the local shop or
>> drove 10 to 20 miles a week to work and back, i.e. a full tank
>> would last them a month or more.

I very nearly ended up stranded. I couldn't buy any petrol in Chesterfield, and had to set off for hampshire knowing that I didn't have enough fuel to get all the way.

Stopped at every services - but you had no way of knowing whether the huge queues at each fuel station meant there was any petrol left at all - it might just have diesel (or indeed nothing) left.

I did eventually manage to get fuel and get home. But wasn't so impressed with all the people around the company boasting about how they had a months supply in their tank/garage/ etc
 Petrol blockades? - R.P.
They are heroes aren't - especially the lazy looking one they had on the local news here from Warrington. He could bearly string two words together, a fine specimen, a real working class hero.
 Petrol blockades? - Pat
Here we go again, let's all have a go at 'the working class'.

I would like to know just how any of you have made your feelings felt about the price of fuel, other than whinge on here about it?..and there's been enough of that.


 Petrol blockades? - Zero
>> Here we go again, let's all have a go at 'the working class'.

No-one is having a go at the "working class."
 Petrol blockades? - Pat
I'm sure PU is capable of explaining himself Zero, or is that him miming?

 Petrol blockades? - Zero
Sorry, I didn't realise it was a confidential conversation.
 Petrol blockades? - Perky Penguin
How would we protest Pat? Write to our MPs, have a hissy fit and boycott Shell stations? The inarticulate man who PU refers to probably earns more than some of us. As someone else has pointed out, and I have heard elsewhere, despite the eye-watering cost of fuel, the real cost is lower in relative terms that it has been in time past. See JohnH's post below
Last edited by: Perky Penguin on Mon 9 May 11 at 11:55
 Petrol blockades? - John H
>> Petrol blockades?

In 1987, the RPI was established with a datum of 100, and Bank base rate was 10%.

Today earnings are 2.9 times, RPI is 2.4 times, and petrol (@£1.40 today vs 38p in 1987) is 2.6 times the value in 1987.

But then I suppose that only the Eton educated classes can make sense of these datasets.

Pick your own favourite year from

Last edited by: John H on Mon 9 May 11 at 11:32
 Petrol blockades? - Stuu
I thought people had accepted the inevitable by now. My budgeting accounts for £2 a litre now, its on the way, maybe by Christmas, at £3 a litre its cheaper to stay at home and claim benefits I expect ( will I qualify as working class then? ).

 Petrol blockades? - CGNorwich
Oil price fell sharply last week - almost 10% and is likely to fall further as world demand continues to fall. Barring some major crisis in Saudi Arabia or the like prices at the pump are likely to be lower by the end of year than they are now.
 Petrol blockades? - Stuu
Since when did oil prices and pump prices relate to eachother...
 Petrol blockades? - John H
>> Since when did oil prices and pump prices relate to eachother...

They always have pretty much correlated. Maybe not $/barrel oil to £/litre petrol, but certainly £/barrel oil to £/litre petrol.

I can't be bothered to dig up the stats for some of you innumerate lot.

Last edited by: John H on Mon 9 May 11 at 12:03
 Petrol blockades? - Bromptonaut
>> Since when did oil prices and pump prices relate to eachother...

There is a broad relationship but other factors intervene as well. The relative supply/demand of the refined products here in west Europe is as significant as the raw price of the crude. The relative movement over a year in the prices of petrol and diesel are testimony to that. The dollar exchange rate also plays a part. In the last year the pound has been appreciating against the dollar; we’re less badly off in that respect than we might have been.

Finally, something like 70% of the pump price is tax and duty and a fair amount of the remainder is refining, transport and margin. A halving of the crude price might take diesel back to around 110p/litre but not much less.

 Petrol blockades? - Mapmaker

Given the current fight for ownership of petrol stations, don't expect margins to fall.
 Petrol blockades? - idle_chatterer
I read today that commodity prices are falling due to speculators sensing a bubble and worse than expected indicators for demand in the world economy, the corollary is that the USD is likely to rise which will lessen any reduction in the price of fuel that you'll see at the pumps in the UK.

An open question, if fuel wasn't so heavily taxed, where else would you suggest that the revenues were raised ?
 Petrol blockades? - Tigger
>> An open question, if fuel wasn't so heavily taxed, where else would you suggest that
>> the revenues were raised ?

The trick seems to be to tax the vices rather than the necessities....

Given that tobacco has been a nice earner, maybe legalise drugs, drive the drug dealers out of business then tax the drugs (gradually)

I guess its hard to tax nookie, but we could make prostitution legal, then tax them. We could tax children, I guess - but that might not go down well with the electorate.

I guess raising taxes on junk food might do the country a little bit of good.

We could drop the cost of fuel, but bring in a motorway vignette, like switzerland?

We could charge VAT on new houses (it would just knock the price of land down by an equivalent amount).

Some existing taxes do have hugely negative effects....

Apart from the cost of fuel (which encourages European hauliers to come over here with massive tanks of fuel and ply their trade, putting us at a disadvantage), I'm really annoyed that they've taxed house moving [stamp duty]. I ended up commuting 27,000 miles a year for four years as a direct result - which didn't benefit me, the planet or road congestion. Previously I'd have moved the family.

Last edited by: Tigger on Mon 9 May 11 at 16:20
 Petrol blockades? - nyx2k
tax alchohol much higher and cigarettes. with the econonomy of modern cars i think about £5 a gallon is the max we should pay
 Petrol blockades? - Bigtee
tax alchohol much higher and cigarettes. God i bet you have a exiting life.!

 Petrol blockades? - madf
Petrol blockades are a waste of time and space.

Oil reserves are falling and Brazil apart, no major big finds have been made for decades..
 Petrol blockades? - nyx2k
i drink and smoke but alchohol is way too cheap for the fools who think nothing of turning our streets into war zones most weekends. if you want to behave like that then pay the price, literally
 Petrol blockades? - Bigtee
i drink and smoke but alchohol is way too cheap for the fools who think nothing of turning our streets into war zones most weekends

Nothing has changed there in the last 25 years it's always the same and putting the price up on beer will only make more drink at home & then some plonk pi$$ed in your garden. :-)

Let them enjoy themselves put the prices down not up.
 Petrol blockades? - R.P.
Just filled up in a quiet Shell garage - no panic buying. The local rag I picked up there featured a Welsh Language activist hunger striking for a particular cause. Maybe the fat-bloke who organized the blockade would benefit from using this as an example on how to stage a successful protest with the side-benefit he'd actually might shrink to fit the football shirt he was wearing on the TV...
 Petrol blockades? - Perky Penguin
Unhelpful to middle-aged and responsible home drinkers to tax them harshly to try and deal with the teen binge drinking in public. Enforceable laws are in place to deal with this without impinging on those of us who are responsible enough to drink in moderation and in private.
 Petrol blockades? - Zero
>> Unhelpful to middle-aged and responsible home drinkers to tax them harshly to try and deal
>> with the teen binge drinking in public. Enforceable laws are in place to deal with
>> this without impinging on those of us who are responsible enough to drink in moderation
>> and in private.

Yeah, and those of us who are responsible enough to drink to excess and in private.
 Petrol blockades? - nyx2k
tax the luxuries. not the electricity bills etc.

all alchohol is too cheap for the damage it does. it wouldnt hurt to add 25percent to the price of all alchohol and use the money for something useful but it would be wasted on government silly projects as usual so it may be best to let the fools drink themselves to an early grave and save on pension payouts instead
 Petrol blockades? - Perky Penguin
Better cut the tax on red wine then - it has proven health benefits allegedly.

 Petrol blockades? - -
It doesn't take long before people start sniping with each other about who should pay more, that's why nothing changes, divide and rule, it works every very soon went down the class road, what rubbish that is.

How's about saving some money for a change, don't give our money as state benefits above the level someone or their parents/guardians have paid in, haven't paid in here no dosh..this would stop migrant scroungers as well as the home bred variety...i can feel the 'ist word already.

And stop giving other countries our money, especially those who can afford nuclear weapons etc.

Silly ideas i know, as one will be quick to point out.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Mon 9 May 11 at 20:18
 Petrol blockades? - Alanovich
No man is an island, GB. Also true for countries. Even island nations. Your ideas are appealing, but ultimately naive I feel.
 Petrol blockades? - Skoda
>> Silly ideas

Being a bit hard there GB. At face value they're not silly, it's just when you expand to include all the factors involved like trade relationships with other countries, you end up having to make concessions on account of not having infinite cash. Rapidly you end up with a situation similar to what we have.
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