Motoring Discussion > Helphire profits dive @ accident hire car provider Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Falkirk Bairn Replies: 4

 Helphire profits dive @ accident hire car provider - Falkirk Bairn
Helphire profits drop+ accounting errors of £25m

Ins companies complain about hire cos - however it appears the hire cos are not making hay
 Helphire profits dive @ accident hire car provider - mikeyb
I used helphire a few years back. They were helpful, and the price they charged the third party for the car was no more than I would have paid had I just turned up at a hire car depot and picked one up
 Helphire profits dive @ accident hire car provider - Bill Payer
They've been in serious difficulty for several years. Good.
 Helphire profits dive @ accident hire car provider - Dave
Interesting how they say the miles covered and accident numbers have dropped, hence their loss. Funny how that isn't reflected in the motorinsurance rates.
 Helphire profits dive @ accident hire car provider - teabelly
Insurance companies only have themselves to blame. They pass over claims to claims companies rather than dealing with them themselves. Time was when you'd always deal with the insurer directly when one of their insured hit you. Now you get fobbed off with having to use their claims firm that will only be interested in making a profit and they wonder why insurance costs are rising.
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