I've just received the renewal application form D46P. The instruction booklet INF5D (page 4) says I can apply online but also I must return my photocard licence and paper counterpart. If I apply online and return the licence parts in the envelope supplied but without any covering paperwork how will DVLA know why I've returned them?
I expect they'll receive it, think "what's this for?", stick your driver number in the computer and it'll flag up "renewal application received online" or summat.
2+2 will then equal 4 and you'll get a new licence.
An early happy 70th, L'escargot.
Have any Car4play members successfully applied for renewal online but returned the current licence through the post without covering paperwork? As yet the system doesn't give me confidence. A few words of explanation from DVLA regarding the return of documents wouldn't have gone amiss.
An uninsired guess is that, when/if you apply on line you will end up with a "Your application was Successful" page. Print that off and enclose it with your licence when you post it. Your local DVLA are on the telephone and can probably advise you. PS Take a photocopy of what you send as there are horroe atories of people losing their motorbike entitlement and being unable to prove they ever had one so its gone or take another test!
Has the system actually done anything to make you think it wont work? It will work. You are a number, your number is on the application, your number is on the license, its not rocket sceience to match them up. They get hundreds of licences through the post every week under exactly the same circumstances as yours soWhy do you think your situation wont work?
A word of caution, my good gastropod.
Ensure that you have decent copies of your licence before you send it off; double check on receiving your new licence that you have all the groups that you're entitled to.
It's not unknown for motorcycle entitlement to mysteriously disappear, which has caused consternation to a few VMCC members in the past. This might be of no import to you personally, but worth mentioning in case it catches anyone else out.
With the exception of on-line tax disc renewal, which seems remarkably efficient for a government department, I am wary of trusting DVLA with anything. In the event of a cock-up, like any other civil service organisation they tend to go into denial and insist that only they can be right.
I may be wrong, as I'm not 70 so have not seen it for myself, but I'm under the impression that the minibus and up to 7.5 tonne entitlements go, as does the trailer.
But my understanding is if you have a medical, you can keep the minibus and light truck, and what is of more interest to more people, car + trailer is kept if you just ask.