Motoring Discussion > Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: nice but dim Replies: 8

 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - nice but dim
I'm set to attend a business conference next Wednesday at the Imperial War Museum and round the Old Trafford area. I will be coming from Sheffield way over Woodhead Pass and down the M67 and through either the city centre or round the M60 and using J9 or J10. Time isnt a problem as I will set off as early as required (would prefer to stop and get a decent brekkie on way anyhow). The conference starts at 0930 hours and would love to avoid any traffic and have a smooth run. If I have to get there super early, could you advise on any nice place to stroll, to kill any time.

Can any of you Mancunians or people with knowledge of that area advise of traffic hotspots and busy times please?

Many thanks.
 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - RattleandSmoke
Can't really advise on traffic as I am rarely in central Manchester at that time these days. However if you're in the War Musuem area you're basically in Salford Quays, there is a lot to see including the new BBC North HQ all large canal side setting. The museum itself is well worth visiting as is the Lowry museum across the bridge in Salford (1 minute walk away).

 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - nice but dim
All part of the visit, free entry after the scheduled events.
 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - Iffy
Ah, Salford Quays is it?

I was there a few months ago.

As Rats says, worth a look to see how a canalside can be developed in a modern style.

I recall there are a couple of coffee bars for time killing, although one grill place near the main entrance had already opened and shut down.

Several chain hotels which would provide a space to park, and also do you a morning coffee/somewhere to sit for some wi-fi action.
 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - RattleandSmoke
Not been down there myself for a few months, nearly went on my bike today but on the way I saw load of football fans in red so I assume they must have been a match so didn't bother (would have had to cycle through the police cordons).

However I have been told in the past couple of weeks there has been a quite a lot of eateries and pubs opened in the area to cater for Media City.

 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - Stuartli
>> I assume they must have been a match ..>>

Don't tell me you didn't know it was the second leg tonight of a Champions League semi-final?..:-))
 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - rtj70
He's not into footy is Ian/Rattle.
 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - Dave_
Around this time of the year, several years ago, I did an evening delivery into Middleton - at the NE corner of Manchester. For some unfathomable reason I chose to take the A556-M6-M1 route home rather than M62-M1 the way I'd come. What I didn't know was that there was some similarly important match on at Old Trafford, which kicked out at about 9.30pm as I was leaving Middleton.

The 4-mile stretch of the A556 down to Knutsford took me an hour and a half, because I was sharing it with 50,000 Man U fans going home after the match.

And then some bright spark had scheduled overnight roadworks 20 miles further down the M6, reducing the three lanes to one and causing a 10-mile tailback. I was expecting to get back to Bedfordshire around midnight, but I was still north of Stoke-on-Trent at 2am.

The services weren't geared up either - skeleton staff swamped by hordes of hungry, bursting football fans in the wee small hours. Messy.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Wed 4 May 11 at 23:43
 Sheffied to Manchester route advice please? - Stevek100
There is always heavy traffic at Mottram Moor wher the woodhead road (A628) and Snake Pass (A57) join together. Can be several mile tailbacks though Tintwistle.

My suggestion would be A57 to Glossop then cut around the back roads to the M67 through Broadbottom.

This is my daily commute and if you arrive before 8 in that area you should be Ok.
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