I have just got a cataloge called The Verdict, a bit like the earlier Innovations one. Featured prominently is an oil additive called Motorup Xtreme at £39.95 for 8 fld oz. Their blurb claims that it is used by Rolls Royce which doesn't seem very likely under any circumstances
Here is a link to an independent review saying that that major effects of it are minimal
So, the usual expensive overy hyped rubbish
Are you sure that Rolls are not using it?
ps your review link does not display in FF4 ?
Very droll pmh! What is FF4? The link works for me when clicked on here and in my original post. I found it by googling for "MotorUp Xtreme + review" and it was about the 3rd entry down, ISTR
>>ps your review link does not display in FF4 ? >>
Works fine in Firefox4 for me.
Try updating Flash Player:
Uninstall any earlier versions first:
Last edited by: Stuartli on Sun 17 Apr 11 at 00:03
Can't imagine Rolls Royce would use something called Motorup Xtreme. They don't do extreme. They do posh. It would have to be called Lady Penelope Elixir or something..
I assume that FF4 is Firefox4 which I am using now and on which the link works perfectly. Incidentally, I'd be very surprised if Rolls Royce would even contemplate using this type of additive.
I assume that FF4 is Firefox4 - correct!
The link will only display a solid grey page for me - altho the link works fine in Chrome. The underlying html source code is there, so I do not know why it does not display.
Being an idle and mischief making Penguin I have e mailed the link to RR Tecnical to see what they think of the claim they are using it.
>> Being an idle and mischief making Penguin
Excellent PP, i do love someone who gets the big wooden spoon out and uses it well..;)
love the independant link....